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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Agree. The police refusing to bend to the employment of rightwing extremist dog whistles by the Home Secretary in pursuit of her own authoritarian political ambitions is a fine example of not bending to politics and following the law. I hear though that rightwing extremists have heard her whistling and will be showing up on Saturday.
  2. The demonstrations don’t start until over an hour after the Remembrance Silence. And how is it religious with thousands of people from mixed and/or or no religious affiliation?
  3. It seems No. 10 doesn’t wish to be associated with Braverman’s dog whistling: https://www.theguardian.com/politics/live/2023/nov/09/labour-suella-braverman-met-police-protest-uk-politics-latest
  4. Opinions differ and you don’t speak for most people.
  5. Your statement was “Chomper said they are all peace loving...” Now let’s have some honesty out of you, provide a quote of me saying ‘they are all peace loving’ or admit I never said any such thing.
  6. I don’t see any thing wrong with people break the law getting arrested. Arresting people who turn up at the Cenotaph looking for trouble is a definitely something the Met should do.
  7. Can you post a quote from me in which I said ‘they are all peace loving’? Or did you make that up?
  8. Yes, thanks to all of them, regardless of where they were born, their language, their political affiliation or their religion. Be absolutely assured, there will be people taking part in the demonstrations on Saturday who have family members who fought with Britain in WW1, WW2 and conflicts since.
  9. What would they have to say about calls to deny the right to peaceful protest I wonder? Thank you for their service.
  10. Forgive me, I was simply pointing out the credible arguments that Hamas was acting to ensure your proposed resolution of this long existing conflict. You’ll hear no defense at all of Hamas or Hezbollah from me.
  11. Thank you for your family member’s service. I too am proud of my family members’ service. Sadly one didn’t survive but I’m very proud of his and their sacrifices. It’s a very common story across the UK, the UK’s ally nations and of course across the former colonies of the British Empire. We should all recognize and be grateful for the service and sacrifice of these people from many nations who fought for Britain and the freedoms people in Britain still enjoy. Perhaps defending those freedoms is a good way to honor the sacrifices that paid so dearly for them.
  12. For the right to peacefully protest? The right to express one’s opposition to Government policy?
  13. I’ll ask you the same question I asked another member. The current forecast is for 70,000 protestors to attend. How many of this projected 70,000 must break the law (or engage in ‘river-to-the-sea chants’) for all 70,000 to be branded with the same?
  14. To be frank, it wasn’t simply ‘just one shove’. The Hamas terrorist attack was by any measure a atrocity, layered upon far too many other atrocities.
  15. There are compelling arguments that the motivation for the Hamas terrorist attack was to create the war that is now taking place, thereby destroying the diplomatic efforts to bring Arab Nations to a peaceful and accepting accommodation with Israel, in particular Saudi Arabia. I and others have discussed, in other threads, the callous disregard Hamas displayed for innocent lives on both sides of the Israel Gaza border. [Edit] The most active supporter of Hamas is Iran. I don’t recommend referring to an Iranian as an ‘Arab’ or to Iran as an ‘Arab State’ to the face of an Iranian.
  16. I look forward to you providing evidence of what words I have put in your mouth.
  17. By all means, let’s remember the fallen: https://www.thenationalnews.com/world/europe/the-forgotten-muslim-heroes-of-the-first-world-war-1.738030?outputType=amp
  18. You mean Steven Barrett is not a rightwing lawyer member of the Tory Party? Or is it you wish to to quote the views of a rightwing lawyer who is a member of the Tory Party but don’t want those to be compared to the views of lawyers who defend civil liberties and freedom of expression?
  19. Perhaps you would also like to pay homage to the non British individuals who fought for Britain’s survival in both world wars, many of whom were Muslims and many of those would certainly have agreed ‘Allah Akbar’. Or do you wish to rewrite history to remove the contribution these people made to the defense of Britain’s freedom ?
  20. Here’s a question for you. The current forecast is for 70,000 people to attend the marches. How many need to engage in illegal acts before you blame all 70,000 for those illegal acts (which by the way haven’t yet happened)?
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