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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. You seem to have missed the cultural attitudes Thai people exhibit towards the vulnerable people they know, their parents and grand parents.
  2. Also from the report you have linked: “Further analysis by the agency has concluded that unvaccinated adults are as much as eight times more likely to be admitted to hospital than those who have been vaccinated and that booster doses are 88% effective at preventing hospital admission” Let’s go Darwin.
  3. You need to acquaint yourself with the difference between legal and illegal discrimination. Start with reading up on ‘Protected Class/Group’. Though I believe you probably know how doing so will reveal the holes in your argument above.
  4. Right, so everyone knew hospital over crowding was a problem. But some (thankfully a minority) still chose and choose to refuse a safe vaccination that is demonstrated to dramatically reduce the probability of they themselves adding to the problem of hospital over crowding. Gotchaya on that.
  5. You seem to have misunderstood the ability of others to remember that the anti-vaccine/anti-public health measures messaging was coming out of a particular set of politicians long before any accusation of ‘dropping the ball’ was made.
  6. Except anti-vaxxers, anti-maskers, anti-public health measures people are going about, mingling with others. Some go a bit further: https://vancouverisland.ctvnews.ca/anti-vaccine-protester-spat-at-nanaimo-nurse-rcmp-say-1.5571428
  7. I’m not qualified to address what might be behind someone who has been vaccinated adopting and posting ant-vac messaging,
  8. I really don’t care about your thoughts on your rights to make dumb decisions. What bothers me is your efforts to undermine the rational of science/data based decisions. Gotake your chances with Darwin by all means, but quit encouraging others to join you.
  9. Getting back to the topic under discussion. Yes very many people are tired of all this. They can also see very clearly that a small vociferous minority of free loaders have not done their part to bring this pandemic under control. Macron has very rightly identified his priority to help those who are doing their bit in the fight against the virus and not pandering to free loaders. Same as it ever was.
  10. What pro-vaccination politicians said about the vaccine never prevented or encouraged anyone from getting vaccinated (and thereby dramatically reducing their chance of serious Illness, hospitalization and death by CIVID). It’s a dead cat argument aimed at distracting from what anti-vaxxers did say that did discourage many (to the cost of their health and life) from getting these safe and effective vaccines.
  11. I’m only surprised anyone believing Q-duff reveals themselves in public. On the upside, at least it’s obvious who to avoid.
  12. OK, let’s not argue and agree the statements were ‘politically beneficial’. Now explain how those statements prevented or discouraged anyone from taking the vaccines which have been proved to be safe and effective in saving countless numbers of people from serious illness, hospitalization and death, together with the immense costs in human misery and impacts on health services ? Focus hard before answering.
  13. FACT. The vaccine dramatically reduced serious illnesses, hospitalizations and deaths. So what ‘most thought they were buying’ turned out to be true. But do get your point. What might have been said in error about the vaccines is all you’ve got. Or rather, one side of what was said about the vaccines is all you’ve got. You don’t address the other sides outright lies and Q-duff misinformation.
  14. Get over it already. Tge vaccines have saved countless people from serious illness, hospitalization and death, together with the associated costs in human misery and impact on health service. The vaccines have done this effectively and safely (ad nauseam if you like). Why not focus on the misinformation that has cost lives?!
  15. Who gives a flying care? None of those comments caused anyone to not take the vaccine (unlike the flip side of the vaccine misinformation that was and continues to be spread). The vaccines are safe and effective, they have saved countless numbers of people from serious illness, hospitalization and death, together with the associated costs in human misery and impact on health services.
  16. Starting with ‘we are all in this together’ is commendable, but when a small but vociferous minority announce they aren’t willing to do their part and be in this together, well yes they are making it an ‘us against them’ issue. Under such circumstances it is absolutely understandable that the government will act in favour of the majority who are doing their bit for the good of all.
  17. So yes, turning down modern medicine (that’s been demonstrated to be safe and effective).
  18. Are not the COVID vaccines modern medicine? Have you missed the reports of people refusing to accept them?
  19. And yet so many eschew the benefits of modern medicine.
  20. Wealth disparity has certainly increased, but the pandemic did not start that process. It has however brought the issue to the political forefront along with changing the discussion on the issue.
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