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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. COVID is a ‘Public Health Threat’ and is being met with ‘Public Health Responses’. What some individuals perceive to be the major risks in their day to day life is an irrelevance. Sorry for the inconvenience this causes you.
  2. If the age limit was 60 you’d be moaning it’s not 70.
  3. Has it occurred to you that COVID is in addition to all other risks? The presence of those other risks does not negate the risks from COVID. Yes there are many people who do risky jobs (more risky than COVID?) However, millions, billions more, regardless of occupation, are at continual risk from COVID and all those in high risk jobs have the additional risk of COVID. It’s COVID filling up ICU units and overloading health services across the globe, not work related accidents.
  4. I’m genuinely sorry to hear of your cancer. It does not change the fact, there is absolutely no need to suffer very many illnesses and wrt to COVID, tge chances of serious illness, hospitalization and death can be dramatically reduced with safe and effective vaccines.
  5. Why on earth would anyone want to watch Dr John Campbell (PhD not MD) misinformation videos? The man’s a crank. Oh I think I just answered my own question.
  6. Well like you say, you don’t live here. Your view from afar is noted.
  7. Tens of millions of people will carry the grief brought by COVID for the rest of their life. Sorry for the inconvenience you’ve suffered.
  8. It’s no longer the Middle Ages, science and medicine have progressed. Many of the formerly common diseases and causes of death are now curable or avoidable. Your characteristic view that ‘life sucks’ ignores the fact it hands down beats the alternative.
  9. Nobody is in denial about the numbers of vaccinated people who get infected, it’s a topic that is frequently discussed on this forum. As discussed on numerous occasions: Vaccinated people might get infected but they are far less likely to become seriously ill, be hospitalized or die than are unvaccinated people (regardless of any other health consideration). You might recall this being discussed.
  10. The idea that people can ‘take care of their own safety’ is patently false when other people are spreading a highly contagious disease. COVID is a public health risk and as such needs public health response.
  11. Pause for a moment, read and inwardly digest what you wrote here: “If the whole world was 25 and fit, I am confident that covid would have passed by without most of us really noticing, the same way the flu does every year” It seems to have passed your attention that not everyone is 25 years old. How about dealing with the reality that society is full of people of all ages, all body sizes and of all health conditions, each and everyone with an equal right to life. Your whole argument is based on (no surprises here) callous denial of the reality around you.
  12. Again, regardless of any other underlying health condition those who are vaccinated are dramatically less likely to be made seriously I’ll, hospitalized or killed by COVID. .
  13. Regardless of any health issue the single biggest factor determining probability of dying from COVID is vaccination status. If you are 25 and fit, you are dramatically less likely to die from COVID if you are vaccinated v unvaccinated. If you are 85 and living in a nursing home, you are dramatically less likely to die from COVID if you are vaccinated v unvaccinated.
  14. Anything that comes out of or can be traced back to Q-Anon.
  15. The first question that arises when presented with a 50 fold discrepancy in infection rates between two nations is ‘Are both data sets accurate and comparable?’. If you wish to argue that the 50 fold discrepancy in infections has some meaning wrt to vaccination efficacy it is for you to first demonstrate the accuracy and compatibility of the data set and then present the rational for correlating the discrepancy to vaccine efficacy. You’ve done neither.
  16. The hole in your argument is seen when the rest of the information reveals the outcome for vaccinated v unvaccinated people who exhibit the same comorbidities.
  17. Travel on his existing passport and get a renewal while in the UK. Cheaper, quicker and less fuss.
  18. Now you give us a double non sequitur. That some safe and effective vaccines have been mandated is not a logical argument that a safe and effective vaccines must be mandated nor is the observation that a vaccine is not mandated evidence that it is not safe and effective. I trust are doing a better job with your laundry.
  19. Your problem with that reasoning is based on your own misunderstanding/misinterpretation of the risk/benefit data. Nobody claims you are 6 times more likely to end up in hospital than is a vaccinated 60 year old. The vaccines reduce the individual risk for each individual vaccinated.
  20. It’s been explained on this forum numerous times. Thise who don’t understand it are choosing not to understand it.
  21. Yes, I did. Your extraction of a single percentage is still complete out of context and has no meaning. So it’s also statistics you don’t understand or, you choose to misrepresent.
  22. Statements in posts supported by verifiable links are verifiable.
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