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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Once again the protests aren’t until Saturday. While you dishing out the instructions ‘learn to read’: Give it a try: “Sir Mark said he could not ban Saturday's demonstration simply because people felt it should not take place. 'The laws created by Parliament are clear. There is no absolute power to ban protest, therefore there will be a protest this weekend,' he insisted. 'The law provides no mechanism to ban a static gathering of people. It contains legislation which allows us to impose conditions to reduce disruption and the risk of violence, and in the most extreme cases when no other tactics can work, for marches or moving protests to be banned.' He said use of the power to block moving protests is 'incredibly rare' and must be reserved for cases where there is intelligence to suggest a 'real threat' of serious disorder.”
  2. But the demonstration isn’t until Saturday. Do you have a Time Machine?
  3. My goodness, the grievance, the raw grievance. How about the right to peacefully protest Jonny?
  4. First of all, welcome to the forum, it’s always nice when a new member turns up, there’s the possibility they might have some new things to say, although it doesn’t always pan out that way. Anyway, as a brand new member you might not be aware that when you make a claim it’s for you to provide the evidence to support it. Nobody is here yo run errands for you.
  5. “Remembrance Sunday” There’s a clue in there somewhere.
  6. Good call Mark Rowley, good to see the Met not bending to the authoritarian rightwing extremism of Braverman. I also hear she’s not getting her way with outlawing charities and members of the public giving tents to homeless people.
  7. oh no, the colonization fear mongering again. Though nice to see you supporting the right to peace for order.
  8. And yet Biden is outperforming Trump on political donations. I guess flooding the news with rigged polls is a lot easier than raising funds for which the accounting needs to be published. https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2023/10/16/biden-tops-trump-in-2024-campaign-fundraising-for-third-quarter.html
  9. Hillary didn’t call half the country deplorables, just the minority that supported Trump’s hate mongering. And she was right.
  10. I see my oft and for long time used ‘Rightwing Accusation Confession’ has sunk in.
  11. You can add what you want to the list you choose curate. Johnson is a Rightwing Christian Extremist. It’s not bigotry to recognize Johnson’s religiously motivated bigotry, but go ahead, make your list. I look forward to hearing more about why he, his wife and their children don’t have bank accounts, and where the money went he was collecting for that ‘Christian Law School’ that never got built.
  12. A dear friend of mine was a pupil at St Peters, York. On the subject of Guy Fawkes he remarked: “We didn’t have a Guy Fawkes bonfire at school, One doesn’t burn old boys”
  13. The above to questions are inseparably linked. Johnson is simply trying to placate the extremists with the feigned insistence that he’s going to do what they want. When he fails to deliver they’ll oust him.
  14. So explain why Muslims might be offended by a remembrance poppy? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-46124467.amp https://www.muslimwarmemorial.org/education/the-role-of-muslims-in-ww2/#:~:text=It is said that 5.5,approximately 1 million were Muslims.
  15. Don’t fall for the theater. There’s no impeachment investigation, that can only take place if approved by a vote of Congress. Oh go on then, fall for the theater, enjoy being played.
  16. I accused you of no such thing. In the context of this thread, how else could Labour be just as bad as the Tories?
  17. I do not. I’m not accusing you of jumping on the anti immigrant ion bandwagon, my apologies if that is the impression I have given.
  18. Well you did say In the context of this thread, how else could Labour be just as bad as the Tories?
  19. I blame the actual individuals who perpetrate acts of antisemitism. It leaves less room behind which to hide other hatreds.
  20. Do you have evidence of the Labour Party covering up for a serial rapist?
  21. MP’s gave themselves anonymity: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/only-one-mp-opposes-rules-prevent-automatic-naming-of-arrested-parliamentarians-john-mann-a6867476.html
  22. Nor does one provide cover for the centuries old anti-semitism ingrained in a European society. Recognize the customary leap to blaming immigrants for what it is.
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