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Everything posted by nobodysfriend

  1. inactive posts ... there must be a whole lot of police in " inactive posts " by now ... but they still get their regular pay , I presume ...?
  2. Pita seems to be a good man with good intentions ... a bit naive , may be ... Reality is that many employers won't like this as they fear a little less income and more liabilities . Pita should not open his mouth too much before being sworn in as PM , after that he can change all this in a silent way . He is bringing up enemies to him by talking too much , too early ...
  3. They have been surprisingly fast in arresting the culprit . Of course , Thailand is attractive to many people , bad ones as well ... But , up to now , I do not have the impression that the RTP is overwhelmed and unable to handle this ... Corruption always was a traditional part of Thai society , and that is what enabled the existence of those Chinese " Clubs " . But if they bribe one but not the other one , it means trouble , too ...
  4. Here we have it black on white ... Conservative forces means the old ' political elite ' . The majority of the thai people voted for political change , they do not care . It is like a network of filth everywhere in top positions , they all know each other , Judges , Politicians , Senators , Generals , the old ruling ' Elite ' . Democracy ? OK , but only if the outcome of ' Democratic ' elections suits them well ... If not , they are well prepared for this case , we will see judiciary procedures coming up ' en masse ' just to bend the election results into something that suits them ... It is only a " pseudo democracy " here ( to fit in well with the perception of a non totalitarian state ) , but in reality this is just what it is .
  5. What is on display in the " PATA ZOO " is not only the imprisoned gorilla , it is human cruelty .
  6. By partnering ? They could have done a little more than just 10 footballs ...?
  7. This elephant was sentenced to life in prison with a daily dose of torture . For what ? Being an elephant ? For that it can be shown to the kids who never seen one before ? They will only see a lonely , mistreated animal . SAD .
  8. A high income country ? High income for whom ? For the bosses ? They earn a lot already anyway ... For the workers ? Won't happen , the bosses will not like it .
  9. That is the good way to educate people to pollute less to save their own environment from destruction . Stop to produce plastic ( waste ) and anything toxic . There already are better ways ... f.e. replace plastic bottles with bio degradable tetra pack style paper bottles ...
  10. Stopped smoking ( it ) a long time ago ... Now , I have my daily tea . That keeps me mentally ( and physically ) healthy and more happy . I can enjoy life better like this . Not care about what " they " say or think ... It is a " consciousness enlarging " thing , that helps you to realize what really is important for you ...
  11. I had the strong feeling in Europe that life over there is simply not worth the money you have to pay ... taxes , fees , prices for food , rent ... a lot of angry people over there ... With all the downsides to Life in Thailand , after all , it is still much better here .
  12. Her case is a typical example for what greed and total disrespect of a human life can result in . She never confessed anything , but gathered evidence clearly shows that she is guilty of , at least 15 murders . May be even more .... She is a hardcore killer and should be treated as such . Anyway , her life in prison won't be neither easy nor long . Well deserved .
  13. Reserved forest ? What is the difference to a protected forest ? Farming allowed there ?
  14. His ( Thaksin ) legal status is still being a convicted criminal awaiting a few years of imprisonment if he returns to thai soil . He probably thinks that his ' connections ' and his money will enable him to avoid just that . I hope not .
  15. He wanted to just show his ' gun ' , but he did not shoot ...
  16. After what happened to Thanatorn , one should think that the media share ownership issue was already examined closely by the MFP before Pita was chosen to become PM ...
  17. Humanity urgently needs to change it's behavior towards this planet if they want to survive . May be , AI can regulate this ...? No more Nationalities , no more passports , no more races , just humans living in a unified world without hating each other because of their respective cultural backgrounds ... Only together it will be possible to solve existential problems facing this planet and it's dominant species . AI could help a lot ( f.e. in replacing corrupt politicians )
  18. Sure . A dead farang was found some years ago with 12 stab wounds to his back . Wife said he fell into the knife ...
  19. What's the value of a life here ? If everybody would react like this , there would be hardly anyone left alive ... Everywhere peoples level of tolerance against other people seems to decrease ... Why is that so ? Too many people ?
  20. Sky high ego , fearing the loss of " face " , they think that they are above all criticism , add to this the effects of alcohol consumption and the feeling that they would deserve a " better life " , and you have a potential explosive mixture .
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