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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. You seem to have missed the bit about over the past 12 years of Tories failing to address energy self sufficiency and knobbling the development of reusable energy in England and Wales while Scotland did the smart thing and continued with Green Energy to the benefit of their nation.
  2. Why should he do that? He has no business interfering in workers exercising their right to strike. People are struggling to pay their bills, union action to demand better pay is a perfectly natural response.
  3. It’s a point of view shared by the most likely future PM. It goes under the heading ‘sticking it to the powerless in favour of the powerful’.
  4. The Greens have stepped in with their proposals. Again taking advantage of the Tories being AWOL while the nation suffers. Opposition parties taking a firm hold of the public narrative on energy prices and the cost of living crisis: https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2022/aug/17/green-party-calls-for-nationalisation-of-big-five-energy-firms
  5. Perhaps you can invite a few on here and ask them. Votes cast are secret.
  6. I didn’t even mention the causes of the problems the people of the UK are facing. I simply pointed out that the solutions many are choosing and increasingly supportive of are, unions, and industrial action, bringing back utilities and essential services into state ownership. I expect water companies to be next on the list.
  7. All this bleating about Unions and Socialism. Somebody seems not to have noticed that in the face of the worse cost of living crisis in living memory, unions and industrial action are becoming quite the thing again. Likewise support for nationalization of utility and railway companies https://yougov.co.uk/topics/utilities/trackers/support-for-bringing-energy-companies-back-into-public-ownership https://yougov.co.uk/topics/politics/articles-reports/2014/05/11/why-do-people-support-rail-nationalisation
  8. Not being charged with something is not the definition of being innocent.
  9. You could keep guessing all day and night and still not get it right. None of us know anything about document security at the White House during Trump’s administration, we do know that he removed TC/SCI documents to Mar-a-Largo. If you find anything certain on sloppy document security at the White House under Trump’s administration, so let us know, I for one would love to hear it.
  10. Nah they aren’t. They're concerned that money id not being given by the truck load to their already fabulously wealthy donors and controllers. Worse still, they can’t stomach the idea of Democrats doing anything for ordinary Americans.
  11. They will not ‘wake up’, they are attached emotionally and psychologically. Each newly exposed Trump outrage is a reason to double down. Trump himself said it best, ‘I could shoot someone on fifth Avenue and not lose support’. He meant it. The investigation continues, tge extent of the damage to IS security had not even been addressed yet, when it is addressed his supporters will be in lock step with him regardless of whatever it is he has done.
  12. Done by Democrats, done by Biden. Opposed tooth and nail by Republicans.
  13. She’s simply repeating obnoxious views she had previously recorded in the book she coauthored ‘Unchained Britannia’. I’d buy a copy of it were printed on softer paper.
  14. Odd you should ask that question, just as it appears someone in Government has no intention of you or anyone else finding out: “Thérèse Coffey, the work and pensions secretary, said she would not publish five reports or research on the benefit cap, deaths of benefits claimants, the impact of universal credit (UC), and benefit sanctions, and that she had no plans to publish two further reports on unpaid carers and work capability assessments.” https://www.theguardian.com/society/2022/aug/14/british-minister-accused-of-trying-to-hide-reports-on-impact-of-tory-welfare-reforms
  15. If Trump is indicted you’ll cry foul. If Trump is sent to trial you’ll cry foul. If Trump is convicted you’ll cry foul. Feel free to pin this comment.
  16. Of course, if working people can’t pay their bills they will demand higher pay, perhaps resorting to industrial action (as is their right). Millions of people in a wealthy nation having to choose between ‘Heating and Eating’, millions of others already struggling to afford food. Clearly this is not going to be tolerated for long. Well done Starmer for proposing practical and costed help to millions of people struggling with extortionate energy prices.
  17. Smart messaging and very smart timing from Labour. Millions of people up and down the nation are struggling to pay bills, millions are already in debt to energy companies at a time when warm weather might otherwise have given them chance to pay back debt/build credit. And these millions have in mind the certain fact more price hikes are in the pipeline. These millions are also being treated to an incumbent Tory PM refusing point blank to help them, while two more Tories vie for his job, the front runner of which has stated no more handouts. Labour has offered a clear, simple and costed proposal that addresses the concerns of people being driven into poverty by energy bills at a time when oil and gas companies are raking in vast profits. The electorate have time to hear these proposals, measure them against their own needs and ponder this while the Tories continue for weeks more of internal wrangling with nothing but more pain on offer for the millions facing a choice between ‘Heating and Eating’. Well done Starmer, spot on target!
  18. Let’s dispense with your failure to have heard the FBI found TS/SCI documents when they searched Mar-a-Largo: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-62527628 This should save you going through the trouble of posting misinformed suggestions that nothings has been found
  19. You need to catch up. TS/SCI documents were found and recovered. I have explained before, this represents a two fold threat. Firstly a threat to Trump who now seems to explain his possession of these TS/SCI documents, months after his own attorneys has submitted signed statement that all documents had been returned. Secondly there is the far more serious threat to National security arising from who might have had access to these documents. The upshot is we can be certain this investigation is only just getting started. The documents recovered are evidence of both serious crime and extremely serious threats to national security. This is going to get nasty.
  20. Again, I’ve not claimed there is an indictment, I’ve not claimed anything has been proven in court. On multiple occasions I explained the process by which an indictment is obtained, this will all take time. In the meantime the FBI are entirely justified in keeping the scope and breadth of the investigations under wraps. That they are doing so is not evidence of anything other than following cautious procedure to protect on going investigations.
  21. Really, so a conspiracy between the Dems, the DoJ, the FBI and the Federal Judge that signed the warrant. Please, keep your imagination within the realms of the real fact based world. Investigations are on going, be patient. We don’t need your ludicrous conspiracy theory, simply because it is ludicrous.
  22. I’ve never once suggested that evidence of crime is equivalent to a conviction. Please quell your histrionics.
  23. There are numerous reasons why the FBI might very legitimately withhold the arguments they made to get the warrant, tipping off the target(s) of their investigations is the most obvious. For example: The scope and breadth of the investigation. The cooperation of witnesses within the target(s)’ immediate sphere. The ongoing use of wire taps or other means of surveillance. The inclusion within the investigation of coconspirators. Just a few very reasonable reasons, but I’m sure there are many more, But don’t fret. If the FBI proceeds to an indictment, it is then that they shall provide the target(s)’ defense teams with all evidence gathered - Not before.
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