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Everything posted by DrJack54

  1. No offense but you had an option. Bit similar to married to Thai guys can easily obtain non O and Extension. I'm going into bat for the folk that don't have that comfort zone and option. They cannot easily obtain a visa at nearby countries or do border runs. The Thai gov have made covid extensions available for those folk. End of. They don't/should not need to go cap in hand for covid extensions. BTW they ain't free.
  2. Did you check thread. I can't seem to get a quote for flying into Thailand. Clearly I'm not using it correctly. The 30 day ones I have looked at are `3700baht. Depends which country your flying from.
  3. And you registered that as ....? Covid extensions are due to end Nov 27. They will no doubt be extended. Good that you obtained your covid extension without rubbish requirement reported from CW.
  4. Excellent news for you. I'm not familiar with abbreviation NST. My gf tells me that's south? What do you mean "(non-o)" Did you obtain annual extension or covid extension.
  5. I'm on your page. However your talking ancient pre covid history. Point is prior to covid I went to Saigon every month. Fact is no longer possible. It's a huge assumption to think that there will be easy options to fly out back into Thailand early next year. Just using Saigon as one example. Today's new covid cases ~12k think deaths rose to 135+. Personally I'm telling folk in Vietnam most likely. I'm not back there till mid next year. Your exit/reentry will be gamble.
  6. Save your gf any worries. Prior to obtaining you extension stay a night in a hotel that will do a TM30 for you and give you screenshot of filing the TM30.
  7. Do nothing. You won't be dealing with immigration. Visit and go home.
  8. I outlined the non O option without extension. That gives you 7 months. The issue with METV you will need to exit Thailand. You won't like my suggestion but personally I would enter visa exempt. Obtain a non O retirement and also 12 month extension. After you obtain the extension you can live off the money. Your not intending to obtain another extension. That would require 800k in bank for approx 3 months all up.
  9. He mentioned this so I'm guessing 6 months "I thought i read somewhere that it's possible to stay up to 6 months on a 3 month tourist visa with extensions etc ?" If more clear then he would obtain better advice.
  10. Normally it is. That's all relying on some land borders open. Your allowed 2 border bounces per calendar year and reenter visa exempt. Each one with 30 day extension gives you 4 months. Along with your tourist visa entry and extension that's another 3 months. 7 already. Have a look at my previous suggestion obtaining non O. Yes you need to bring in funds but some of that can be for holiday.
  11. Nup. They are asking for something that is not required. Simple. Roll over like a puppy by all means. Not what I would do. As mentioned above my fall back position would be to use agent or apply at a different immigration office. BTW ,you stated that your not in that situation.....then proceeded to offer no suggestion for those that are. Oh....your about to say buy exit flight. Surely not.
  12. Here is one suggestion. Enter tourist visa and obtain extension. That's 60+30. Next apply for a non O based on retirement. The pain is that on day you apply you need 800k baht in Thai bank in your name only. The nice thing is you can withdraw it after you obtain the non O. That visa gives you 90 day stay. All up 6 months. Some will suggest obtain STV however messy.
  13. They can ask. And you can also complain. In this thread there has not been any report of refused covid extension and person asking to see supervisor. If your confronted with rubbish like this at very least complain. Next step would be apply at another office or use agent.
  14. That's impossible to answer. It will depend on if/when land borders open along with other things. What's your age and how long would you like to visit Thailand.
  15. You can look at it another way. Prior to covid tourists could come to Thailand and do borders runs with visa exempt reentry (2 allowed per calendar year) each one can be extended by 30 days. They could also take cheap flight to somewhere like Saigon for visa or visa exempt reentry. None of that is currently possible. So folk spending 1900 baht for 2 month extension is a negative? What's the downside. Negative expats here with some axe to grind. What is that? Simple case of jealousy. Open some or one land border and stop covid extensions ok can't argue with that. Edit: can't believe the timing. So this thread just started as I posted. 'Hi, i'm a Brit in the UK double jabbed (will have the third jab very soon) This covid malarkey has made everything very complicated now. I will be applying for a tourist visa at the embassy next week for a planned trip back to Thailand in January. What is the longest i can realistically stay on a tourist visa with extensions etc?" Pre covid he could stay for ages given what I outlined in above in this post. Now his options are??
  16. The point? The airports ain't open. I mean easily for tourists. Are visa exempt entries now being issued. If your in Saigon fine. If your outside of Vietnam then ??
  17. I think your giving immigration officers too much credit. I always treat them with respect. However don't lose sight of fact that they are clerks. Have a very uncomplicated list of requirements and they do it every day. The next few days/weeks will be interesting to read updates of what's happening on the front line with covid extensions. Especially eye on CW. Would have been last office I would have guessed would start this rubbish. Lot going on with possible amnesty. My thinking that's just an aside down to what happened with covid cluster recently at immigration office. That aside it was almost certain that the covid extensions would continue on after Nov 27. Then this rubbish about demands from io to get out of Dodge and show flight. Can't make this stuff up.
  18. What's a ballpark guess on when that will happen. Also land borders requires "both sides" to open and also what would be the reentry requirements.
  19. No. Visas cannot be extended and not at cop shop. He possibly meant obtained covid extensions. Perhaps agent in Bangla Rd..
  20. I find it amazing that all these references to "many others were asked the same thing"... AseanNow hasn't been flooded with these reports. Yes a few with comments from io along lines of "this is your last one" etc Also many (recent) obtained covid extension no issue. You mentioned previously checked your flight booking ..... "They spent about 5-10 minutes looking at the confirmation flight out" What do you mean by looking at the confirmation flight out? 5-10 minutes. What did they actually do.. A confirmed flight is just a screenshot. Did they spend time on their computer checking flight status. Find this all weird. Did you observe anyone asking to speak to supervisor as I certainly would.
  21. So from your observations sounds like everyone was being asked to show flight out? To see people "booking on the spot" and others asked to "come back another day". Surprised haven't seen lot of reports. Have seen a couple of being hassled. Also reports of no issue at all. Did you provide affidavit and were prepared to tick box 2 relating to no embassy letter available?!
  22. They most likely not aware because it is not a requirement. BTW what do you mean by "return ticket"? Surely it would only need to be ticket out of the country. So the io required you to show outbound confirmation of flight. What did you show. Meaning proof of flight. Did you book it on the spot. These reports are diametrically opposed to some other reports of obtaining covid extension at CW as recently as yesterday. Re my post above ~ 3 posts back.
  23. It's a long way off (possibly never) just be aware that for a married coupe to live in Thailand (both non-thai) only one of you would need the non O retirement. The other can obtain extensions based on your dependent. Look into that if one day plan live in Thailand full time.
  24. Sorry about my advice re 60day extension to visit wife. I read your post as "no plan of staying"...ha. The 60 day extension could buy time to season the money. So yes he can apply for 12 month extension based on marriage. Friendly financials of only 400k for 2 months prior to application and also for under consideration period. After that you can withdraw.
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