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Everything posted by JBChiangRai

  1. Are you a Holocaust denier too? Earth flat is it? Ivermectin the cure for....well everything?
  2. I don't see a data cable between your inverters, required to make them synchronise. Also, is the cable run from each inverter to battery, the same length and size?
  3. The problem with the Nissan Leaf is it's the only BEV car I know of with passive air cooling, consequently, it's unsuitable for hot climates. That is probably why they withdrew it from sale here.
  4. I have first hand experience, albeit, about 8 years ago. We had a Mitsubishi Pajero converted to LPG to collect customers for an adventure business. When I went to Central Mall the security guard told me I had to park outside with LPG. It's extremely common in Europe, about half the countries ban LPG Parking on lower floors and you can't use the UK-FR Channel Tunnel with an LPG car. The Park2Go app in Thailand often directs you to LPG only spots.
  5. Yes you are right, that time is coming. We can only hope that deployed CS's keep up with EV adoption. I see the opposite problem coming later, increasingly difficult to find fuel for an ICE car.
  6. Most of the shopping malls with indoor parking ban any LPG/CNG parking, I can't see them allowing Hydrogen cars.
  7. If I was to drive to BKK, I wouldn't plan anything, I would just stop at a large service station when battery about 20% and top up. You couldn't do that 2 years ago.
  8. And let's ponder Hydrogen, you make it with electricity, exactly the same electricity EV owners put in their car. There is no difference with Hydrogen. The real issue is transitioning away from fossil fuels, I have done that in my home and with my car.
  9. I think what you say is a common misconception. You arrive at the service station, plug your car in, go for a pee, order a coffee or sandwich and by the time you have consumed them, you are on your way again. Maybe 20-30 minutes later. Generally, you waste less time than filling up with Petrol or Diesel, you don't need to hang around during the refuel process whilst the guy spills fuel all over your car.
  10. Where else does it go? Perhaps I convert it to aforementioned pink ouffle dust first? then back again to electricity to put in my car?
  11. Or in my case from the 54 solar panels on the roof Aka that magic orangey white thing in the sky
  12. Great, another step, why not convert the electricity to pink ouffle dust first? more steps to avoid putting that electricity straight into your car.
  13. This is nothing new and this is the second repeat of this engine here on this forum. It's a normal petrol engine that has it's fuel delivery changed and optimised for something else inflammable - hydrogen. So you use electricity to generate hydrogen, pressurise it, store it, transport it by road to the filling stations and then put in your noisy car with those 2,000 moving parts and high servicing costs, it makes absolute sense to introduce all these intermediate steps instead of putting the electricity directly into your silent EV car with 20 moving parts and low servicing costs - NOT!
  14. The issue you need to think about is when the internet fails because the power has failed.
  15. Don't you need a server too? The Sonoff device is pinged regularly by their server and that initiates the push message to your phone.
  16. Anybody have a cheaper solution than my 206 baht Sonoff Basic IoT switch?
  17. In my case, I have a Sonoff Basic device on the PEA side of my whole house UPS. It's the only way I can tell if we have a power cut or internet failure and it triggers me to shut off unnecessary air cons & water heaters to maximise the time I get from my 28.8 KwHr LiFePo4 battery, it also triggers me to call PEA or CAT Telecom and tell them. I have over a dozen of these devices controlling outside lighting, fountains, grid-tied inverters, table lamps, water heaters, garage door & main gate (the latter 2 are really useful as I can just say "Hey Siri Garage" or "Hey Siri Gate" from a few 100 metres away and they are open when I get there or I can close them after I have left. I can also program the grid-tied inverters to shut off for a few hours if I am away and it's meter reading day.
  18. Buy a 200 baht Sonoff switch on Lazada, and turn on OFFLINE ALERT and the eWeLink app on your phone to control it will receive a PUSH message when the device goes offlne or comes online, ie power or internet failure.
  19. My father in-law, a GP in the UK, told me always to go to the busiest hopital, not only are they more experienced, they see complications more often and are more capable of dealing with them. That backs up my own experience. I had 2 minor operations in a private hospital in Chiang Rai, both for a skin cancer, second time was a recurrence of the first. Both times I developed sepsis and spent most of the ensuing week laid up in a hospital bed there with antibiotic IV drip. My friend died in the same hospital from Sepsis. Another friend was in there for 3 weeks with Sepsis following a procedure. I wrote to the hospital director saying they had a problem, I didn't even get a reply. The second time, they didn't get all the cancer, I went back and saw a young doctor, who was literally shaking and left the room for 10 minutes to see a senior for advice, came back and said freezing wouldn't work and recommended more surgery, I told him it would have to be a cold day in hell before I let them anywhere near me with anything sharp again. I had follow up surgery at the government hospital. It was like chalk and cheese, 7 or 8 nurses plus one plastic surgeon in an incredibly well equipped OR compared with the same Dr. & one nurse both times in the private hospital in a dirty treatment room with marks all over the walls and one tray of instruments which I suspect either weren't clean or came from a broken autoclave. On another occasion, I had pain so bad I was throwing up and my friends took me to the other private hospital in Chiang Rai, suspected Kidney Stone at 8pm, they told me to go home and come back in the morning when the ultrasound operator would be in. Ultimately, it was removed under a General Anesthetic at the Government Hospital. I have had 2 colonoscopies, one at the hospital that causes Sepsis and one at the Government Hospital, both went well.
  20. I don't think I know anyone who after owning an EV would ever buy an ICE car again.
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