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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. What on earth are you rabbiting on about? I never mentioned her looks. I didn’t mention who it was who fancied her either …. Sorry if I upset any feelings you might have.
  2. Have another go at spotting your baseless assumption. Give it your best try.
  3. More baseless assumptions on your part. Oh and erm…. Lev. 26.1: I hear it plays well to the Christo-fascist amongst Trump’s cult following
  4. I’ve provided you an example. Your hollow accusation of me being a liar is not helping you.
  5. Are you really unaware of Trump’s history of claiming he’s above the law? https://www.thenation.com/article/politics/donald-trump-presidential-immunity/tnamp/ https://www.reuters.com/legal/trump-heads-us-supreme-court-with-familiar-claim-he-is-untouchable-2024-02-05/
  6. I gave you an example, I’m not going to repeat it if you can’t read and or understand. RV! Are you really unaware of this little episode in the life of the man you are feebly defending?: https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/oct/25/clarence-thomas-anthony-welters-luxury-rv-loan-forgiven
  7. Can any of Trump’s supporters, be they foreign or domestic, please explain how putting Trump on trial is an ‘assault on America’? America is a nation of laws, one law for everyone and a Constitution that provides rights to everyone. Trump is accused of crimes, he’s had his Constitutional right to not be indicted other than by Grand Jury, he’d had his Constitutional right to legal representation, his Constitutional right to see the evidence against him and he’s is now being afforded his Constitutional right to a trial in open court and the judgment of his peers. It’s all an example of just how justice is served in America under the laws and Constitution. It’s as American as apple pie.
  8. Well there was this to start with: For example, Thomas declined to recuse himself and dissented when the Supreme Court denied Arizona Republicans’ petition to stop the so-called "January 6 committee" from obtaining their phone records in the probe of the Capitol attacks. The justice participated despite the fact that his wife had contacted Arizona lawmakers to urge them to help overturn the election results, according to reports by the Washington Post in June 2022. Ginni Thomas was even questioned by the January 6 committee. (The recusal statute requires disqualification if a spouse has an interest in the proceeding or may be “a material witness in the proceeding.”). https://www.reuters.com/legal/government/column-justice-thomas-rare-recusal-was-an-attempt-damage-control-little-else-2023-10-24/#:~:text=Oct 24 (Reuters) - Justice,as too little%2C too late.
  9. I’m absolutely sure Trump doesn’t think he’s broken any laws, he thinks he’s above the law. He’s said so on a number of occasions. But what he thinks once the Jury has passed verdict is an irrelevance.
  10. There’s no cult of Biden because he’s not a cult leader. You would know a cult leader if you saw one right?
  11. Trump will not accepted any judgement against him. Nor will his followers, both foreign and domestic.
  12. Ok, you got the point of my post. Now sit back and enjoy the trial.
  13. Putting Trump on trial is doing the right thing. Nobody above the law!
  14. It’s a the judge in Trump’s trial who issued the gag order and he gave his reasons. The SCOTUS has upheld ‘gag orders’ issued by trial judges.
  15. Somewhere back in these pages is a missive from yourself getting extremely irate when I pointed out you don’t accept the allegations against Trump, you will not accept any indictments against Trump, you will not accept any trial of Trump, you will not accept any verdict against Trump and you will not accept any sentences handed down by the court against Trump. I plan to dig it out when the right moment arises.
  16. This trial is expected to last 6 - 8 weeks. Let’s get back to your question when the jury hands down its verdict.
  17. She gave something to millions of mortgage holders and very nearly handed private/personal and company pension holders something they would never forget. That was quite enough already.
  18. It’s not iconic, it’s an example of Trump projection, accusing Biden of his own failings. There are very many other examples.
  19. Nevertheless, the UK Supreme Court only adjudicates on matters of UK law, which has been around for a lot longer then 15 years. Her target is to remove Government from judicial scrutiny, place Government above the law. There are no better examples of why that’s her desire and why it’s a really bad idea than her own behavior and the behavior of her immediate predecessor when in possession of executive power. She’s barking. But don’t be fooled, she’s also a rightwing extremist, a very dangerous individual. Witness the damage she did in under 50 days.
  20. Here’s the point you are missing. There is no ‘cult of Biden’. Democrats will vote for the Democrat candidate. Democrat policies are helping all Americans, a fact not going in noticed by swing voters. If Biden is not the Democrat candidate the chosen Democrat candidate will get the full support of the Democrat party. The same can definitely not be said of Trump. For MAGA it’s Trump or nobody, for Trump it’s Trump or nobody. And his secret weapon for the election is extremist policies that do not attract moderates or swing voters.
  21. The ‘putting a crook on trial for his crimes committed in the bright light of day makes him stronger’ hogwash.
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