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Posts posted by cookieqw

  1. 3 hours ago, dunroaming said:

    Sorry to interrupt but you don't need to go and buy a flat in any of those areas to know what happens there and always has.  Just like the East End of London has always had gangsters and low lifes and lots of decent hard working people.  Nothing to do with where they originated from.  You call them undesirable areas, well who made them undesirable in the first place?

    we dont mind our own undesirables that is part of life, what we dont want is all the scum from other countries over here because the gov. is a soft target. these people know it but the gov. cant seem to

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  2. 23 hours ago, essox essox said:

    they dont know how to solve the problem thats the big problem.....rather problematic for the men in charge !!

    exactly   they cant have a serious full on crackdown of the law in respect of drivers etc,  as the populace will get very angry,  not something the Gov. want, at any time.


    bet we dont get any figures about the total fines imposed, how many in gaol etc, for this period

  3. 7 hours ago, Cake Monster said:

    I, for one,wishes that the price of Gasoline and Diesel in Thailand wold soar to about 70 Baht / Liter


    This would certainly help reduce the road deaths as the price of the fuel for the missiles the Thais use on the roads will be cost prohibitive to many of them.


    At 70 Baht / liter, Thailand would also find out pretty quickly how uncompetetive they are in the world of Commerce and Industry.

    you have obviously forgotten how innovative the thais are,  weld a few outriders on to the bike and they'll be able to carry more people

  4. 7 hours ago, smedly said:

    people will not follow the law (especially on the roads) unless they are forced to, and the only way to force them is by enforcing the law


    Speeding - mobile use - drink driving and general reckless driving, add to that the general road worthiness of HGV and public transport vehicles not to mention drug taking


    It all comes down to enforcement of the law and penalising those caught, no use setting up a road stop and checking for tax - that contributes nothing to road safety


    What Thailand needs is solid proactive prevention policing and until that happens nothing will change 


  5. 7 hours ago, Thian said:

    Just film ALL victims of accidents while they're bleeding and put it on tv before that national soapseries start...maybe that will wake them up!


    Also closing ALL roadstalls without parkinglot will help a lot.


    I'm glad this campaigner had the guts to tell them, it confirms that at least there's 1 decent Thai person in the country....


    Also i don't understand how we can let Thai (with Thai driverslicense) drive in Europe/Japan...they absolutely have no clue at all about trafficlaws and safety.

    well the ones ive met in UK  ( wives ) are very capable drivers, most of them have taken a UK test.  and in thailand you cannot blame the drivers, no laws being enforced, police telling them to break law ie sitting in back of pickups, no testing, on and on. any country would be the same under those rules.

  6. 19 hours ago, ThreeEyedRaven said:

    Unbelievable! Works in Emergency services, but has that much disrespect for the whole thing when not actually at work?

    Hasn't turned up for work? Good. Sack them on the spot and make sure they never get to work in a hospital again and take their license to drive away for a very long time.
    Morons on the road delaying emergency services cost lives. One in this case already it seems.

    Oh! And Dr. Sanchai wanting to go after the poster of the incident should be sacked also. The incident needed to be seen to reveal awful behaviour and bugger the reputation. Lives are more important.

    no no   must never reveal what is happening !

    • Haha 1
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