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Everything posted by nobodysfriend

  1. They put the monkeys in plastic bags ...?!!! That clearly is torture and they should be fined and jailed according to the law . Or make the same with them .
  2. People ... Mahatma Gandhi said , that one can clearly see the state a society is in , by the way they treat their animals ... That goes for individuals as well ... Human Scum .
  3. Pita will most likely become PM . AFTER this , the Constitutional court will decide if he violated the law by posing his candidature as PM because of the shares . But , before the court can decide , he has to become PM ... Thee political fate of the country will depend on this decision . Who are the judges ?
  4. The EC will have to endorse Mr Pita as a list-MP as part of the election process and then consider if he is qualified to hold the post. However, the EC can investigate a criminal offence against Mr Pita, saying it can consider if he has violated Section 151 by applying as a list-MP candidate despite knowing he may not have been eligible to run for the House seat. "The EC can't consider Mr Pita's status as an MP because he isn't an MP yet. If he is endorsed and the EC has questions about his qualifications, it can ask the Constitutional Court to rule,"
  5. It is not getting better , but what is ...? People do not ( want to ) know how to improve their own life by not polluting anymore . The effects of that make that everybody suffers . Don't know why nobody seems to care ... the lemmings are running towards the cliff ... I have a small house somewhere near the mangrove forest , it is powered exclusively by solar panels that charge my ebike as well . No Pollution at all .
  6. Pence , at least , seems to be man who has some honorable principles . Trump seems to be a man who does not .
  7. Gathering Information about an adversary in a conflict gives an advantage to find a weak point in the adversary's defense . But the adversary might just do the same ... that leads to everyone involved is spying on each other to gain an advantage , the sophistication of security systems installed to prevent just this , is crucial ... What we see in the war in Ukraine is just what we are shown , what goes on behind the scenes remains unknown , but one can suspect that victory in this is a war is depending on the gathering of information .
  8. Define " friend " please ... True friends are as rare as diamonds on a beach ...
  9. The 'pearl of the world ' will not smell very good ... It is probably caused by unclean tab water , should examine that first ...
  10. I like that MFP won the election , Thailand really needs change in politics , but ... this guy talks too much . Pearl of the world ... why not pearl of the universe ...? Only words without any real meaning , just blabla ...
  11. By the size of that steel ring his penis was the size of a french fry only ...
  12. The Election Commission (EC) says it will have to endorse the MP status of Move Forward Party leader Pita Limjaroenrat before it can consider whether to strip him of it over his alleged share-holding offence. He said the EC will have to endorse Mr Pita as a list-MP as part of the election process and then consider if he is qualified to hold the post. However, he said the EC can investigate a criminal offence against Mr Pita, saying it can consider if he has violated Section 151 by applying as a list-MP candidate despite knowing he may not have been eligible to run for the House seat. "The EC can't consider Mr Pita's status as an MP because he isn't an MP yet. If he is endorsed and the EC has questions about his qualifications, it can ask the Constitutional Court to rule,"
  13. That means big social unrest in the streets of Bangkok , present government sends tanks and soldiers , another coup , democracy crushed again ...?
  14. He certainly was not ignorant about what happened to Thanatorn before . Just found this : "If he loses the share ownership battle and is removed as MFP leader, anything he has signed as leader, including the party candidate applications, could be declared null and void, and the respective MFP MPs-elect could be red-carded as a result." If a candidate for a future PM does knowingly ignore the fact that he has to comply with the election law before posing his candidature , especially if he had the negative example of what can happen if he does not , if he ignored that , may be he is not suited for a PM anyway ...?
  15. Please help me understand what will happen if Pita is disqualified ...? Even he is gone , the MFP still won the election and can continue preparing to form a new government in alliance wit Pheu Thai etc ...? ( with a new leader ) Or will the whole Party ( MFP ) become disqualified and , in this case , a new election must take place ? Or will the present government take this as a reason it has to stay in power for longer , ignoring the election ? I see social unrest if the election results are again being nullified because of a shareholder question .
  16. Ignorance . I wanted to talk to my ( not close ) stepdaughter ( she finished University ) , about her Philosophy in life ... her personal values , what her decisions are based on , but she had no clue what I was trying to talk about , she doe not know what ' Philosophy " means . Sad .
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  18. Complains not accepted because over time limit , but complain details led to further investigation if Pita knew that he was not qualified to register because of the shares that had been transfered to somebody else by that time already ... They WANT to find something to disqualify him by any means . I hope they do not .
  19. All still kids that never really grew up ....
  20. sounds like wearing a face mask over there will become obligatory soon ...
  21. Following the example of catholic priests ? Oh wait , those favored boys ...? SAD .
  22. Education in Thailand depends on the quality of the school . Good schools are too expensive for most Thais , so the level of education of thai kids in rural schools leaves a lot to be desired ... Quality education for all would be a crucial factor to transform Thailand into the " high income " country they want so much ...
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