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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Usually the only thing most people remember about a statistics class, if that is they were ever in one.
  2. Agree. Misinformation on vaccines and COVID absolutely fits the bill for causing injury and death to others, Misinformation is a direct cause of people refusing vaccines and not following public health advice.
  3. How about tackling the advertising and other misinformation campaigns that market unhealthy foods and undermine health messaging?
  4. All the more reason to vaccinate the unvaccinated and reduce the stress on the healthcare systems.
  5. Smoking is not the topic of this discussion, but it is an example of the impact sustained misinformation campaigns have on the promotion of public health.
  6. We all make decisions on the information we receive, people surrounded by misinformation will make misinformed decisions. Misinformation is driving vaccine refusal and hence directly resulting in vast numbers of unnecessary serious illnesses, hospitalizations and deaths. This begs a question. What drives people to actively spread misinformation knowing the outcome of doing so?
  7. Have you got something to say about the report you linked or do you expect the rest of us to read all 65 pages while trying to guess what your point is?
  8. It’s been explained to you numerous times. And yet still you persist with your false representation of the UK data.
  9. This not a matter or an individual or even individual school boards banning books. This is a coordinated and funded attack on the literature in school libraries. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/jan/24/us-conservatives-campaign-books-ban-schools
  10. Don’t be silly, they went for the huge tax free salaries.
  11. You assume ‘self inflicted’. Life style diseases occur in a population at a predictable rate, they don’t grow exponentially over very short periods as do COVID infections.
  12. The fact that in some parts of the world people don’t have access to vaccines is irrelevant to the arguments that nations with vaccines should aim for 100% vaccination. And for the record I support the view that rich nations should be providing vaccines to nations that can’t afford or otherwise don’t have access to vaccines. I absolutely do support tackling unhealthy diets, though I’d start at the other end and regulate the processed, fast food and sugar industries.
  13. By the same argument, it makes a lot of sense to limit the social interactions of those who refuse to be vaccinated. Since they refuse to voluntarily do what’s necessary to help themselves and help others, they make the case for compulsion.
  14. Can anyone confirm the K-Bank App ( K+) works when overseas?
  15. The ‘Cancel Culture’ we’ve been hearing so much about (pure projection).
  16. The scientific consensus does not rely upon unanimous agreement, there are always dissenting views, mostly on in matters of nuance or detail, occasionally on whole parts of scientific theory. The existence of dissenting views does not negate the consensus. And nobody gets burned at the stake for dissent.
  17. “Somewhere along the line they overlooked that science is never fixed, and changes as new information is discovered.” And in one sentence you completely undermine your use of the term ‘Dogma’. The continuing refinement of scientific knowledge is it’s strength and one that is openly accepted by followers of science. If you have an alternative to science, let’s be having it.
  18. Here’s the difference between ‘faith/dogma’ and following the science. When the data becomes more complete, the science is updated and a new understanding follows. Revision and refinement are fundamental to science, and the absolute antithesis of religion and religious faith/dogma.
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