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Everything posted by wavodavo

  1. Take all your money that you have in the bank and open up a special account in her and deposit the whole lot in there...After all you don't need money anymore you can just live on LOVE.
  2. Sad storey and I hope he recovers ok, but he should have taken out insurance because you never know when something is gonna happen.
  3. Years ago I used to drink regularly at the Golden Bar at the Nana Hotel in BKK. and every night an old Thai man with a speaker in a wooden box hanging around is neck playing a tune and him singing. He was wearing blind man dark glasses and was being lead by a lady who had a begging bowl.Everyone used to give them money thinking he was blind and feeling sorry for him.My mates and I were always suspicious and one night during Songram as they went to cross Soi 4 which was very busy the lady took a step forward and suddenly a motorbike came along and the old man saw it and pulled her back and saved her.There was so much noise there that he would't have heard the bike coming and he looked at .That proved our theory that he was not blind.He did that for many years and got away with it.
  4. I wonder if the operator charged him a late fee for overtime,
  5. She must have been his favourite wife and probably the best performer in the bedroom.
  6. Yeah, say 4 years R +R at the Bankok Hilton first and then deportation would do him.
  7. No, of course it wasn't his van you idiot !! He just took it from a car yard for a test run and gave it away before the cops caught him. I bet you have not donated one hour of your time or one cent to a charity in your life you loser !!
  8. Hey Bobby you should have wacked the driver around the earhole with your PHONE...oh... sorry I forgot you left your phone home !!
  9. well done Bob, you really put him back in his place !!
  10. I agree,if you have regular contact with a lady but are not living together after a while she will need a new model phone ,or her dad's buffulo will die or her grandmother will fall out of a mango tree and is in need of a major operation and guess who will be asked for money ?? yes..you and if you refuse she won't come back...The old saying no money ..no honey. So it's really works out the same as if you were living together.
  11. Very good advice I went through this in July and I rang the ambulance and got straight to Hospital.Drs. told me that I did the right thing an one must do that.
  12. I still have many happy memories of Bangla road in the 90's unlimited pretty girls that had a good attitute and wanted fun times and the bars closed when the last customer staggered home.I went back 8 years ago and I agree it's nothing like it was.
  13. This is absolutely diisgusting behaviour and must not be tolerated !!! It was 18 seconds of anarchy and mayhem in the streets of Phuket and the Military should be on standby in case it happens again and all the rioters must be arrested and given life in prison.!!
  14. I agree , you are in Thailand and they have different values to western society so you are better off to just keep out of it.
  15. Mate, you've just gotta suck it up you are in their country and that's how they drive .You know what they are like so all you have to do is be alert and expect them to break all the road rules and stay out of their way and you should also bear in mind that if you have an accident it will always be your fault no matter who was in the wrong and it will cost you. Further-more ,if you don't like how they drive sell your car and get a taxi or tuk-tuk .
  16. Settle down boys.. Elon Musk has got the money $$$$ to move to the U.K. buy a 500 million pound Castle and buy any company he likes..e.g. British Airways or a bank and then watch the government deny his donation. I don't think so.
  17. What's this transwomen crap ?? They are Lady boys / men not women .
  18. I think that they should lock both Hunter and his father in the same cell and throw away the key. Hunter can hand feed him and change his nappies.
  19. I would guess that after w/w2 the U.S would have had a lot of soldiers that stayed in the Philipines and probably British and Aussies also so the gov. made it easy for them to access pensions and benifits from back home.
  20. Just like renting a car or motorbike.. when you're finished with it give it back.
  21. what they need here is the CMFEU. Those radical idiots would sort this out.
  22. I suggest that you ask her for the latest medications for AIDS and also 5 packets of XL condoms and watch her reaction. That should give you an idea what your chances are to bed her.
  23. I think Mr. Wright picked the Wrong place to go for a swim to cool down or sober up.
  24. Yep, and free sex every night thrown in. !!!
  25. If you are in Australia you should find a bulk billing practice. Yes they are getting scarce but if you find one. Drs. visit FREE ,blood tests FREE, x-rays if ordered by .DR. FREE ULTRASOUND FREE !
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