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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. In truth the Government are retaining a number, hundreds not thousands, of laws they wish to strike down by ministerial edict with no involvement of parliament. Once again Brexit overrides the sovereignty of Parliament. Oh the irony.
  2. I disagree. I read the article in the press this morning then went online looking up some of the things it discussed, I’m sure very many people did likewise. Teach high and your class will follow.
  3. OK so you don’t have an ‘economics’ argument against my point of view. Despite this being a subject you say you studied. I’ll park this there.
  4. You’ve explained why you believe I might hold a flawed opinion (because my political views are not the same as yours). That’s an ad hominem. What you haven’t done is explained the actual flaw you assert exists in my pov. Again, perhaps you’d like to give it a go.
  5. So having first declared my pov flawed and then gone on to tell us you studied economics, you failed to provide an explanation as to why you believe my pov flawed. Perhaps you’d like to give it a try.
  6. I’ve never myself felt the need to deny being MAGA. I guess because I don’t espouse MAGA / Trumpist views.
  7. You do know it was the Russians who illegally invaded the sovereign state of Ukraine?
  8. A stream of victim blaming. The killer had zero knowledge of any of his victims history, medical or criminal. And kilns was not ‘doing the right thing’.
  9. Thankfully the court will only consider what did take place, not the fantasy stuff you are indulging in.
  10. Oh, the men protecting women thing comes up again. So soon after defending a confirmed by court male abuser of women. My goodness how the world turns.
  11. For a man who so frequently cites the 5th Amendment, he sure forgets how to use it when he had a microphone and a stage.
  12. Let’s stick with the real event, Trump reminding decent Americans just how dreadful he is, while presenting evidence admissible against him to various criminal investigations he’s under. Your attempts at whataboutary are noted.
  13. What’s this ten times the audience claim? https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4001038-trump-celebrates-cnn-town-hall-ratings-many-minds-were-changed/#:~:text=CNN's hourlong town hall event,to Nielsen Media Research data.
  14. CNN are very rightly being criticized for giving a platform and microphone to a serial liar and sexual predator. I believe both Trump and CNN will suffer the consequences of this exercise in lies, offering succor to insurrectionists and bare faced misogyny.
  15. A constant stream of evidence admissible against him in civil and criminal courts. Thank you Donny, you’re a genius.
  16. The DUP are holding out for a hard border with Eire. As you rightly say, Sunak’s has a clear majority, he needs to stop dithering and delaying and tell the DUP they aren’t having their border. He however has a problem, the extremists of the ERG have him on a short lead. Biden is right, the Brits can’t be permitted to ‘screw around’.
  17. I’m not sure demonstrating your lack of understanding of the subject is helping your argument. You might not recognize the GFA, however the signatory nations do. It’s time for the extreme rightwing of the Tory party to stop pandering to the DUP and for the the DUP to return to its obligations of power sharing.
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