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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Well apart from the added £330,000,000 of BREXIT generated costs, there’s this little gem: “We have not had full biosecurity controls in place at our border since leaving the European Union.” Deregulate and the inevitable happens: https://www.standard.co.uk/news/crime/port-officials-siezed-illegal-products-maggot-meat-dover-raid-b1033827.html
  2. And rightly so. He also has bipartisan support, with the exclusion of a handful of ‘useful idiots’ shilling for Putin.
  3. I don’t see any reason to suggest the Republicans should not go ahead with ripping their party apart, but really: “On Sunday, Rep Matt Gaetz vowed to oust Mr McCarthy, telling the CNN that House Republicans needed "trustworthy" leadership.” What on earth does anyone think Matt Gaetz knows about ‘trustworthiness’? ‘Matt Gaetz’ and ‘Trustworthy’ in the same sentence is an indication of just how far the GOP has fallen.
  4. Sorted: Created an email account, passed the details to someone in the UK then hooked up a video call while they register my account using details I gave them. I also got them to log in and out of the account before passing it back to me.
  5. I think you get the 08:00 to 09:00 award for the most off topic link posted into a thread.
  6. It’s nothing to do with what is being taught in schools. Its the Government monitoring the social media and social connections of educators who are critical of Government educational policies. It’s not about protecting kids, it’s about protecting the Government against criticism of its policies. Big Brother stuff.
  7. Jack Smith’s latest court filing includes Trump attempting to buy a gun while under bail conditions (a Federal Crime) and/or using buying a gun while under bail conditions to raise funds from his supporters ( using a Federal Crime to raise donations - campaign finance law crime). Republicans have recently made a big issue about someone buying a gun when it was a Federal crime for them to do so, but I don’t have the specifics to hand.
  8. Nice try at deflecting Jonny. The thread is not about ‘wokies’ (is that your favorite breakfast cereal?). Its not about ‘Trans Ideology’, whatever that is, does it even exist? Stop pretending the thread is something it is not. Here’s a reminder: “Revealed: UK government keeping files on education critics’ social media activity”
  9. Are you sure you were responding to the right post, the term ‘fixation’ doesn’t appear in the post you responded to. Maybe you got fixated on it, who knows?!
  10. OK let’s go with your Daily Mail induced outrage and take on your ‘educators certainly need to be kept an eye on’. Firstly because they express views contrary to Government policy? And if they do indeed need to be ‘kept an eye on’, surely that would require a law, a government policy and a court order authorizing such ‘keeping an eye on’. Or you too another proponent of ‘Big Brother’ , so long as it’s your own ‘Big Brother’?
  11. Except the promotion of hate towards Transgenders is part of the Alt-Right culture wars.
  12. Bring on government surveillance of legitimate citizen communications because you’ve got a bee in your bonnet about Enid Blyton.
  13. Nothing to do with extreme lefties. Dreaming up scenarios to try and affirm your ‘lefty’ fixation isn’t helping your argument, whatever that happens to be.
  14. You should read up on them, you are dancing to their tune.
  15. ChatGPT might be able to answer that completely off topic question of yours.
  16. I need know nothing more than the content of your posts.
  17. The we hope transgender hate fest is the invention of the Alt-Right. Fact checkers are an inconvenience they’d rather you avoided. You don’t have to do as you are being told.
  18. Non of this was of the slightest concern to you until the Alt-Right switched from gay hating to transgender hating, And you jumped across to the new line.
  19. BS. Because you aren’t in the least bit concerned about any children, you’re on a hate fest, driven by Alt-Right culture wars.
  20. I call politicians with zero medical training calling transgenderism a ‘mental health disorder’ abusive. Away with you and your fake claims of ‘gaslighting’.
  21. They are usually immigrants. You will have perhaps been blind to the fact they were doing the jobs Brits don’t want to do.
  22. All this ‘poor old Russell he’s being persecuted for get his dick out and waving it at a receptionist’. Does anyone believe that an ordinary bloke, not famous, perhaps a delivery guy or office junior staff getting his dick out and waving at a receptionist would not have been summarily dismissed and reported to the police?
  23. Perhaps they can see multiple problems and not get distracted by your pet ‘immigration’ thing.
  24. He might not have said ‘store’, ‘robbers’ or ‘shot’. He was slurring so badly it’s difficult to understand what he was rambling on about.
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