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Everything posted by nobodysfriend

  1. The opposite . Covid exists and is an existential threat to humanity . Vaccinations do protect against becoming sick and death from it . Getting a vaccination is a good thing to do for the ones who do not want to become a burden to the hospital system and society . I think , Vaccines should be made easily available in Thailand even to people who live in remote areas . I live on an island near Takuapa , and there was no vaccine available in that region for a farang . Only my thai wife could get a sinovac shot at the local hospital . I was offered a Pfizer shot in Phang Nga , but that would be a 300km round trip , and my driving license is expired . I asked them to notify me when a vaccination for a farang becomes available locally , but never got an answer ...
  2. Another ' breakthrough ' case obviously ... https://www.nbcboston.com/news/coronavirus/more-than-6500-new-breakthrough-cases-in-mass-43-more-deaths-in-vaccinated-people/2578723/ The new report brings the total number of breakthrough cases to 77,647, and the death toll among people with breakthrough infections to 586.
  3. You seem to talk about herds of domesticated animals like cattle etc , but the topic is about endangered species in a natural environment . In a natural environment we have a good example , the herds of elephants in african wildlife reserves : when their number becomes too elevated , their food supplies decreases . After some time , they starve and die . Of course , the damage to the environment has been done by this time . That is why some culling is needed ( and done ) , because , in our managed world , there is less possibility for the elephants to just migrate to find new resources of food . But , again , those are not protected species in a natural reserve as the one the thai poachers went to ... I agree with you , that some culling is needed from time to time if a species becomes too destructive by their numbers ... That goes for people , too , but we can't do this . May be the future viruses will take care of that ...?
  4. For a 51 year old chicken seller , she must have taken good care of her hands then .
  5. Nature has a tendency to ' re-equilibrate if left alone . Nature ' managed ' itself for millions of years without any human influence .
  6. That may be right , but , in this case , the species killed were certainly not abundant , but rare and protected .
  7. No Joke . Rich or poor , who kills endangered and protect species especially when inside their own sanctuary , is SCUM . The rich even more than the poor , because the motivation to do that is even more ugly if it is done by some rich folks ... Both deserve the bamboo stick , but the rich will avoid most severe punishment by paying a fine if caught .
  8. Does that mean that people with a weak(ened) immune system are perfect ' breeding grounds ' for new virus variants ? Even if they are vaccinated ? A single, immunocompromised host can serve as a ' factory ' for new variants that , by consequence , are able to infect non immunocompromised people ? That means , that it would be better to separate the weak or sick from the healthy as they represent a potential danger to society ? I do not know , but by now I seriously doubt that there will be a future worth living it ...
  9. There seems to be a certain ' tolerance ' in defining the word immunity ...? I think becoming ' immune ' to something gives you a 100% protection . If the immunity is not 100% then , for me , it should be mentioned as being a ' protection ' of a certain percentage ... But many talk of , let's say , 80% ( or whatever ) Immunity ... So , my definition of the word immunity is probably wrong ...? Anyway , I'll stop to talk about that now .
  10. Yes , they seem to work . At least they offer protection against the effects of the virus . With Delta . With Omicron , it still has to be proven , even if it is possible . People seem to confuse the word ' Immunity ' with protection .
  11. Is there an immunity that can be acquired by vaccination ? No ! Vaccination reduces the risk of being infected , but does NOT provide immunity . https://www.dw.com/en/5-reasons-germanys-covid-19-infections-are-soaring/a-59793087 Waning immunity While the jabs significantly lower the risk of serious illness and death, they don’t fully protect against infection. With soaring case numbers, the risk of getting COVID-19 also rises for vaccinated people. https://www.nbcboston.com/news/coronavirus/more-than-6500-new-breakthrough-cases-in-mass-43-more-deaths-in-vaccinated-people/2578723/ More Than 6,500 New Breakthrough Cases in Mass., 43 More Deaths in Vaccinated People In the last week, 6,610 new breakthrough cases -- infections in people who have been vaccinated -- were reported, with 158 more vaccinated people hospitalized, Massachusetts Department of Public Health officials said Tuesday. It's a 9% increase in the rate of new breakthrough cases in Massachusetts The new report brings the total number of breakthrough cases to 77,647, You say : " This same lie keeps being repeated on this forum without there ever having been a single link pointing to evidence and despite there being widespread evidence to the contrary. " May I suggest that you read before you post ? Or is this asked too much ?
  12. There is no immunity by vaccination . Vaccination protects against becoming seriously ill after an infection , that's all . The new omicron variant infects vaccinated people just like it does with unvaccinated . There is no reliable data yet if the many mutations in the virus lead to a resistance against the effects of vaccinations or medical treatments . Anyway , with the spectacular rise in cases in Germany (Europe) , it leaves the impression that the vaccination is not really effective . It is not only the unvaccinated who become sick . A lot of ' breakthrough ' cases .
  13. Always charge the farang . Thais would never pay , but a farang may be scared to get problems with police or immigration and PAY . Their policies of intimidation of foreigners by setting up illogical and needless hurdles pays out like this . The ' cash cows ' need to be milked . Because that is what we are , nothing else .
  14. That means that there is no value in the thai economy by now .
  15. Go Bio , go bio ... that is in every politicians mouth now . It enables them to pretend to care for the environment ... but they only care for themselves , everybody knows . They probably think that go bio enables the to clean the dirty spots on their 'white vests' ... all blah blah in a time where positive action is needed but missing .
  16. They came here with the intention to deliberately ruin Thailand's economy . They are busy 'spreading' now ... Good luck ...
  17. Another fine example of thai low life . Go hunting rare and protected animals in a reserve designed to protect their endangered life . Low scum like this is only to be found in Thailand and , may be in some other underdeveloped ( mentally ) countries near by . The world would be a better place without uneducated primitivos who go and exploit their own environment just to fulfill their personal needs ... They should be taught seriously that this behavior will lead to personal pain ( smack them with bamboo sticks ) . That is the only way these ugly idiots will learn .
  18. Easy life , hey ... hanging around with friends drinking , a little Yaba from time to time ... no job , not care anyway ... Always in need of money to finance his ' good ' life , When ' mau ' sometimes go for a boum boum with some other low life ... no future , not care ... Anyway , when money is ' mot ' , there are some tourists now , some women even going alone , easy target ... just smack her face , steal everything from her , cash it in at the local pawn shop directly afterwards , go drink with friends , laugh ... until the cops come . Well done RTP .
  19. Just wait for the next elections ... I seriously doubt that many want to improve the government's stability ... but you never know here ...
  20. Thailands vision for transformation in ALL aspects ? Most what needs transformation here is the politicians and their policies and the general mindset of the xenophobic Thais who want everything . but not give anything in return . He won't change that , for sure .
  21. THAI tourist . At least he was wearing a mask . Great driving skills , looks like he did it on purpose . But no , thai rak thai ...
  22. Not yet . No one can accurately predict the future developments of this crisis . In the beginning , they said , the virus will wane and disappear by itself . Not true . It mutates ... and how these mutations will affect the human immune system is unknown . Fact is that it circulates stronger than ever and there is no indication that it will just disappear any time soon ...
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