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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Based on you doing exactly what I said you do. Quote IDF claims as facts.
  2. Yep, blindly swallowing and then repeating IDF claims without even the slightest thought that the IDF, one of the belligerent parties in this war on civilians, have a vested interest in lying.
  3. Perhaps you need to be a bit more transparent with your claims. The IDF say there are 13,000 terrorists. The IDF being the organization currently bombing civilian neighborhoods. What the IDF claim is absolutely not credible evidence, it’s as partisan as it comes.
  4. It was an unsubstantiated claim. Which is why you don’t like having to defend it.
  5. Logic not your thing then. Once a Dictator for a day declares himself to be above the law or annuls the Constitution, who gets to tell him h’es not dictator on Day 2?
  6. So someone in these demonstrations is claiming the Federal Government, and Government agencies are agents of oppression and control and calling for Government institutions to be torn down. Exactly the same kind of garbage Steve Bannon, MAGA, Breitbart and rightwing extremists have been spewing for a decade or more,
  7. I suggest you read the OP, where you’ll find no discussion of the off topic swerve you tried to introduce: Didn't the police move in when students and outsiders smashed their way into the buildings causing destruction, vandalism and rendering the buildings out of use to others? Then read the 1st Amendment where you’ll find free speech is protected, even if it comprises chants of death to America’.
  8. Trespass and Criminal Damage are not a Constitutionally protected t rights, freedom of speech is. But you already knew that Brian.
  9. Not a fan of law and order holding crooks accountable either.
  10. It looks like AI journalism is ‘mining’ articles from the era of anti-Vietnam war protests.
  11. This from the guy who has overtly stated, to the joy of his lickspittle supporters, that he shall be a dictator on Day 1, if he wins the Presidency,
  12. This from the man who refused to uphold The Constitution when it was his sworn duty to do so. The Defendant has already had it explained to him in court that the Partial Gag is not an infringement of any of his rights under The Constitution. His constant whining being an example of him exercising the very 1st Amendment rights he says he’s being denied.
  13. And yet Muslims across the country vote for non Muslim candidates.
  14. It seems the wholly understandable and undoubtedly increasing Tory anxiety has infected at least some of their supporters.
  15. Talking up the stunning wins to put pressure on the already anxious Tories. It’s a good political play and already getting results. Braverman throwing Sunak under the bus, Tory anxiety being used against them. PMQ this week is going to be unmissable, though I wouldn’t put it past Sunak to skip out of it.
  16. Back at the personal insults I see. That you don’t understand the part manifestos play in elections and feel the need to invent promises in place of manifestos is clear. Now you stray into your failure to understand how an opposition party leader might put pressure on a PM to call an election that he, the PM and his party, are clearly afraid of.
  17. In the context of UK domestic political response to the killing of those British national aid workers and the UK arms supplies to Israel. Why do you ask?
  18. Nothing strange about that at all. The Blackpool by-election result suggests he’s right. That does not distract from the fact that the next UK Government, which ever party wins the coming election will be elected on the basis of its manifesto. It will be very interesting to see what each party’s manifesto contains and which wins the support of the electorate.
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