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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Trump’s the only former President insisting he should still be in office. That and the fact his supporters are so actively present in this thread.
  2. Is it something you do often? Speak for whole populations of people? ...... Your calculations are flawed. You neglect to recognize the death rates you use are based on deaths with lockdowns and other precautions.
  3. If you say so: Polling data aggregated by FiveThirtyEight still has Biden at approval levels above anything Trump achieved. And he’s not yet dealt with the religious fundamentalism that’s got a grip of the GOP in Texas. Nobody in America cares about the the Taliban in Afghanistan, they’re more concerned about the domestic terror threat.
  4. Aetna, sponsors of this sub-forum, were quick off the mark to issue certificates stating the policy holder was covered for COVID related illness to the full value of the policy.
  5. I don’t think hallucinations will dissuade the likely candidates of self medicating with neurotoxins from doing so, they’re living in an alternate reality they’ll probably regard hallucinations as an augmentation or the fool’s bliss they inhabit. A select few, though still too many, within the rightwing evangelical subset of de-wormer imbibers might believe their long awaited rapture has arrived.
  6. “Without a chance of explanation from the other parties” So you missed the bit where Trump ordered witnesses within his administration not to give evidence.
  7. Does the document you were given have a QR code. If it does, scan this with a smartphone, it should take you to your record within government’s vaccination certification database.
  8. A number of news outlets now carrying the story (sourced from Sean Spicer) that Trump is considering announcing his run for 2024. Do it Donald, do it!
  9. Is this like your predictions for the 2020 election?
  10. I suggest you direct your inquiry on mixing vaccines to your doctor. On a practical note: Two different vaccination centres through two different registrations will almost certainly give two different records of vaccination that may not meet any requirements for what constitutes a record of full vaccination. I personally would stick with the AstraZenica, if only to avoid the possibility of incomplete and mixed vaccination records.
  11. Russia still are a major influencer both in Europe and the US. Brexit and Trump are two examples of their influence.
  12. I suggest you read the Lancet article. The study doesn’t claim anything, it’s findings are demonstrated. I’m quite certain you’ve heard lots of things but the report in Lancet is not hearsay, it’s a report on peer reviewed science.
  13. Laughable performance. Here’s two bits of hard science the performing trickster missed. 1. A gas flowing through a restriction experiences a pressure drop and a loss of velocity. (Bernoulli’s principal). The video graphically depicts a young man’s breath vapour in cold air. Placing a single mask on the same young man in the same cold air would graphically demonstrate the loss of velocity of his expelled breath and how that restricts how far the vapour in his breath travels. 2. Vortices (first described by Leonardo De Vinci) and centrifugal force (first described by Isaac Newton). When a gas passes an object in its pathway the gas forms vortices at the trailing edge of the object. The angular velocity in the vortices caused, by centrifugal force causes particles suspended in the gas to exit the gas stream at an angle perpendicular to the direction of the gas stream. Hence the vortices centrifuge aerosols out of the breath into the fabric of the mask, which is why your mask gets damp when you wear it. And if that doesn’t convince you - try this for size (pun intended). James Dyson’s vacuum cleaner removes minute particles from the air that passes through it by means vortices and centrifugal force - The Dyson vacuum cleaner has no filter at all. The video you’ve posted is nothing more than the trickery of a wannabe circus performer doing anything for his 15 minutes of ‘fame’.
  14. Companies paying living wages have more than enough applicants for the posts they advertise. Refugees have always been ‘coming our way’ and always will. There is no battle at the southern border. The DoJ have brought charges against hundreds of participants in arguably the worst crime ever committed that of the failed insurrection, they are also busily working their way up to those who incited, organized and funded that crime - stay tuned justice is coming. Voter suppression is a threat to the democracy upon which the US is founded. It’s rather an important issue right now.
  15. Ask yourself this question. Do Americans want to continue sending their sons and daughters to die in Afghanistan, or have they had enough already? The news is already swinging away from Afghanistan, it’ll be a footnote by time the mid terms arrive. I doubt the Europeans will leave NATO, but it’s high time they got their act together on their own defense strategy. You might want to run that by Americans too.
  16. You need to find a better source on what Biden and the Democrats positions are wet to GOP voter suppression. On other matters Biden, you were wrong biggly all last year, I see no indication of you having learned from your misjudgment.
  17. That’s a nice misrepresentation of what the Democrats are fighting. The GOP are engaged in wide spread and multi pronged efforts to restrict voter access, they are targeting sectors of the electorate that vote Democrat. They claim these measures are needed to combat election fraud but have not produced any evidence of any significant voter fraud. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2021/06/02/state-voting-restrictions/
  18. The US were never going to stay in Afghanistan once Trump struck a no win deal with the Taliban for the US to leave and to release captured Taliban prisoners. If you are worried about the impact on Europe you can petition your own government to go back in.
  19. The distinguishing and differentiating features of each have been explained to you. But there is another important difference that you are demonstrating. A Hypothesis is formulated as the subject of an investigation/research. The analysis and conclusions of academic and scientific investigation/research return to the Hypothesis to examine it against the findings. It is after the analysis that the Hypothesis is declared false or true according to the outcome of the investigation/research. Formulating an Hypothesis is a step in a process in which the Hypothesis will be tested and/or offered up for testing. Opinions are completely different , need not be based on any facts at all and often become more firmly held in the face of facts contradicting the opinion. Far from being the intended subjects of criticism and analysis, those holding opinions, particularly those to which emotions have been attached often become agitated when their opinion is challenged.
  20. Not only have you just scored an own goal, you seem oblivious to how and why you did so. Yes Hypothesis is precisely that, an uncertain belief - hence, and I am happy to break this to you, the need to investigate through research to ‘test’ the Hypothesis. Just stick with your opinions, they have by their very nature no need of fact or any factual basis.
  21. So if the Biden Presidency is over there’ll be no significant Acts past, no judges appointed, no progress on anything he campaigned on during his hugely successful Presidential Campaign. Let’s watch and see.
  22. A quick look in the dictionary gives a hint at why people are scoffing. Opinion: a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge. Hypothesis: a supposition or proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation.
  23. Less than 1% of the population of Korat Province have so far been infected with COVID. That doesn’t mean she’s not infected or not at risk but it suggests a low probability of COVID being the cause of her disappearance. The fact her phone seems to be charged but is not answered suggests it’s not been lost or misplaced.
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