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Everything posted by nobodysfriend

  1. A paedophile , one more ... What happens in the brain of those apparently sick persons ? What attracts them to underage kids ? I do not know that , but I know that this is kind of mental disorder . May be psychiatric treatment would help ? If that does not help , may be this :
  2. The tiger is still young , it just wanted to know about the world around , I guess he did not like what he saw and went back . Clever .
  3. Better not have kids ... but mental distress is a ' sign of the times ' ... something wrong in the system ?
  4. I think most people in Thailand would not be opposed to the idea of having a few big casinos operating in a defined area . Pattaya . It will bring in big money , and that is just what most want . If the Thai government is worried that it's citizens with their obvious addiction to gambling ( lottery ) will lose too much , they can easily find a way to restrict access ... But , maybe , they come up with another suspicious poll that showes that 89% of Thai people are opposed to any form of legal gambling ... 55
  5. A virus that has a high transmission rate , has a high probability to further mutate as well ... more people who become infected by it give the virus the chance to mutate to a , maybe , more dangerous version . The only way out of this pandemic is to prevent the virus to even infect people . But , as we all know , this is not the case with the current vaccinations , they can , at best , just reduce the rate of infections , but not completely prevent them .
  6. All indicators , in the moment , point to the high probability that some form of the ever mutating virus will stay . It does not seem to disappear alone . Would it be a good idea to build new specialized hospitals now ? Hospitals in general are easily overwhelmed by the number of Covid admissions . To a point that normal operations of people with non life threatening cases need to be delayed . That adds to the fact that it would be better to separate non infected persons from the infected ones anyway . New hospitals that can specialize in the treatment of Covid cases should be built now . I am sure that there is enough money left to do that , especially when reducing the non urgent spending for military purposes etc ...
  7. Very sad . What man makes to this beautiful animal is simply torture , nothing else . It should belong to a surveyed wildlife sanctuary where it can live a life of free ...! Torture a big cat by putting it in a small cage is disgusting . Shame on them who do that .
  8. Sorry , but the best thing for the planet would be a high transmission rate and high mortality .
  9. Crop burning season will start soon . https://thethaiger.com/hot-news/environment/thailand-on-fire-nasa-satellite-website-tracks-the-countrys-farm-fires Thailand is burning. The burning off of harvested crop plantations is lighting up the agricultural areas. The truth is starkly revealed in the live NASA satellite feeds which track the fires around the world. CHART: Fires in the past 10 days around parts of Thailand
  10. Here is my theory : It started with the ' big bang ' about 14,5 billion years ago ... The big bang it self was probably the contents of a giant black hole that exploded , after having been compressed to the maximum . The material that evaded that explosion first formed dust clouds where it gathered and finally collapsed under it's own gravity ... the first suns and planets appeared ... followed by billions more that later formed galaxies that contain billions of solar systems itself . Our planet , in the outskirts of the milky way galaxy was created like this . First , a ball of fire hostile to all life , it later cooled down enough to build up a crust thick enough to protect the surface from the heat of the molten inner core of the planet ... There was no atmosphere yet that could have protected the young planet from the impact of comets and meteorites of all size . No life forms on this planet yet . It arrived with the water that was provided by the deep frozen comets and meteorites . Ice is easy to be found on extraterrestrial objects like comets . The first microbacterial form of life on our planet are of extraterrestrian origin . What happened here , probably happened on billions of other planets somewhere in Universe as well . Imagining that we are alone in Universe is arrogant and stupid . But anyway , to cut a story that is much too long to explain here , short , the sense of all this is , imo , to create a species by evolution , that is capable to create biological lifeforms that are able to evolve , themselves . Universe is a giant experiment , just to see if a species will become able to evolve to a point where it can create life itself . That species will need to overcome many obstacles to reach there . The biggest obstacle will be to preserve it's own environment to a point that enables it to further evolve . And that is exactly where we , the homo sapiens , is missing out . By the destruction of our own biosphere and ecosystems , we , as a species , will prevent ourselves from further evolution . We will have failed in that great cosmic game to find the real and true survivor , if we not do everything possible NOW to protect our planet from the destruction caused by it's own dominant species . It's just a theory , you can laugh about it , I do not care ... or do you have a better one ...?
  11. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/fogong-14-i2912855978-s10667819238.html?spm=a2o4m.searchlist.list.7.13614702esu61c&search=1
  12. Just tried to report again , and this time , it seems to work ...! If it stays functional , it would be the best thing after just aborting the useless 90 day reporting at all . The ' mor chana ' app on my phone is never switched off and provides them actual data of where I stay anyway ...
  13. So , we have a possibility of potential war between China and Taiwan ( and the US ) coming soon , at the same time China's economical foundations seem to be not solid ( enough ? ) , and a collapse is possible ... The future development of the corona situation is still uncertain ... Well , anyway , the good news is that one can have a drink again ...
  14. He killed 2 already , did some jail time , was allowed to roam the streets again , may be even got his gun back ...? Now he shot and killed another one , one more ... ? Very intelligent to let a dangerous killer out . May be , this time , he does a Wai and promises not to do it again , as punishment ? Everybody can make a mistake , but only stupid make the same mistake again and again ...
  15. Looking at the stars at night when the sky is dark and clear makes me feel small and unimportant compared to what is out there ... and then , when I think about all the stupid laws and rules that are imposed on us by our " leaders " , I get angry ... for a short time , until I realize that all this is of no real importance , all life is suffering and learning anyway , and the only way to stop the suffering is to stop to want ( more and more ).
  16. Yes , may be some ... But many treat their animals not good ... I have seen many very cruel examples of dogs literally tortured to death here . Most Thai love their family only , and themselves , of course . Animals are often treated as if they were just things that don't have feelings , but that is wrong .
  17. But they still dream of attracting the rich and wealthy foreigners with this ... These people have no clue . The big spenders do not like something that looks like a dirty slum to spend their money there ... Thai reality seems to be different . 55 Time for the responsible persons in the government to become realistic and finally wake up . But will that happen ?
  18. There are still people who have money to spend on useless things ... oh , no , a fancy number plate shows their status ... and that they are idiots to pay for this .
  19. I guess many hoteliers and tourism related businesses will pray that the remaining 26 african tourists all test negative . If not = new restrictions coming ...
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