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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. I agree with much of that but there is another issue, that of the hidden history and the myths that have been inserted in the place of facts. It is not a coincidence that those ignorant of the history of these events are the same people who are offended by the past being addressed and resorting to jingoistic obfuscation. It’s an issue repeated time and time again in the British public response to the history of empire and the impact of empire on modern Britain.
  2. Much of the history of the Kenya independence struggle was unexamined until very recently. Caroline Elkins ‘Imperial Reckoning’ 2005, first lifted the lid.
  3. You’ve perhaps unwittingly identified the font of the understanding many Brits have of the impacts of empire.
  4. You are doing better than most. You’ve at least identified one of the protagonist groups. Now I wonder, were the ‘atrocities’ alleged by the Mau Mau fact or propaganda fiction?
  5. If you were debating you’d be discussing the topic of the thread, not your baseless assumptions about members with whom you disagree.
  6. I’m not sure what you are talking about ‘my country’. 1. What you assume to be ‘my country’ is not the subject of discussion. 2. It’s a piece of personal information I have never shared on this forum and you have no rights at all to discuss. 3. It’s together with your ill informed off topic slave trade distraction are whataboutary. Refer top of thread fr the actual subject under discussion.
  7. I’ve provided a link to the history you weren’t taught at school. I see you are slipping into I’ll informed personal attacks. I suggest learning from King Charles and reading up on the actual history of the events to which he referred and this thread relates might be a better use of your energy. You would at least wind up better informed.
  8. You too need to learn from a King Charles and read up on this shameful history. The events to which Charles referred and this thread related did not happen hundreds of years ago, they took place on the period between the end of WW2 and Kenyan Independence in 1962. People who lived through this history are alive today, victims of the atrocities are alive today, people who lost parents and siblings to these atrocities are alive today.
  9. Ill informed nonsense. Here are some facts. Assange jumped bail (a crime). He was eventually returned to prison. The US issued an arrest warrant and an extradition request. Assange applied for bail, it was refused (well given his history of jumping bail). Assange appealed his extradition and has been afforded the rights to appeal. He remains in custody until is appeals are completed. He will then either be released or extradited. He is only now in a UK prison because he is enjoying his rights to appeal and because he has a history of ju ping bail.
  10. Or the modern day Slavery in the UK. But let’s skip the whataboutary and get back to the topic under discussion.
  11. Actually no. Because the British continued to profit from slavery in the empire after it was ‘outlawed’. https://origins.osu.edu/review/after-abolition-britain-and-slave-trade-1807?language_content_entity=en
  12. I think China, like the UK imprisons people who break laws. Though I doubt that in China he would have been given the opportunity to jump a bail.
  13. Perhaps you should learn from King Charles and read up on the atrocities to which his apology refers. It might challenge a few of your ideas and beliefs on the Empire. It probably wouldn’t but at least you’d know the history you are trying to obfuscate.
  14. A line of argument that becomes more than a little problematic when the Guardian and the Inquiry make reference to testimony under oath and documented records.
  15. No need to ‘Bash the Tories’ they’re locked in a cycle of self harm. All opponents of this failing Government need do is stand back snd leave them to it.
  16. Of course it might just be the statements made were objectively misogynist, just like other statements might be objectively racist. I myself don’t ever recall feeling I have been silenced for making misogynist or racist comments. It’s just never happened. Why I wonder?!
  17. The GOP proposal is a wrapper, what’s inside is more important than what’s printed on the wrapping paper.
  18. They asserted their view, they did not indicate. Investigators not happy with the decisions made by their directing managers/prosecutors (I. This case a Trump appointee) are par for the course in all Investigation/prosecution authorities.
  19. I suspect you’ve received far more than your understand or indeed are willing to accept. You would not be the first expat to depart back to the warm bosom of the the NHS and the Welfare State when life in Thailand bites harder then expected. Accept the truth of it, your life here is underwritten by the open invite to run back to Nanny should ever needs must.
  20. This raises a dilemma for Brits retired in Thailand who don’t, perhaps for reasons relating to pension increases, wish to let the Government know where they are. Is their vote worth the risk of losing pension increases? Unpaid fines and taxes might be other issues.
  21. A bit of an assumption. Thailand attracts a very different selection of British expats than might be found in other parts of the world. I’d be very surprised if many British expats in Thailand would bother voting even if they had the franchise extended to them. Though if a political party started making promises extend the pension triple lock that might wake a few up long enough to vote.
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