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Everything posted by wavodavo

  1. I'm sorry to say that you've all got it wrong. The Aussies were riding along at 9.30 at night and they noticed a handbag on the footpath so they stopped to pick up. the lady who owned the bag realized she had dropped her bag and was on her way to look for it as the couple were picking it up. She yelled out that was her bag but the Aussie couple did not hear her because they had earbuds in.They stopped along the way and discussed handing the bag in to the police but decided it was too late now and planned to go there in the morning and also take the one that they found earlier on the beach at the same time So I don't believe that they are anything but typical 100 % good Aussie citizens trying to do the right thing.
  2. Ah!! the 90's the good old days .I had a similar experience in Phuket.Got the girl who stayed all night no hurry to go home next morning and as I was flying out that day she offered to pick up my laundry for me. When she got back she completely re-packed my bag and folded all my clothes so I gave her an extra tip but it was cheap in those days. The girls then had a different attitude then than the ones today and they wanted to give the customer a good time. When I got home my wife opened my bag and asked me how come it was neatly packed and who folded all my clothes because I usually throw everything in and slam the case shut..I had to think quick and told her that the housemaid wanted to do it so I let her because she needed the extra tip money. I don't think she believed me but tha all changed when she saw the sapphire ring and bracelet that I had bought her...and now we are still married and she still has the sapphires.
  3. The first thing that has to be done is to ban the idiots like bravo bob smith who changes his handle daily but does not fool anybody and that other dope who brags about how many millions he's got and stays awake at night thinking of ways to spend it.There should be a rule allowing only 1 handle per member.
  4. How can't you blame the mother or whoever organised the children as they are probaby dirt poor and /or heavily in debt and were offered good money to do the deal. It goes on everywhere I saw it in the Philipines and years ago I met a girl in a bar Phnom Penh who was 19 and she told me that she was sold to a Yank for $1000 U.S. when she was 11. He took her to the states and she eventually escaped to a shelter and was sent back home at 16. She ended up in the bar and that experience ruined her life for sure. Same old storey her mother was in debt and the loan sharks were gonna kill her if she did't pay up.so she took the money . It's sad but true. She had no further contact with her mother after that.
  5. I bet Rudolph had a red nose when the cops turned up ! He won't be doing his usual job this Xmas he'll be on the inside looking out.
  6. It won't be a salt tax it will be a food tax for Thailand because all thai food is very high in salt e.g. instant 5 second noodles.
  7. Hey give the lad a break.There are plenty of lads out there that go for the older more experienced women.
  8. No, you've got it all wrong. He found the 300 cartons of cigatettes and was taking them home because he and his wife are heavy smokers.
  9. They are still letting in mexican immigrants that apply through the correct channels and pass the criminal and character checks as required. They will take any job as they would probably be sending money back home to their families. What Trump has done is to cut off the thousands of illegals with the criminals among them who were let in.I say well done Donald.
  10. I think that your problem here was that you complained in Thai and the staff can see that you are farang and took the attitude that you were being a smart ar##e and took exeption.You probably ordered your meal in english and complained in Thai.
  11. I doubt that your nueropathy is due to Metformin as I had it bad well before I was diagnosed with diabeties.In fact that was the reason that I went to the Dr. in the first place and then he started me on metformin.Regarding your eyes the black spots you are seeing is a seperate issue. I would advise you to go to an optamologist for a full eye test not a glasses shop because diabetics can end up with serious eye problems if not addressed early.
  12. Don't get conned into the witch-docter remedies. If your sugars are continuosly high then you are a diabetic so you should consult your Dr. a.s.a.p. and get onto the required medications. The longer you leave it the more damage you are doing to your body.I have been a type 2 diabetic for 35 years.
  13. Some years ago my friends and I hired a van to go to Kanchanaburi.Along the way the van broke down and we were stuck on the roadside.Luckily a passing motorist stopped who had basic english and agreed to advise the police in the next village.After a while the police arrived and offered to tow us in to the station behind their truck.When we got there they got a mechanic to check out the problem which wasn't serious and got us going again.So we gave the police and the mechanic a bottle of whisky and everybody was happy. Do you reckon that would happen in the
  14. The big difference with those performers compared to now is they put on a show that took the micky out of themselves and it was all in fun They did'nt push a radical agender like the xyxpxy+=++---+ do today. People used to leave the show with a smile on their faces.
  15. Trump will sell them all ice condos..and they would have ice cold beer all year round.
  16. If it is DJ Trump will buy it and turn it into the Ice resort and Hotel Casino.
  17. GO donald !!! he's sorting all the wokers out for sure !!!
  18. My guess is that the realestate agent has conned the wife and told her that they had their own lawyers and conveyencers in house to take care of eveything so don't worry .The husband is in America and could't help so thought it was all good.
  19. You tube is full of fake doctors with videos bagging fruits, and juice, all meat vegatables and chicken.even saying that diabetes medications are poison. all they are doing is trying to get you to buy their dubious vitamin supplements .As a diabetic I can tell you that your sugar readings are very good so just keep doing what you have been doing and listen to your Dr.only.
  20. Anyone know how I can cotact the detention centre...phone no .fax / email. I want to sponsor her.
  21. I bloody sick of everytime when filling out an aplication form for anything they asg you your age and then your sex and they give you the option male.other..lqgb..a-sexuall no-sexual /other..etc .so I always tick other and then tri-sexuai..because I'm trying all the time. So I am glad thatTrump has officially declared that from now on there are only 3 sexes...male and female.
  22. What Trump is doing in the army is the right thing.His getting all the lgpdxyzqueers out of the front line in the military and moving them to other duties.If you were badly injured in the trenches who would you rather have to save you...a strong hetersexual male soldier or a lbqrzxx who would try to kiss you instead of help you ??I know which one I prefer.
  23. Thart's a good storey and sounds like you had a good night.That;s how everyone shoud act play by the rules pay your bill and have a good time.
  24. Lesson to be learnt here .Don't get pissed and keep checking your bar tab during the night so you can see the cost of the lady drinks and how much you are spending.
  25. Good to see the idiot brits back in the headlines.We don't want all the other nationalaties to get on the front page..do we ??
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