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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Belief that one has a right is not a defense in a court of law.
  2. This is a discussion forum, it’s not any part of deliberations within the criminal Justice system. The presumption of innocence is not applicable to personal opinions and personal opinions differ. Please try to come to terms with this.
  3. Why would I need whataboutary, I have no desire at all to make this about anything but Trump. But Trump’s past words and behavior are relevant where they intersect with the matter in hand.
  4. ‘I’ve got the best people, the very best people’. Always the best people. 2022 is turning into a refreshing torrent of Justice. I unabashedly claim credit for my early calling 2022 a year of Justice. I’m almost blissed out.
  5. It’s being reported that more sealed submissions to the court have been made on the M-a-L search warrant docket.
  6. There are a number of posts scattered throughout this thread in which individuals with experience working with classified documents explain the principles of document storage and handling. That a thief did not follow those principles when stealing documents is not a surprise and is not evidence of any of the conspiracy theories you refer too. But you are correct, questions need to be answered on how these documents wound up in boxes at Mar-a-Largo. It is Donald Trump who needs to answer those questions. Thank you for raising this important point.
  7. No more so that the ‘lock her up’ chants that were the encore of so many Trump and rightwing rallies.
  8. To be fair, you have used a cartoon as your compelling evidence.
  9. Just getting the docs back will never be enough. It needs to be known who has seen them.
  10. We all know what is the topic of discussion, and for those who occasionally forget it’s still there at the top of the thread
  11. It reads like a monster threat. I’m sure it’s not the first ‘mobster threat’ the DoJ has come across. Thanks for posting!
  12. He can absolutely just say something is Declassified. But in doing so he puts a peg in the ground. His statement is an admission of guilt.
  13. Of course you guess Hillary, she’s living rent free in your head.
  14. You need to get over the idea that the UK has some kind of special relationship with the UK. The UK shall not do as it pleases in Ireland without pushback from the significant Irish lobby in the US. Characterize this as ‘Biden supporting the IRA’ if doing so makes you feel better about the UK policies in Ireland being very much subject to approval from Washington, regardless of who is President. The views of voting Irish Americans are far more important to US Presidents than what the UK thinks it can do in Ireland.
  15. There is no executive privilege covering criminal actions, it doesn’t exist. Which is probably why whoever came up with this nonsense chose to disseminate it through FOXnews
  16. US National Security put at risk, it’s the stuff that warrants doubling down on support for the man who created the risk while dishing out laughing emojis.
  17. Name her please, ‘Marjorie Taylor Greene’ extreme rightwing fruitcake.
  18. Here’s a thing. There are two real and serious threats arising from Trump illegally removing TS/SCI documents to his Mar-a-Largo home. The first real and serious threat is to Trump himself, we know he’s under criminal investigation for violating the espionage Act, this is a real and serious threat to Trump’s liberty. Trump supporters know this, hence they are focussed on trying to claim Trump has a right to have these documents at his home/declassified these documents and/or these documents were planted - Well good luck with that, it won’t work. Senator Paul Rand had taken a different tack, he suddenly wants to repeal the Espionage Act. This begs a question, what threat is Rand facing from this case that he feels the US does not need an Act of law outlawing Espionage? All of the above is a threat to Trump and those in his immediate sphere. But then there’s this, the real nasty, real dangerous threat: Who has had access to these TS/SCI documents while they were in Trump’s possession at Mar-a-Largo? We have learned from news reports that the FBI have obtained video footage of the document boxes being moved around Mar-a-Largo at times after Trump’s attorney(s) had already submitted statements that all documents were returned (unequivocal evidence of false statements/obstruction of Justice and hence more threats to Trump). But this ‘movement’ of the documents raises a question. Why were the documents being moved? Who was being given access to the documents? This is the real threat, not to Trump but to US National Security. If, as reported, the TS/SCI documents included documents relating to US Nuclear Weapons Systems then the possibility of US adversaries getting access to these documents has to be considered a reality. This is a threat to US National Security and is something all Americans should be concerned about. It’s not about Trump, it’s about the whole of the US. Nobody gets to ignore this threat, play this threat down, claim this is not a real threat and still maintain any claim whatsoever to being a patriot.
  19. Perhaps Franklin had in mind the possibility of a President losing an election then encouraging his supporters to overthrow the election result. Or maybe Franklin envisaged a President being investigated for serious crimes and his supporters responding by threatening civil war.
  20. You forget, it wasn’t ’the media’ that put this story out. It was Trump. Tge first anyone not directly involved in any of this heard about it was when Trump went public.
  21. He’s probably getting them from the same source that you get yours.
  22. In your defense, you’re a ‘Brit’, you have a reasonable excuse for not knowing the first thing about what’s going on in US politics. I suggest you make best use of that excuse and stop embarrassing yourself. But of course if that’s your intention, feel free to ‘carry on regardless’.
  23. There’s an added advantage of prosecuting Trump on espionage charges. It might be good cause to keep his corpse out of Arlington when he finally croaks. Bury him on a golf course, tge nation’s hero’s deserve not to have him as company.
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