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Everything posted by nobodysfriend

  1. There is a theory that the ' big bang ' was nothing but the sudden liberation of matter accumulated and incredibly compressed in a black hole ... It all depends on the definition of " God " . If you believe that there is a god that actually listens to your prayers , it's wrong . There is none . If you believe that God created all the universe , that's possible , depends on the definition you give to the word " god " . But one question persists : What is it all good for ? What is the purpose of existence ? There must be one , without it , it would be senseless , just a waste of matter and time ... But it is not ... ! May be there are ( is ) at least one or more ( spiritual ? ) dimensions that our kind is incapable to see or measure . ( dark matter , dark energy , that holds the Universe together despite it's eternal expansion ...? )
  2. Science truly made huge steps forwards in ( virtually ) no time at all . That is something that provides clues to how it all works . Very valuable . It is a pity that only very few people ( of a planetary population of 8 billion ) seem to be interested in the achievements made . Science can still save the planet , but only if there is will to radical changes very soon now ... The first step ( imho ) would be to replace politicians by scientists or , at least , AI . Too many problems on this planet , science cannot turn the clock back once the damage is done , but it could help to avoid a complete disaster . Must act now . ???? ????
  3. I stand corrected ... and connected to the ' emoji ' thing now .
  4. We , our species , slowly evolved to what were now , by adapting to changes in our environment . This planet , or the Universe , was not made for us . We are just the result of the evolution of a species , that led to our present form ... and ' emojis ' seem to be a way of explaining what the individual feels , kind of a ' shortcut '... ???? Being the dominant species on this planet , we inherit a lot of responsibility by that .???? Assuring our survival by not destroying the planet's biosphere would be the first point .???? Climbing up another step on " the ladder of evolution " by controlling ( eliminating ) our species basic instincts ( fear and greed ) , could prove very helpful for that . ???? ???? ???? But , in a mad world full of wars and environmental destruction , that seems unlikely at best ... ????
  5. The universe ( imho ) , exists to enable the evolution of species ... ( not only on this planet ) . The species who are not able to survive on their own planet , are the losers here ... and will not , ( of course ) , evolve any further . Game over . Looks like the humons will be amongst them ... Somewhere else in Universe , on another planet far away , the dominant species will avoid extinction by responsibly keeping their planet , and it's biosphere , in good condition that enables their species to further evolve in time ... It is all about the evolution of species ...
  6. You can check your ability to hear frequencies here ... https://www.teachmeaudio.com/mixing/techniques/audio-spectrum/ I am 67yrs old and 10000 HZ is the max i can hear ... Btw ... I have a good tube amp and a pair of 18 inch triaxial speakers . even mp3's sound jaw dropping ...
  7. Loyalty is something specific to dogs , not people .
  8. Woke up just in time before getting burned alive ...
  9. I find this being very correct ... Most posters here can only leave negative comments anyway ... not worth reading ...
  10. Species appropriate treatment of ( larger ) dogs prevents things like this to happen ...
  11. I hope that they remember that politicians are elected by the people's vote , and therefore , should do everything necessary to help the people to have a better life , instead of fighting for ministerial posts . Even before a coalition or government is formed ... Does not start good , we will see what happens ...
  12. Something wrong with this photo ... Would you sit there like this , when your leg has just been cut off ? Below the knee ? Where is the blood ? Is she 57 yrs old ? Anyway , if that really happened , sue the <deleted> out of them ...
  13. They cannot get anything done properly ... No other country I know creates so much confusion about election results . Confusion in politics leads to confusion in the ' financial markets ' . The result is a feeling of insecurity that leads to a falling baht and stocks .
  14. https://edition.cnn.com/2023/06/26/world/fossilized-bone-may-reveal-ancient-cannibalism-scn/index.html
  15. Women like to look ' attractive ' , that is what all the make up and high heels are for ... That is ok . But complaining when a man feels ' attracted to them as a consequence of their own appearance , is just hypocrisy . Touching a woman's hand does no harm to her . If she does not like it , she can complain. No physical violence should be involved . As long as this is the case all complains should be dismissed .
  16. There is no God . There may be a spiritual ( fifth ) dimension , where your spirit goes to after your body died .
  17. " The World Service found hundreds of customers in the US, UK and elsewhere paying Indonesians to torture and kill baby long-tailed macaques on film. " Hundreds of people found pleasure in watching baby monkeys being tortured sometimes to death . Sick ! The lowest scum imaginable . Without any doubt he ( them , the torturers ) , should suffer the exact same treatment they gave to the little monkeys . Humons . ( Human Monsters ) https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/extra/Iot1dIWVS5/hunting-the-monkey-torturers https://www.bbc.com/news/world-65951188
  18. Some people make you happy ... when they are gone .
  19. Democracy or Autocracy ... ? It is nothing but an Autocracy disguised as a Democracy here . Why hold elections at all ...?
  20. https://spaceref.com/space-commerce/thailand-space-ambitions-southeast-asia-rising-space-sector/ The Geo-informatics and Space Technology Development Agency (GISTDA) is the space agency of Thailand. GISTDA aims to leverage space for the benefit of Thai citizens, and the agency is doing this in some innovative ways. When asked about Thailand’s unique strengths in the space sector, Apaphant highlighted the country’s industrial base. Thailand is home to advanced manufacturing of vehicle components, and a slew of electronics (even rumors of MacBook assembly). With relatively low costs of labor, the country makes an interesting candidate for advanced manufacturing in general. As a result, GISTDA has pushed to develop a satellite assembly, integration, and testing (AIT) center in the country, taking advantage of these strengths. Finally, Apaphant made an interesting reference to the possibility of a Thai launch site. Earlier this year, Thailand and South Korea announced plans for a joint feasibility study of such a site, and while it appears to be far off in the future, we may one day see rockets launching from the Land of Smiles.
  21. Not 1992 anymore , right . A lot of thai people voted or change and won ... I that is denied to them , it won;t go down easy .
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