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Everything posted by JBChiangRai

  1. As of 22nd May 2023 there were more than 4,628 CS's in Thailand Much more than ADEQUATE, more like ABUNDANCE Probably nearer 6,000 than 5,000 now.
  2. I've been driving EV's for 2 years now, I've used 2 CS's for about 30 minutes in total. I haven't been filling up with petrol every week so I've saved about 104*3 = 312 minutes I have had a nett saving of 282 minutes, almost 5 hours I haven't had to hang around refueling a car.
  3. Let me answer with a word, and the word is ADEQUATE
  4. Don't forget, you need a lot less EV Charging Stations than Petrol Stations. Most EV owners will hardly (if ever) use one. I have used 2 in the last 2 years. You need them on major road networks. In towns, not so much.
  5. The button on your meter will switch the reading between import & export. That meter records both figures separately (try reading it yourself, IMP & EXP are displayed in very small letters), If you are only being charged 10-20 baht extra then I don't think they are charging you for your export (their import). There maybe a setting that totals the readings you don't want to leave that displayed. I think your extra 2 KwHr's per day are parasitic loads from your inverter and possibly other devices. An AVR will cause that and more.
  6. I can't help wonder, is Bob projecting do you think?
  7. Like the guy in the avatar of Bob (Wilfrid Brambell)
  8. First one was Silver, my latest one is Blue, my daughter's is Silver, the one on order is Red.
  9. Every time this has happened to me, it has been a toilet failing to stop filling - start there
  10. The MG4 has the same alloy wheels as the MG ES, they are really ugly. At least the MG4 comes with tacky wheel covers which look a little better than the alloys underneath (I never thought I would ever think that). I'm not in favour of after market alloy wheels, but I'd make an exception with the MG ES. I prefer the front grille on the EP over the ES, probably because I am old. Likewise I prefer a polished walnut dashboard and door cappings, all gone the way of progress.
  11. That aricle goes to say "There are very good reasons why an EV is less likely to catch fire than a petrol or diesel car"
  12. That report from VEDA - A small company in Macedonia - Doesn't specify the studies it purports to draw data from - Disagrees with US Gov't data - But the real kicker is they sell fire suppression systems for Lithium batteries!
  13. I believe the Leaf was discontinued here was because it's air cooling was found to be unsuitable for Thailand's hot climate. That's what the salesman at GWM told me (prior to GWM it was a Nissan dealership, owned & staffed by the same people, including the Salesman I referred to).
  14. I think I posted numbers from an Insurance Co. and also a US Gov't Dept. It's beyond dispute EV's cause less fires, but I believe they are more serious.
  15. The Car Of The Year 2023 is an MG. You can't generalise about China or MG. I think MG made some mistakes here when they launched, I hope they have learned from the experience. I don't know whether their ICE cars have improved, but they make superb BEV's. China has have a certain reputation, it's shared with American Auto Manufacturers, unfairly in my opinion. My MG4 is the first car I have ever bought that hasn't had to have something fixed under warranty (touch wood). I also have their BEV hypercar on order for delivery next year, first one in Chiang Rai comes to me. 0-100kmhr in under 3 seconds.
  16. It's not uncommon for companies here to ignore any communication in English, did you send it in Thai? The Call Center is 1267
  17. Roojai don't, only 3,000 baht more for the cars in your comparison.
  18. Actually you are wrong. The stats published are fires per 100k sales of vehicles Where do you get average age comparison of EV vs ICE and how did you make the leap from sales to older vehicles? I'm unaware of any stats for that. Same goes for EV's drive half the distance of ICE cars, that's not my experience, I specifically bought my MG4 because I was doing more than my previous mileage. What's the source of your stats? I'm calling BS.
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