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Everything posted by JBChiangRai

  1. The glass only gets hot when you are parked in the sun, the breeze through driving keeps it at ambient temperature. You probably need something like a 99% blocking film
  2. That's nuts and 50% more than a Porsche Taycan
  3. Mercedes seems to have got it right, I left the cover open on my E class and it never got hot, the glass was very dark though.
  4. MUST's after sales service is practically zero. I have installed their grid-tied inverters before in my previous house, and they just work out the box with no configuration needed. I can also live with noise from the fans, I have a small room that is permanently air conditioned that serves 3 functions, inverters/batteries, computer servers, and wine cellar. It is opposite the maid's room so she would be the one to get the noise and I wouldn't be happy about that, she's like family. I cleaned the filters on the Hybrid inverters after 18 months, they were filthy and they are only ever doing anything during a power cut. Do you have the WiFi adaptors to go with the inverters? I did have them and might be able to find a couple if you need them.
  5. I get emails from them occasionally, I don't specifically remember one inverter, I tend to look at all of them. I think I have 3 of the same inverters in your photo (5.5Kw Hybrid). I couldn't get them to export any decent amount to PEA and when they were working, they were incredibly noisy so I added 3 grid-tied 6Kw MUST inverters and moved the PV onto them, now I use the Hybrid inverters purely as whole house UPS. I bought direct from MUST in China, shipped Thailand Special Line so no duty/VAT payable, came out at half the price of Lazada delivered to my door. Are your battery packs connected in parallel as one big pack? The inverters will fail if there is a mismatch in battery voltages, it's why they tell you to keep the cables the same length.
  6. That can also be problematic, say you bought your condo for 5M but only declared 3M purchase price to land office and sold it for 10M but only declared 8M sale to land office, you can only send 3M overseas with land office documentation alone.
  7. You can't answer that question without knowing the source of the funds, it depends whether you can prove that you either brought the money into the country legally or earned it here and paid tax on it, or not. If you can't then it's completely different.
  8. Comparing UK prices between the different variations of the MG4, I think the X Power should be 1.3M baht here. I went to the showroom yesterday, they said the X Power may come next year.
  9. It may not be his fault. Many years ago I bought a brand new car from a major dealership and they gave me red plates but no brown book, from a stack of plates, showing the identical registration numbers. Apparently, it's much cheaper for the dealer to do this.
  10. Gone are the days when you used to get a special handle for handbrake turns, shame!
  11. I haven't checked mine, but I will have a look when I'm ready for my next round of DIY, I'm recovering from turning a small leak in the ball valve of my water tank to completely destroying the new one by over tightening it, I knew I should have left it to a professional.
  12. I don't know anything about the ZS, but there is a huge difference in the way the EP and MG4 drive. We have both, my daughter loves her EP and wouldn't swap it for my MG4 & I feel the same about my MG4. The EP is front wheel drive and softly sprung, it's a fantastic car on a long distance journey, especially for passengers, but it's not sporty and has understeers on the limit. The MG4 is rear wheel drive and firmly sprung with a 50/50 weight distribution, very much a sporty hot hatchback and I've had it on the limit a couple of times. The limit is very high and slight oversteer. I do drive spiritedly, but I don't like high speed. It's not as comfortable for passengers, it's very much a driver's car.
  13. Most users live in their little bubble of normality, i.e. I'm not addicted so there is no addiction, I'm not violent so there is no violence. Some of us in the judiciary or medical field see what happens when it all goes wrong, and I can tell you that your bubble of normality is well and truly burst for us.
  14. The guy in the link you posted (Winston Sterzel) has been discredited as a China hater, he can't go to China, hasn't been there in years. Most of his videos are anti-China.
  15. Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy That video is actually using a failed car sharing's stock of cars seen here https://www.scmp.com/abacus/tech/article/3029238/thousands-shared-electric-cars-seen-discarded-hangzhou and misrepresenting it as the manufacturer stockpiling. Quod Erat Demonstrandum
  16. Winston Sterzel aka SerpentZA is a Chinese hater who hasn't been to China in years since he left expecting his imminent arrest. Most of his anti-Chinese rants have been debunked, they are designed to appeal to a certain kind of Westerner.
  17. Absolutely that video is fake news, it's why I called your post.
  18. I think that's a very wise move.
  19. I just read this review in the UK of the MG4. This is the extended battery version. MG4 long-term test: Does China already make the best family EV? (msn.com)
  20. They won't hook me into buying a Dolphin, I can sea where it fits on the scale of what's available, they might reel me in to the extended range model though.
  21. I have had a test drive in the City Turbo, whilst I think it's the best ICE car in it's class, it still felt very slow.
  22. I was wrong once in 1980, I corrected that 25 years ago when I divorced. never been wrong since.
  23. I can confirm the miraculous properties of CBD oil, I took it and my amputated leg grew back overnight.
  24. I used to buy the Sandoz Rosuvastatin at a pharmacy here in Chiang Rai, now I get it from the Government Hospital where it is a quarter of the price.
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