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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. What Ted Cruz says and what Ted Cruz does is not to be trusted when the rights of others are at risk. Hence the need for this law. Thankfully it had a level of bipartisan support, but of course others object to it. Sorry if that’s repeating something you already understand.
  2. I don’t need to say ‘Abortion’ when I mean ‘Dominion over their own bodies’ of which ‘Abortion’ is only one sub issue. In the spirit of speaking more plainly, why don’t you mention the vociferous many within the rightwing who want to ban abortion completely, including in cases of rape, incest and when a woman’s life is endangered by a continuing pregnancy? Just let women enjoy the same dominion over their own bodies as men enjoy - keeping Government out of the lives of citizens and all that.
  3. I’m not being ‘hysterical’ at all, I’m delighted this vote has past with a measure of bipartisan support. It appears to me however, it’s you that is offended by the news —— The vast majority of Americans support the right of women to hold dominion over their own bodies, but that doesn’t stop extreme rightwing religious zealots doing everything they can to remove that right. I mean when was the last time the GOP represented even a minor majority of Americans?
  4. Which in turn is adding to all the other issues driving the wider economy into recession.
  5. Let’s distinguish between two different things. ‘Court Docket’ and ‘Agenda’ Equality of marriage rights are not currently on the ‘Court Docket’ but removing equality marriage rights is absolutely on the ‘Agenda’ of the extreme rightwing religious zealots that are driving much of Republican policies these days. I’ll remind you ‘Roe v Wade’ was in the words of a SCOTUS appointee, ‘settled case law’, until she got the opportunity to ‘un-settle it’.
  6. Once again 2022 shows it’s face as a sterling year for Justice. This one comes with the added bonus of the court find ‘Seditious conspiracy’ So there ends the ‘peaceful protest’ gaslighting we’ve had to put up with. Now lock this piece of scum up for the full 30 years, snd let’s hope that that’s the rest of his life.
  7. We won’t have to put up with Republicans telling us the Democrats failed to protect the right to marry whoever you wish. So yes, well done Joe Biden, the Democrats and the 47 Republicans who put protecting people’s rights above Party politics and religious zealotry.
  8. And therein lies the problem with residential renting. Rents need to be affordable, but also homes need to be safe, tenancies need to be secured. When ‘affordable homes’ moves from being a social issue to a political one, the Government will respond with legislation and regulations. Whatever the laws and regulations are today they will become more onerous to landlords as time goes bye. The most obvious being rent controls and assured tenancy
  9. It’s called Realpolitik. Hypocrisy is bleating about gas prices, blaming Biden for gas prices and then moaning when he takes action to reduce gas prices.
  10. I’ll gladly comment. Are we to tar all British Immigrants to Thailand with this man’s heinous crimes?
  11. How you managed to jump to that off topic fabrication is a mystery.
  12. Firstly to be very clear, this is not a reference to ASEAN NOW. I’m not convinced that claims of being banned from Internet forums are anything beyond claims of being banned from Internet forums. Or indeed that the stated reason is the actual reason. Seems much more like conspiracy theorizing and painting a picture of being a victim of such a conspiracy, which is an identifiable characteristic of rightwing grievance nurturing.
  13. There’s absolutely nothing superficial about not being able to find a de study when you need one, not a doctor and certainly nothing superficial about police not attending crimes.
  14. The Merriam-Webster has obviously been following threads on this forum.
  15. Well maybe most, but not all could become drivers, or cleaners, but I doubt palliative care and rehabilitation are jobs anyone can do.
  16. There are far better arguments for remaining in NATO, building conventional military capabilities and getting rid of the nukes than there are for leaving NATO. The UK bought insignificant amounts of oil and gas from Russia. However I note, you back the UK leaving NATO (I’m sure Putin agrees), you back buying Russian O&G (I’m sure Russia agrees).
  17. You are correct, you referred to the ‘Health Care Industry’, I guess you meant Boots the Chemist. ”An industry with 50000 vacancies. Vacancies that can be filled by anyone. No experience required.” Refer your earlier post below:
  18. And therein lies the problem. The UK doesn’t have the capability to scale its military response between conventional warfare, were the UK could not on its own field a force that could fight Russia and full on Nuclear Engagement. However as a member of NATO the UK can rely on its NATO Allie’s to provide the necessary scale of conventional warfare response, the meat presence of which is a significant deterrent. I’d give upon the ‘get out of NATO’ if I were you, those days are well gone.
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