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Everything posted by JBChiangRai

  1. I think there will be no better time to have an EV in Thailand than now. 2 to 4 charging points at most large highway services is ok now but it's going to have to grow exponentially. If there are 6 petrol pumps each taking 2 minutes to fill a car, then we are going to need to replace them with 50 to 100 charging points to keep par. Right now we're in the golden point of owning an EV, I am sure there is pain coming. The US & UK is going through that growing pain now.
  2. The first thing I noticed getting into the EP+ from the MG4, is how much higher the seating position is, acceleration is very similar, opening the tailgate the floor is much lower. It feels a larger car, also subjectively it may be quieter at speed but I can't be sure. It has a really taut chassis and is a joy to drive. I like that the regen mode is on a physical switch, likewise ECO, Sport, Normal driving modes and I also like the lack of LKPITA (Lane keeping PITA). After nearly 50 years of driving, if I want to straddle or cross a white line, there's a reason and I don't want to fight with a computer that things it knows better. The main thing is the price, 771k baht for a large, quality car with that performance is laughably ridiculous. I don't have any experience of MG ICE cars, but their EV's are incredibly high quality machines.
  3. New version EP+ is called the ES. The ES does have all the fancy tech which if it's anything like the MG4 is a PITA.
  4. I think it's more that the old model was underpriced, I just took my daughter's EP+ out to dinner, it's a fantastic car.
  5. not a dedicated EV platform
  6. previous version has plain cruise control but the navigation shows congestion (google maps clone I think), new version has adaptive cruise, lane keeping niggling etc
  7. On a serious note and on topic, Is Thailand ready for EV's? The charging network is excellent with a very high ratio of chargers to vehicles Could Thailand cope if everyone had an EV? No, of course not, but it would be impossible for supply of EV's to achieve that overnight. Is there enough power currently? Yes Will the charging network grow at the pace of EV adoption? Nobody knows...Possibly, Possibly Not. So, is Thailand ready for EV's? Absolutely yes, zero issues currently.
  8. We own 3 with a 4th on order
  9. I can smell something, it's Bulls??t
  10. Everyone knows electricity is different in Thailand, no earth required (sic)
  11. Some utter nonsense here. We have 3 EV's with 0 issues.
  12. Yorkshiremen are like Scotsmen but with the generosity wrung out of them. One of the best reasons to buy an EV. I’m a Yorkshireman too btw.
  13. If they are here to avoid the draft and oppose what Putin is doing in Ukraine then I welcome them. If they are here to avoid the draft and support what Putin is doing in Ukraine, then I feel they should nr put on the first flight to Kyiv.
  14. My friend in the trade told me to expect BYD Seal & Dolphin this year, but unfortunately probably not Han this year.
  15. Electric cars are not for everyone - yet! There are lots of issues yet to be resolved, like those who live in condos, townhouses without parking spaces etc
  16. Whilst waiting for a delivery date for my daughters MG EP+ I saw 3 of them advertised by a tent on one2car, when I called them they refused to give me a price unless I would buy on finance.
  17. It's not a good idea to put toilet tissue into the septic tank
  18. If you are buying a used car from a tent, they are obliged to charge VAT on the entire purchase price, they may hide it by effectively discounting the car or make it up out of finance commission. In the UK the tent only pays VAT on the difference between purchase and sales price.
  19. I think you're agreeing with me, I said there were no good studies to say it does work as a prophylaxis, only questionable ones (not credible, if you prefer) that say it works and NONE that says it doesn't work. I did say it doesn't work to treat Covid-19. What I would like to see, is a credible study, preferably several, to prove or disprove its efficacy as a prophylactic and put the matter to bed with scientific evidence.
  20. You can't have it both ways. Would you accept not being paid whilst waiting for work permit & visa? I thought not
  21. My understanding is this about Ivermectin... As a Cure Several poor quality studies suggest its efficacy Many good quality studies suggest it's no better than a placebo QED It doesn't work As a Prophylaxis Two questionable studies suggest it's efficacious (Brazil & India) No good quality studies performed (yet, probably never will) QED It may work, no scientific evidence to suggest it doesn't Feel free to correct me
  22. I just read that, it's more likely he died from Lyme disease. Lyme disease is from the same family of spirochete bacteria as Syphilis, I'm not sure why anyone would take Ivermectin for a bacterial infection.
  23. Can I ask who you used? and what it cost?
  24. I'm tingling with suspense
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