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Everything posted by DrJack54

  1. Should be one and half pages. Not sure what happened in your case. Perhaps reentry permit aslo. As far as "BS" don't follow. The details they enter are transfer of information regarding pervious visa (eg Non O) and extension etc. That is obviously necessary.
  2. They are close to bottom of biscuit barrel in my book. My distain started with their requirement to return after 3 months to show funds in bank book. Completely out of line. Dills.
  3. He can use an agent. Think better option is to try and obtain a covid extension. There were changes to covid extensions after Jan 25, however he could point out the money in bank overnight and him needing extra time to season his funds. Immigration may give him a covid extension.
  4. No. Flying with a visa or extension with reentry permit then no onward flight required. Edit: extra advice..sometimes (not often) an inexperienced airline clerk can overlook Reentry Permit. I always have that page marked in order to assist.
  5. You might like to consider making appointment. Here is thread also contains general info re extensions.
  6. OP, you are not 'renewing your retired visa' You previously obtained a non O-A. (please confirm that indeed non O-A). Seems that now you need to obtain an extension. That requires 800k in Thai bank account in your name only, for a period of 2 months prior to application. Along with ongoing money in bank as already outlined in earlier post. In addition you require compulsory 400/40k insurance.
  7. What I stated is correct. So yes 800k in the bank on day of application for a non O. Then 800k in bank for 2 months seasoned prior to application for extension. Followed by maintaining 800k for the following 3 months. Then not below 400k after that and back up to 800k two months prior to next extension based on retirement.
  8. Your not 50+ I'm guessing. What I outlined above is a start and then look at the options. Borders could be open at that time.
  9. You will obtain 30 day stamp. Takes you to approx March 8. Then couple of weeks later obtain standard 30 day extension. That will give stay until approx April 8. Covid extensions are due to end March 26. You could try and obtain covid extension just prior to March 26. How long are you hoping to remain in Thailand.
  10. You would need to obtain a standard 30 extension prior to covid extension. That gives you 60 day stay. If arrived soon it may be possible to obtain covid extension prior to March 26.
  11. Anyone else you would like to ban. Think that's a bit heavy handed.
  12. If staying in a hotel and require a TM30 then you confirm with the hotel that they did a TM30. Ask for screenshot copy of receipt to present to immigration.
  13. Has anyone purchased a copy Bluetooth speaker online. These are copies of brands such as JBL. Reasonable satisfied or waste of time? I'm aware of the saying .."you get what you pay for" and have looked at YouTube opinions. Just interested in opinions/experience from the forum. Ta.
  14. Yeah took a stab at thats the situation since you mention KK. Think you need to cover yourself TM30 wise.
  15. OP, what is your accommodation setup. Immigration may wish to see TM30.
  16. OP, stick with the 30 day coverage. You will be stamped into Thailand for 60 days. Any extension etc you apply for after entry does not require insurance.
  17. Really good post. This part about insurance I also agree with.. I remember clearly setting up to dump my Non O with extensions and move to non O-A. Exactly at that time insurance was introduced. Non O-A was a ripper visa for those that returned to home couple every couple of years. Then also covid hit and so for me non O-A is a dead duck in the water. The point is I never for one moment would have used it as a means to avoid medical bills. That's a lame argument in my book.
  18. I'm sure you sort advice from the agent that organized the non O volunteering with Extension. What did he say.
  19. Thanks for the heads up. Personally I like things a bit more certain. For example now to get onto Koh Samet you need an ATK. At least you know where you stand. By the sound of it your answers seem to indicate that your test was a random. Anyway good folks are aware.
  20. So what triggered the need for test? Anything in your answers or just a random decision..
  21. Without splitting hairs you need to reenter while the non O-A visa is still valid.
  22. You can switch. Let's say you are on income monthly transfers then you continue that up to the date of your next extension application. You would also 2 months prior to the next application make a deposit of 800k. In reality you could possibly stop the monthly transfers the 2 months prior to your next application. Personally I would have the two methods overlap. After that your next extension is based on money in the bank method.
  23. Does not work that way. Would need to show one year of financials. No use in placing 800k in bank couple of months prior to April 2023.
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