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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. And then there’s the lunacy of removing the UK from the worlds largest developed integrated free trade market without any plan at all: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/boris-johnson-brexit-no-plan-b2326008.html#
  2. He just can’t help himself can he?! Or rather he is very much in the habit of ‘helping himself’ while pinning a big sign on his back that reads ‘look here for evidence of fraud, money laundering and general criminal activity’.
  3. They are not all equal either. Worst Brexit deal of all is the much hoped for UK/US trade deal which Washington has said is not a priority (Washington speak for we are busy with stuff that matters).
  4. I see it’s you who has the forum crystal ball today.
  5. Brexit already passed its zenith. I look forward to reminding Brexiteers as the UK starts its journey back to the EU.
  6. ‘Brexit failure means Brexit failure’.
  7. I don’t side with Farage on anything. He’s finally seen he can’t deny the truth of Brexit failure is now trying to seek relevance in complaining about the folly he himself played such a significant role in creating.
  8. I did suggest while he was still on office he might help himself out by focusing on prison reform.
  9. I rather like dealing with reality. Not some fantasy of how things might have been different. We have Brexit promises, and the gap between Brexit promises and Brexit reality is factual and observable . We have a leader, arguably the most prominent leader, of Brexit declaring Brexit a failure. Yes I understand precisely why Brexiteers wish to engage in a fantasy of how things might have been different. Brexit is what it is. Brexit failure means Brexit failure.
  10. ‘It could have been different’ is not an argument. It’s a call to fantasy.
  11. That’s excellent news ricelag, a document, with details that can be checked and compared with the formal records.
  12. But claiming to have declassified documents without out any evidence of having done so and only making that claim when no longer in office? Oh…. And after first claiming somebody planted the classified documents! I think Jack Smith can work it out.
  13. But when pressed on what basis they say their ‘dog ate their whistleblower’.
  14. But remains subject to the law. The courts are a coequal branch of Government, the secret service is a Government Agency’ under the Department of Homeland Security and therefore under the executive. Always under the law.
  15. Is the secret service above the law, if not, they do like the rest of us, obey the court.
  16. Also, how does an individual respond when asked to return documents that are in their possession? Do they not even wait to be asked and self report while immediately returning documents and willingly welcome a thorough search for more. Or do they refuse to return the documents, hide the documents, lie about the documents, encourage others to lie about the documents?
  17. I’ll go with the separation of powers and the three independent branches of Government, The Executive, The Legislative and the Judicial. The courts are one of these branches of Government, they don’t like the secret service “, report to other branches of Government. Give up on trying to second guess my nationality, it’s not the topic of discussion and too many others have failed miserably trying.
  18. I’m quite certain the secret service don’t sleep in the same bedroom as the President, past or present. I doubt they’ll need to sleep on the same prison cell.
  19. Not in the least bit surprised. What though is surprising is the ease and speed at which some voluntarily take up shilling for the fossil fuel industry. Many did the same for the Tobacco industry. There’s a very good reason why they do so, and it’s not because they are free thinkers’: https://blog.ucsusa.org/guest-commentary/big-oil-and-big-tobacco-a-deadly-partnership-rooted-in-deception/
  20. Republicans are handing the Chinese a gift they could not have even dreamed of. China’s plan to establish the Yuan as a ‘reserve currency’ are aging momentum. https://www.exchangerates.org.uk/news/38037/2023-04-27-yuan-eclipses-dollar-in-chinese-cross-border-transactions-for-first-time-threat-to-king-dollar/amp
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