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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. That’s not the kind of ‘serving’ Trump has ahead of him. And with that in mind, here’s the good news, the ‘term time’ runs to life.
  2. The President of the US does not reign. Don’t expose any more of your ignorance on the matter, it’s embarrassing.
  3. More garbage from FOX. But if it galvanizes opposition to this would be tyrant, then all well and good. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/favorability/donald-trump/
  4. He’s already passed his time in the WH. (‘Reign’ that’s something visited on serfs, not citizens in a republic).
  5. What the dwindling numbers of Brexiteers are engaging in is the fallacious argument that the problems with Brexit are firstly the fault of people who had no power over its execution and secondly that it was the execution of Brexit that is causing the ever more obvious failings of Brexit. This may be summed up in an expression you might if come across: ’Its always somebody else’s fault’.
  6. Perhaps someone in favour of getting rid of these so called ‘EU Laws’ can give us an example of which particular laws they want to get rid of and why
  7. You are correct, representation of the public through voting is important. So why support the executive bypassing parliament, the elected representatives of the people?
  8. They did. And many on the basis that they wanted the British Parliament to be sovereign. This attempt to bypass Parliament is nothing at all to do with Brexit. It is however an example of the anti democratic objectives of the extreme rightwing that was political driving force of Brexit. There is no excuse to remove from parliament the authority to make and or replete laws. This move is an attempt to replace parliamentary scrutiny and authority with executive edict. And here we have Brexiteers baying to surrender parliament to the executive. Quite remarkable really.
  9. well spotted. It’s known as ‘The Glass Cliff’ and not just Silicon Valley: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glass_cliff
  10. Racism is not a ‘controversial issue’ it’s an inherent evil, there’s absolutely nothing controversial about that.
  11. Public opinion should not influence policy or law making. Is that the argument you just made? Yes it is.
  12. Guess what. The UK signed up to the treaties and took part in their negotiation.
  13. As I have pointed out, the shootings that are giving rise to wide public calls for gun control are non crime related mass shootings in schools, colleges, places of worship and shopping malls. Nobody is calling for gun controls because criminals in gangs are murdering each other. Quit with your obfuscation already.
  14. No there are not. No EU law ever made its way on the the UK statute books without first being debated and approved by vote in the British Parliament. After all this time you still have no idea what you are talking about on matters of EU law applied in the UK
  15. Again obfuscation. I specifically referred to non crime related mass shootings in schools, colleges, places of worship and shopping malls. Off you go again with your obfuscation.
  16. Once again you dodge the fact that the issue driving wide spread public calls for gun controls is non crime related mass shootings in schools, colleges, places of worship, shopping malls. The weapon of choice in most of these mass murders is AR15 stiled weapons. I’ve repeatedly challenged you on this obfuscation you resort to, you never have a response, just more obfuscation and of course semantics.
  17. The Judge is making sure Trump knows exactly what he may or may not say about the case, the court, the court staff, the prosecution and of course the witnesses. He has ordered Trump to attend a Court lecture on the matter. Who owns you Donny?! https://apnews.com/article/trump-criminal-hush-money-video-hearing-03930ae00505487803f8338fe8840ba7
  18. It’s an outrage that the Government believe they can bypass parliament on hundreds of laws. Brexit has delivered Government by executive edict.
  19. Lies stick like brown stuff to some people. I think it has to do with a predisposition.
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