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Everything posted by JBChiangRai

  1. Being green or doing something good for the planet had absolutely nothing to do with my decision to buy an EV, it was entirely selfish, I just wanted a better quality drive experience.
  2. Thailand is executing a plan to go greener, IMHO they could do better. Thailand’s EV subsidies, EV targets and going green generally are all part of a master plan.
  3. probably because if I’m using my phone, I dictate my posts. That is why I have to manually correct them so often 555
  4. Governments all over the world are going green, some faster than others. In the UK the last coal fired power station will close this week.
  5. That has to be one of the funniest comments I’ve seen today.
  6. There are meme’s like this all over the internet. They are all fake. No EV will let you engage drive with a charging cable attached to the car.
  7. Only one of us has an EV and knows his subject matter.
  8. When excess niacin is broken down into 4PY, this breakdown product activates inflammatory pathways that are known to promote plaque formation in arteries. This may increase the risk of major cardiac events. it can also cause liver problems and is not recommended for anyone diabetic or pre-diabetic. I have it in powder form from China and I stopped taking it.
  9. No, I didn’t admit Chinese cars were total crap, I don’t believe that and I’ve never believed it, although I suspect 10 years ago, they may have been, but I have no knowledge of that.
  10. We purchased at 771,000 THB. The plus model is 10,000 THB more than the standard model and comes with roof rails and HEPA PM 2.5 air filter.
  11. I tend to change my cars every 1 or 2 years. I know the car market very well, that’s why myself and one of my daughters drive EV’s. Decisions gained from knowledge trump opinions gained from ignorance or prejudice. If you knew what you were talking about, it would help. The number of BYD’s on One2Car changes every day, it’s a very buoyant market with high demand. I’m trying to buy a 2nd hand Good Cat for my youngest daughter, but they are too expensive, new are a better buy.
  12. it was absolutely true on both my cars, there were no price reductions after I bought them up until when I sold them
  13. I have sold 2 EV’s already, one lost 10% depreciation in 2 years, the other 20%. They depreciate no different to ICE, perhaps slightly better.
  14. I am getting worried about you, finally, you posted something, sensible, are you feeling right? What caused this latest bout of sanity?
  15. there are only 12 available for sale, that should tell you something!
  16. I am waiting for the agent to respond in True support, would you wait?
  17. So that’s 1 in 80,000 This thread is about AN members, was that an AN member? Avatar please.
  18. I know that, you are trolling.
  19. I don’t believe you do feel sorry, and why would you? EV owners in Thailand are delighted with their purchase.
  20. I think the wheels are nicer on this than they are on the seal
  21. Sorry but as I said before, only some landlords can only charge one month deposit. Specifically, those with 5 or more rental units. Those with less than 5 units can charge 2 months deposit as the new law doesn’t apply to them. I am advised by my lawyer, however you can get free here… https://www.sunbeltasia.com/new-rental-laws-in-thailand
  22. The Toyota Avanza is probably the most reliable and sensible option, even if it is incredibly boring
  23. Landlord can charge the full amount of the damages, even if they are 100 times monthly rental income. I think you are referring to the advanced deposit, some landlords can only charge one month deposit, others can charge two months deposit. The deposit is never to be used as the last month’s rent, that is breaking the terms of the lease.
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