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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. And you know this how? Oh, you made it up.
  2. Well they’re not coming to the UK are they?! Incidentally, the report you linked concerns Ukrainian seasonal workers to Germany. Not EU seasonal workers.
  3. Well there goes the Brexit is getting rid of cheap workers under cutting British workers argument.
  4. Yes, precisely. The viral seasonal workers that were coming to the UK can easily go elsewhere, and they have done. A Brexit failure right there.
  5. Most of the EU workers in the UK I personally know are design engineers earning well over £100K per year. But it’s a few dozen individuals with permanent jobs in the UK and hence not moving to and from the EU, to these people the extra bureaucracy is a minor issue. But for workers in the vitally important farming and food production industries, their work is seasonal, better paid than in Eastern Europe but not that much better paid than in German, the Netherlands, Italy or Spain. For these vital seasonal farming and food industry workers, the additional bureaucracy is a burden, they have responded by staying away. Hence labour shortages in farming and food production, hence crops rotting in fields or simply not being planted, hence food shortages in markets, shops and supermarkets. A Brexit failure right there.
  6. Many of the EU workers in the UK were seasonal, coming to work on farms in the summer and harvesting periods, then returning home. Adding bureaucracy to their journey discourages them coming, end result crops rotting in fields and shortages of fresh foods in markets, shops and supermarkets. A Brexit failure right there.
  7. Of course, the unemployed scrounges. Like the millions waiting for surgery or other essential medical care? https://www.bma.org.uk/advice-and-support/nhs-delivery-and-workforce/pressures/nhs-backlog-data-analysis
  8. Since which British farmers are reporting crops rotting in the fields due to a lack of farm labour. https://www.thegrocer.co.uk/brexit/stunted-cornish-businesses-urge-post-brexit-support-from-government/678481.article
  9. Yep, the UK lost skilled and educated Europeans and imported migrants of ‘variable quality’. Illegal immigration increased because the UK lost control of its borders just at the point when Brexit handed complete control back to the UK. To thus date, there are virtually no customs checks on freight entering the UK from the EU. https://www.euractiv.com/section/economy-jobs/news/uk-confirms-plan-not-to-introduce-checks-on-eu-goods-until-2024/
  10. Nah, it was a failure from the start. Removing the UK from the world’s largest integrated free trade zone was always going to fail, and as Farage points out, it has failed.
  11. Precisely the point I made, to the chagrin of some.
  12. Yes I’ve quoted the wiki article which records Farage’s multiple attempts to get elected to Parliament. I’ve never once suggested ‘Farage being involved’ in Government, though obviously his attempts to get elected suggests he’d like to be. I believe, correct me if I’m wrong, PM May gave him the hard shoulder.
  13. The people who implement policies are the elected Government, Farage was never elected. Though he did have a few goes at it: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electoral_history_of_Nigel_Farage#:~:text=Nigel Farage is a former,winning re-election four times.
  14. Rees Mogg let the cat out of the bag when speaking at the Nat C Party conference, confessing the Government’s voter ID laws are, in his words ‘gerrymandering’. Yep ‘Nat C Party’ fits the bill. https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/amp/entry/jacob-rees-mogg-admits-tory-voter-id-law-was-gerrymandering_uk_64620db8e4b03e16f1a45050/
  15. Of course not, he’s a back row heckler. However, he did promise to go live abroad if Brexit failed, I doubt he’ll ever keep his word, but it would be an improvement if he did go somewhere else.
  16. Yes the Government are to blame for their failures running the country. But if Brexit inserts trade barriers and bureaucracy between the UK and its most significant market it is Brexit that caused those trade barriers and bureaucracy. Brexit is a dud.
  17. No, I’m not blaming the same people as Farage. My view has been clear all along, Brexit is economic madness it would always fail. Farage blames everyone except Brexit and of course blames the Government. The Government are indeed failing on multiple fronts, but they, not any Government were never going to make a success of Brexit, it can’t be done. Now if you want to ask me, has the Government failed to address the issues that Farage and others said Brexit would fix then yes I would agree. Brexit has failed. Brexit was never going to fix the things Farage and others claimed it would. The Government has failed on multiple fronts.
  18. The UK is the only G7 nation lagging behind pre-Pandemic levels. https://www.ft.com/content/4edae69b-c82d-49fb-ae5a-03d14ca8caa6
  19. I’m not siding with Farage and I’m not agreeing with his reasoning. I’m simply pointing out his conclusion and statement that Brexit has failed. You’ll find references to it at the top of this thread. Farage says Brexit has failed, I always said it would.
  20. Ordinary voters I’ve met this week don’t seem too impressed with Brexit. For whatever reason Farage has done the one thing the Government and the mainstream media were not doing, he’s brought Brexit failure into wide public discourse.
  21. What Durham says is all the same stuff Trump was saying before Durham was sent in his wild goose chase. But when it comes to evidence of a ‘deep state plot’, criminality on behalf of the FBI or political direction of the FBI, Durham has zilch.
  22. Except Farage saying exactly that is the topic of discussion.
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