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Everything posted by wavodavo

  1. Another example of falangs behaving badly in a foreign country. They have to realize that they are a visitor in Thailand and must respect the locals and there will always be language problems so if there is a dispute over a bar bill or taxi fare get it sorted out as quickly as possible and walk away. If there was a mis-understanding with the taxi driver over the destination he should have just told him to stop , paid him for the journey so far, thanked him and walked off.... end of story. For some people this may be hard to do but you have to do it if you don't want a nice comfy stay in the Bangkok Hilton or cost you a lot of money because the police will always side with the locals.
  2. I wonder who is the prettiest out of Princess Anne ..and Queen Camilla.
  3. As soon as Trump gets in Prince harry hadbetter pack his bags because he will turf him out of the US for telling lies on his visa application stating that he has never used drugs. He must know that will happen because he just bought a house in a new complex at the Costa Terra golf and ocean centre sth. of Lisbon in Portugal for 4.7 million USD. At least if he takes up golf he can get away from his dragon wife Megganon the golf course....but she will probably follow him around in a golf buggy to keep an eye on him and annoy him.
  4. Trump will sort the new U.K. Ambassador out and send him packing the same as he will do to the Australian Ambassador Kevin Rudd and ex P.M. idiot that criticized trump when he was last in power.
  5. That well and good because you will know there is a fire but it won't do you much good if the fire doors and emergency exits are locked or blocked with old beds and furniture and rubbish as I discovered in a big hotel in the Nana area years ago and immediately informed the Manager.
  6. Well Thaiand has come a long way since the fire in the Royal Jomtien Beach resort Jomtien back in the1997 It started downstairs in the kitchen where they had the normal gas ring burners with the gas bottle inside. Aparrently the one of the hoses was leaking and a kitchen hand took it off the cylinder and instead of turning the gas off panicked and turned on more . Gas then filled the kichen and caused a fireball and that was it. with that the cooks headed for the hills instead of trying to put it out. It a long time for the fireries to arrive and by that time the smoke and fire had taken hold. People were jumping out of windows to escape and there was a meeting on the 2nd. floor and thats where a lot of victims perished.My mates and I went to have a look and we were amazed at the pathetic fire trucks That they had .They looked like something that would be used in outback Australia to fight a grass fire. They had no proper high extention ladders that could reach all 17 floors and very poor water pressure so they basically hasd to watch it burn out.Ended up with 108 dead..no sprinkiers...fire exits locked to stop people doing a runner without paying their bill..it was a complete stuff up . I wonder how many hotels today still lock their exits and don't have sprinkler systems fitted it's a bit scary If you search Royal Jomtien Beach Resort on you-tube there is a good story about it.
  7. Biden hasn't run the country for months...or even years it's missus who calls the shots. The poor bastard doesn't even know where he is or what country he is president is.
  8. Build the wall !!! Build the wall !!!! Build the wall !!!!!!
  9. It seems to me Patong Dong , that you must be a pommy born whinger. I think that you would be better off eating at home from now on as you will never be satisfied.Can I suggest that if you are at a Buffet breakfast and as long as it is not on closing time and you find emty food vessels that you politely ask one of the staff or the manager to refil them. I always do that and it works every time.
  10. It's not only no fire alarms in a house that can be deadly. It must be an Asian thing to lock external doors with no key left nearby to open in an emergency such as a fire. The first time I stayed at my in-laws house in Manila I went upstairs to the bedroom and there was a locked steel grille door leading to a balcony. I also noted that the windows had steel bars on them so you could't get out. When I asked my wife where a key for the balcony door was she said her mother had it downstairs in her bedroom and when I sugested to her that would not be a good idea in case of a fire in the stairs and we can't get out she just gave me a blank look and said don't worry we'll be right.I sent her down to get the key and hung it on a nail inside the door for easy access. that key is still there today.
  11. Hey BOBBY are you sure you havent made a typo..when you wrote Thai women are you sure it should read Thai man ??
  12. I wonder where their pimps ( agents ) are as they would need these to get their visa. I wonder if they will be arrested and deported.
  13. You are right beer man.With the exeption of the Western Australian Government who quarantines a quota of gas for local supply only and not for export all the other states export of every last kiloljoule of gas for the royalties.New South Wales and Victoria has even banned gas exploration so suddeny they have realised that they are running short and although they have shatloads in the ground are starting to panic.That is stupidity and greed .
  14. don't forget that he had his beer goggles on because he was drunk.It's amazing how huch better things look with goggles on.
  15. I thought that she might have been a careless house painter.
  16. wavodavo

    Pattaya Sauna

    OH! NO ! Bob, what are you gonna do now ?????
  17. wavodavo

    Pattaya Sauna

  18. Some people are born whingers and would not be happy wherever they lived.
  19. OH, poor little Bobby got hit on the head with a loaf of bread.!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. The liquor store at Gatwick will put the whisky in a clearly marked duty free bag and seal it up.That can then be taken on board and as long as she doesn.t open the bag and have a sneaky nip out of it and keeps the bag intact it will be o.k.
  21. I give my dogs the wife's cooking because I can.t eat it and it must be bad because they just look at and come back for it when the smell has gone out of it and then shut their eyes as they eat it.
  22. That is not speculation .I saw the evidence on the news last night..holes in the fuselage of the crashed plane.
  23. Not sad...bloody stupid if you ask me.If brains were dynamite there would'nt be enough to blow his hat off !!!!!!!
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