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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. I doubt very much that the UK will offer a referendum on anything ever again. Brexit has demonstrated how the ill informed can so easily be manipulated by the shysters and snake oil salesmen.
  2. You seem to forget it was in decline for decades. What finished it off wasn’t the EU, it was the change in the law (by a Tory Government) that permitted British fishermen to sell their fishing rights.
  3. Freedom of movement within EU nations is a clause within the EU treaties from which the UK has withdrawn. It is not an ‘EU law’ within the UK statutes.
  4. Yes, the UK can remove any laws it wishes. The right place and the right way to do so is by vote in the House of Commons where the implications of changing the law can be debated and considered - As it has been for centuries. The wrong place and the wrong way to repeal laws is by Executive Edict without the scrutiny of Parliament.
  5. You seem to have missed the bit in which the plan is for laws to be removed by executive edict. Remind me, Parliament is where UK laws are made and repealed? The voice of the British people is represented in Parliament, but under this Tory plan Parliament don’t get a say in what laws the executive delete by edict. So in this we see the another Brexit nonsense, a dangerous nonsense too. Parliamentary sovereignty overridden by executive edict. As for ‘I, or anyone else, should name the laws to be kept’ nonsense. Parliament debated and promulgated the laws on the statute book. It’s not for me, or anyone outside of Parliament to decide what laws belong on the statute books. Clearly something those willing to ditch Parliaments Sovereignty in favour of government by executive edict don’t understand. Let’s be honest about where this nonsense comes from - Rees Mogg. He comes up with the hair-brained idea of removing over 4000 laws by executive edict and Brexiteers defend his madness without any clue whatsoever what laws he was referring to. Hardly surprising given Tees Mogg himself can’t name any particular laws either.
  6. ‘Wild goose chase’ Well yes, that does describe the futility of getting Brexiteers to name anyone of 4000 so called ‘EU laws’ they want to get rid of and explain why. You want to get rid of stuff, but you can’t say way stuff and you can’t say why.
  7. We are still waiting for Brexiteers to name any one of these 4000 so called ‘EU laws’ they wish to remove and tell us why. The best they have is some general non specific reference to laws, no details of what laws, no explanation of why the specific laws need to be removed. No wonder the Government are binning the idea.
  8. Put your shovel down. The Government have only just announced this U-Turn, there is no credible link to your ‘probably delayed 12 months’. It was all on track until a week ago. So what’s changed I wonder?
  9. Back to topic. “UK government scraps plan to replace all EU laws by the end of 2023” I wonder what caused the change of mind?!
  10. Except the evidence is Millennials are not following the same path right as previous generations. It’s very far from over. https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/financial-times-millennials-conservatives-age-b2253902.html
  11. Treaties are treaties, there’s a clue in the name. Name a law and explain why it must be removed. Given there are supposedly 4000 so called ‘EU laws’ it shouldn’t be difficult to pick one.
  12. Republican opinions in the report that oddly look a lot like the Republican accusations that promoted the report in the first place. Meanwhile zero ‘Deep State’ plot against Trump and no crimes discovered. This Republican accusation of ‘confirmation bias’ looks a lot like a confession.
  13. The only advantage I can see is for people with substantial non pension investments that wish to move completely out of UK tax jurisdiction to avoid capital gains tax on their investments. But their capital gains tax exposure would have to be significantly higher than their pension fund value. The OP has a good sized pension with very valuable benefits attached, in particular inflation protections and a full pension for his wife if she survives him. There would have to be some very compelling financial arguments to move that into QROPS.
  14. It tells us there was no ‘Deep-State’ plot against Trump. So yes, let’s hope Trump does get a copy.
  15. You didn’t give examples, agreements are not laws. Brexiteers tell us there are 4000 EU laws they want to repeal, but oddly can’t name one of them or why it must be repealed.
  16. Nice deflection. You haven’t given a single example of an EU law that should be repealed and why.
  17. A disgusting lie on your part. The Trump administration enacted policies of separating migrant children from their parents, as Scott has posted close to a thousand of those children remain separated from their parents. The Biden administration put an immediate stop to the inhumane policy. By demonstration it was the Trump policy that was the cause of migrant children being separated from their parents.
  18. No it wasn’t. The main pathway for migrants was still wide open. They were still arriving by aircraft and still overstaying their visas. You just got distracted by the authoritarian excesses visited on the predominantly poor and non white migrants crossing the southern border.
  19. The invented the whole ‘migrant crisis’, they can’t fix it, they need it. It’s a distraction for their supporters while the people who fund the Republican Party make off like bandits.
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