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Posts posted by cookieqw

  1. this is an awesome study, they fitted all these vehicles with GPS tracking,  many many more i would expect without it, and when the results started rolling in nothing is done to stop it although by their own words it was shocking.  with all this information has anyone been brought to account ??.   unless they have actually done something its just another  -  five buses rolling down the highway with a police escort, to a resort to spend 3 or 4 days deliberating on the said info.  then maybe passed on to another group to do exactly the same. 

  2. 1 hour ago, sambum said:

    Many years ago in the UK, I was a smoker, and my stock answer to anyone who criticised my "habit" was that if everybody stopped smoking, then other taxes would have to be increased to make up the shortfall, so I was in effect subsidising  non smokers. Needless to say, I got the usual indignant responses about the savings in NHS treatment for lung cancer, breathing disorders etc., but my answer to that was that the increased life expectancy for the ex smokers would in itself put an added strain on the system. People live longer, therefore there is more to be paid out in pensions and benefits.

    Years later, although I kicked the habit a long time ago, my views are exactly the same!   

    you seem to think it is better to have a non healthy populace than a healthy one

  3. 14 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    It is long overdue for motor bike rental companies to be forced to not rent a vehicle out to any one who does not have a valid licence for the country. There are way too many accidents and way too many people thinking they are insured, then finding out that they are not, leaving someone else to foot the bill.



    14 hours ago, bsdthai said:

    Ive been saying this for years as do many others. Wheres the license checks? Ive been riding and competing professionally since 8yrs. You learn to see who can ride and who can not. Atleast 99.999999% can not and i gringe watching these people on the road because you know there is a good chance they could cause or be a victim of a herendous accident. If only the government gave a sht about its appearance!!!!!!  Oh wait they do. Thats why they have fancy watches. Silly me....


    14 hours ago, transam said:

    So did the shop rent out a bike to a bloke with no bike license from any country...?

    all bikes rented out by thais have insurance therefore if a bike gets damaged the insurance will pay for repairs to bike.


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