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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Yes correct. But they aren’t selecting a candidate that has any proposals to help the rest of the nation deal with the problems they are struggling with. Truss or Sunak, both completely out of touch, though Sunak might deliver less inflation.
  2. Putting aside your off topic fixation on Rayner. How does the British Government, in which Truss was a minister, handing out tens of billions of pounds to friends of Tory ministers with zero benefit to the nation fit with your ideas of ‘free market trickle down economy’?
  3. You are hiding behind semantics. Once again. The Candidates audience and hence the content of their proposals is the Conservative Constituency Membership. Meanwhile, the rest of the nation continues to suffer. Give the rightwing culture war nonsense a rest.
  4. It was you that stated the concerns of the whole nation need to be addressed. I have on several occasions explained in which manner the Conservative membership differs from the population at large and how their concerns differ from the population at large. The winning candidate will be chosen on the basis of the concerns of a small group who are not representative of the whole population, this is a fact. The only bearing the last election has on this matter is if the winning Candidate is proposing policies that are at odds with the Conservative manifesto of the last election. Whichever candidate wins, they are not making any proposals that address the concerns of the general population. Their audience and hence the content of their proposals is the Conservative Constituency Membership. Meanwhile, the rest of the nation continues to suffer.
  5. The PM will be selected by a small group of people who are far from representative of the whole nation.
  6. There are two candidates, neither is addressing the concerns of ordinary people.
  7. You are wrong again: https://eu.dispatch.com/story/news/2021/03/15/undocumented-ohio-immigrants-taxes-no-benefits/4628218001/
  8. They pay taxes on the goods and services they buy. If there is tax evasion in payroll then that’s a felony committed by the payer.
  9. I suggest you take that up with the member I was responding to.
  10. Johnson was brought down by his own failures and his own political colleagues following two stunning Tory defeats in bi-elections. Beyond success at the ballot box, the ‘Left’ had no part in any of Johnson’s ousting.
  11. Odd you should say that, because I have. I have also paid attention to the response from economists to the proposals being made by the candidates.
  12. Getting back to topic. The new PM will be elected by the rank and file of the Tory Constituency Party, a group of people who are not representative of the public at large but who are predominantly old and retired (therefore living on fixed incomes or soon to be living on fixed incomes). Inflation is a very significant concern for people living on fixed incomes and with savings under threat. The two candidates are offering diametrically opposed fiscal policies. Sunak is proposing policies to fight inflation. Truss is proposing policies to cut taxes and spend which are widely criticized on the basis they will increase inflation. That’s the choice people for whom inflation is a significant concern have before them. It is the visible split in the Tory Party.
  13. I'm in the UK, I hear constant discussion of the cost of living, fuel/energy prices, inflation. I don’t hear any discussion about rightwing ‘culture wars’. People are far too focussed on simply getting by in their own lives to be in the slightest bit bothered about how other people live theirs. Nobody is interested in the faux outrage of rightwing ’culture wars’, it’s not even on the radar. And quit the gaslighting, Johnson was brought down by his own failings and his own party. Not some lefty skulduggery.
  14. So quit blaming the people who are willing to do the jobs Americans refuse to do.
  15. The real question, regardless of where they are reported: Are Sunak’s criticisms of Truss’ policies valid?
  16. People who through poverty, the cost of living crisis and fuel/energy hikes are skipping meals, getting further in debt and facing ever increasing bills to pay through runaway inflation are not in the slightest concerned with rightwing ‘culture wars’. Johnson had a massive majority in Parliament, he’s not being replaced because the General Public are concerned about rightwing ’culture wars’ or your fear of the political left. Neither of the candidates have any answers for the problems the General Public are facing.
  17. The UK got rid of the ‘Dublin Regulation’, it’s one of those ‘Brexit Bonuses’ y’all kept banging on about. Well done!
  18. *Deleted post edited out* I’m one of the millions of people who benefitted from the Biden Administration’s roll out of COVID Vaccines. As are hundreds of thousands of expats in Thailand.
  19. The services California provides are paid for by the taxes paid by people residing in California, very many of whom are undocumented immigrants.
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