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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. You get the prize for the most whacky false equivalence so far this year.
  2. It is when the former President is claiming an immunity that doesn’t exist.
  3. Let’s put the words back in context for you. "We fight like hell. And if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore," he said. And then the angry mob of Trump’s supporters marched to the Capitol, rioted and tried to prevent the certification of the election result.
  4. More baseless assumptions. Refer to the top of the thread for guidance on the subject of discussion. You’ll find it’s not me.
  5. Asking strangers to forward photos of themselves, what’s that about? Whatever, this isn’t a dating site Jonny. Oh and when did I say ‘attractiveness’ was so important or anything about feminist bike rides?
  6. And done so easily: https://www.theguardian.com/media/2024/apr/16/us-provides-assurances-to-prevent-assange-appeal-against-extradition
  7. More baseless assumptions. How about you sticking to the topic of discussion rather than fantasizing over the nationality of those whose arguments you can’t handle?! And a friendly piece of advice, it’s not a good idea to suggest other members are paid to post.
  8. When a lawyer represents a client in court and makes statements on behalf of the client those statements are the client’s statements: https://www.thenation.com/article/politics/donald-trump-presidential-immunity/tnamp/ Now quit your gaslighting or at the very least quit using your gaslighting as the basis for calling other people liars.
  9. Trump fell asleep in court again, twice in two days. 6 - 8 weeks of 8 hour days on full view are going to be a bit of a challenge.
  10. Where on earth did that nonsense come from? 1. I was not responding to you. 2. I did not suggest anyone is raping women. 3. I’m not defending any rapist. Go back and check.
  11. I don’t think a failure to have name recognition in NZ is an impediment to winning a U.S. election. Warren had a solid record on support of policies favorable to blue collar and middle class Americans, she’s exactly the champion for working Americans that others claim to be.
  12. Sorry I went to bed. Up now getting ready for 60Km of cycling. …. Regarding your question. I am aware of one Canadian and a handful of British Trump supporters, I believe there’s another Trump supporter who is Australian, who regularly post on US political issues. These individuals have stated their nationality. I’m not aware of any other posters who regularly post on matters of U.S. politics whose nationality is known. In the context of the number of forum members this is a relatively small number. Which begs a question. On what basis do you make the following claim, or are you making baseless assumptions about people who disagree with your point of view? Like I said, I’m getting ready for a bike ride, I’ll probably be busy for the next three hours or so. That should give you time to come up with evidence to support your claim. Give it your best go.
  13. I admit, I’ve not been following Fox News’ representation of the border issues. I was up on the bipartisan bill to address the border, that was going rather well until Trump ordered it trashed. But I doubt that’s how Fox portrayed events.
  14. Yet more baseless assumptions. Biden wants illegals in the country? What like he employs them at his golf course or something like that? https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2019/08/trump-organization-undocumented-workers
  15. I haven’t got a clue what BM is. Why would I add illegal alien voter and ballot stuffing? These are Trump / Rightwing fictions. Good luck with RFK.
  16. No not at all, simply following discussions here on this forum. Oh Oh and then there’s this: https://www.axios.com/2024/04/10/kennedy-trump-maga-biden-voters
  17. Stormy turns up to distract Trump from being with his son and wife for the second time in Barron's life: https://www.newsweek.com/president-donald-trump-stormy-daniels-affair-melania-trump-783790
  18. Do you not think it odd that the people on this forum singing the praises of RFK and his policy platform are Trump supporters, both foreign and domestic? He doesn’t seem to attract liberals, Democrats or anyone not wedded to conspiracy theories.
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