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Everything posted by DrJack54

  1. There is no written requirements that I'm aware of other than size. Some offices insist on blue background. Always good option to mention your immigration office.
  2. You should have obtained a METV However perhaps not enough time now. You can enter visa exempt and obtain extensions to each entry into Thailand using visa exempt and tourist visa entries. Can string that out for 8 months however not best option.
  3. Have no idea what that post means. I stated that in Bangkok you need a certificate of residence and 90 day report to open bank account. That's it.
  4. No offense to your friend however let him know that his advice is wrong. Many folk are opting to obtain non O after entry to Thailand. The option of obtaining non O in home country is certainly also an option.
  5. It's an option. The fact that MANY choose to obtain the non O in Thailand speaks volumes Also poster mentions use of agent. Most likely best option is to have agent handle it all. Onward flight is a minor issue covered in many threads.
  6. As you would be aware.....by exiting and reenter just prior to visa expiry you would be stamped in for another 60 and that can be extended by 30 days. Approx up to 9 month stay. Ripper visa option for some folk.
  7. Common mistake is to apply too early. Visa valid from date of issue.
  8. It's hit and miss and even if you were given a return report date just ignore it
  9. Go to CW for 30 day extension from a tourist visa entry. Edit: re read your post. You did NOT obtain a tourist visa. . You did a border bounce and obtained visa exempt stamp. Attend Laksi as I previously advised.
  10. If you entered Thailand Visa exempt then you attend IT Mall Laksi for 30 day extension
  11. As long as the TM47,s that you do online or wherever use Bangkok address then that's fine. When you apply for your residence certificate apart from couple of basic photocopies of pp the main thing that they want is TM47 receipt. You pay 200baht and it takes between 1-2 weeks.
  12. Two border entries per calendar year visa exempt. No stated limit on number of visa exempt stamps.
  13. When was last time that you assisted someone with opening bank account in Bangkok. Rhetorical question.
  14. I dont need to. I have done this in Bangkok myself. All the old nonsense of take a Thai (of note) or existing customer etc etc does not work anymore. There may be some back of Bourke banks that will open an account without a certificate of residence (or embassy letter) in most provinces the residence certificate will be required.
  15. 90 day report has nothing to do with your extension. Apart from the face they will want to see your current receipt. Extensions do not reset your 90 day report. It's only linked for your first extension. There are some immigration offices that do the report at time of extension. Causes more confusion than help imo. For a very brief period CW were doing the 90 day report at the same time. Think it was tied up with covid. In any event the 90 day report desk is separate from the L extension desks.
  16. Should not do the trick. Most banks now require a certificate of residence or letter from your embassy to open a bank account. It's even harder in Bangkok where to obtain a residence certificate you also need to have made a 90 day report.
  17. The bank wants a certificate of residence. You will need a TM30. The other alternative is to use an agent. Under 4k baht.
  18. I would as referring to no consequences of not going back to Jomtien for 3 month check. That assumes that you maintained the 800k+ requirement. Your friend by the sound of it did not.
  19. Not for all banks.. Think Bangkok Bank takes days+ With a dedicated bank account maintaining 800k + baht all year long bank statements is a joke. Also this was a new trick at CW.
  20. That's exactly the recommended way to do things. Some offices are asking for bank statements now. Previously I never had this requirement at CW however my most recent extension they wanted bank statements as there were months when there was zero activity. I use a dedicated bank account for immigration. Rubbish requirement by them to demand bank statements. As for Jomtien requiring you to return for 3 month bank check there are no consequences for not doing that.
  21. Change of address. TM30 form for your new address. Best to do all your immigration business where you live. Including annual extensions and 90 reports.
  22. Just checked back your posts. You asked exact same question re 2022.... Here Also I asked exact same question re ...."What type of visa" There is non O based on marriage (single entry) provides a 90 day stamp upon enter. There is a non O based on marriage Multiple entry visa valid for 12 months. There is a non O based on retirement that provides single entry stamp 90 days. Helps if you actually explain what you are looking for. As for Savannakhet nothing has changed.
  23. What do you mean retirement visa. What are you applying for? Perhaps knock off the super enlarged font.
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