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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. That’s one of the things you are well known for, there are others.
  2. You made your arguments on ‘probable’ numbers and a ‘rough guess’. It’s for you to prove you are right. Nobody here owes you anything.
  3. It wasn’t me that introduced ‘probable’ and ‘rough guess’ of the numbers into the discussion. That was you, the basis of the argument you are making is based on your ‘probable’ and ‘rough guess’. I don’t owe you any numbers. Your arguments are groundless.
  4. Having read your posts in this thread I can only come to one conclusion. It really does bother you that the children of an ethnic minority subjected to abuse might be given Justice.
  5. Just as I though the nonsense couldn’t get any worse, you’ve dreamt up ‘a watch list for forthright politics views’.
  6. What would you do about all the begging letters if you won. Would you still send them?
  7. You reminded me of happier times, thank you. But before you go, didn’t you make assumptions about my position on matters for which you had no knowledge? Yes you did.
  8. well somebody was clearly aware of the delays that Brexit would cause. It’s why the UK Government spent £millions building lorry parks to deal with the delays Brexit was bound to cause. Unless of course you think they had a heads up that COVID checks were going to be necessary when the Government planned and built the lorry parks.
  9. I suspect it’s because they want to take their cars with them to France.
  10. The queues, costs and delays are all on the UK side, so are the related negative impacts.
  11. I doubt John Eastman or Jeff Clark would agree with you that this is all a ‘nothing burger’.
  12. And backs GOP policy positions that will ensure he never is.
  13. You need to catch up with the real world. Increased costs and delays to British businesses that are a direct result of Brexit. There is no sense in which this is good news for the UK economy.
  14. But it was a predicted outcome and it’s turned out to be correct.
  15. I thought that was being given to the NHS, farmers, local regions or was it chums of the Government? In reality it’s being added to the operating costs of British business. These are direct costs of Brexit.
  16. I like to take others at their word. Your words were Crystal clear. ???? There again, perhaps you don’t know where you are.
  17. All a cost to business, all a drain on the UK’s already feeble productivity.
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