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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. It wise to commit fraud against a Government from which you Ned a passport:
  2. The UK Medicines Regulator has approved Pfizer’s Paxlovid for treatment of COVID. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/dec/31/uk-medicines-regulator-approves-pfizers-life-saving-covid-pill-paxlovid
  3. Don’t worry about the life certificate, it’s a formality that all pension providers apply. Focus on your retirement income and does it meet your needs. First check you have sufficient qualifying years of NI contributions to get the full state pension, if not consider paying up missing years. Secondly, understand you will not receive annual cost of living increases to your state pension when you move to Thailand factor this into your income planning.
  4. Just as we should not expect 13 patients to be a representative sample of all people, we should not judge all of science by one shoddy study. Science has done a first rate job in the fight against COVID.
  5. Yawning itself is infectious. If you are not careful to conceal your yawing while in public you could ignite superspreader yawning and ‘gleeking’ fest.
  6. During the arrest of Epstein the FBI made the very unusual move of inviting NY prosecutors to attend the search of his premises and shared with them documents and evidence recovered. It was suggested at the time this might have been to provide a backup against political interference in the case. It is very likely prosecutors have all the evidence they need.
  7. Child neglect might be a crime. But it has no bearing on the seriousness of the crimes committed by Maxwell, or indeed others who prey on vulnerable minors.
  8. Irrelevant, Maxwell’s victims were all under 18, some as young as 14.
  9. A minor cannot agree to sex with an adult, giving a minor cash for sex does not change that fact. Do try to grasp that fact.
  10. She was an enabler and participant in heinous crimes. Throw away the key.
  11. I’ve cut out all ‘enclosed indoor dining’, essentially restaurants within air conditioned buildings, but I’m also skipping two local restaurants that attract large numbers of Thai tourists from all over the country. One of these restaurants has already had a closure enforced due to COVID infections amongst customers. I’m still occasionally eating at many of my favourite ‘covered’ restaurants that have a natural breeze blowing through. However, this time of the year we have an abundance of fresh homegrown fruit and vegetables coming out of our gardens so we are cooking and eating most of our meals at home. Something we’ve done throughout the pandemic is order ‘take away’ food and drinks from our favorite local restaurants, this to provide some support to their businesses. As for those keen to ignore the risks, well, ‘Let’s go Darwin’.
  12. I don’t portray these minors as anything, I’ve merely stated the facts regarding they cannot give consent to any sexual act with an adult and that adult sexual acts with a minor is a crime, very serious crimes. This, for some reason, triggers some people into arguing the victims are culpable, the parents of the victims are culpable or into irrelevant observations on the age of consent in other jurisdictions. The facts are clear, Maxwell is convicted of very serious sex related crimes committed by her against minors. Tge law is clear, and she’s been found guilty of breaking it.
  13. I’m not sure what the age of consent in Thailand has to do with Maxwell’s trial in a U.S. Federal court. You can stick to your point as long as you like, the fact remains a minor cannot consent to sex acts with an adult. Maxwell’s jury found her guilty of breaking numerous, non arbitrary, laws. She’s going to spend the rest of her life behind bars.
  14. Because the parents did not ‘pimp their children’.
  15. Post trial cometary by Informed commentators (ie those who have real experience of prosecuting serious crimes) suggests that the prosecution deliberately limited the prosecution case in order to make a clear and simple case before the jury. Prince Andrew’s civil case brought by Virginia Giuffre is currently before the court. Immediately after the Maxwell verdict the judge in the Giuffe v Windsor case ordered that the Giuffe/Epstein settlement shall be unsealed on January 4th. So now Maxwell can hear the clock ticking, she has to calculate if she wants to cut a deal and give up information in exchange for leniency against the possibility that January 4th will reveal information that undermines her own value to prosecutors. There are other possibilities: Prosecutors might already have all of Maxwell’s information, or prosecutors might not willing to do a deal with her. The least likely scenario (imho) is prosecutors shutting down an investigation into such a high profile case with such widespread public interest.
  16. ‘The age of consent is not a ‘red herring argument’. As a general rule, if you come across a report or claim regarding a conspiracy check the validity before passing it on: https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/fact-focus-misinformation-persists-after-maxwell-trial-ends/2021/12/31/78db7f86-69f8-11ec-9390-eae241f4c8b1_story.html
  17. “As silly as an actress going to a producer's hotel room at midnight after drinks in a bar, and thinking it's really about a movie script.” ‘Silly’ you say, but it wasn’t actresses, it was minors trafficked for sex. And here you are blaming the victims.
  18. The abused where minors at the time they were abused. As minors they cannot give consent to sex with an adult. A sexual abuser cannot ‘compensate’ a minor they have sexually abused. What you think she did or did not do is irrelevant, she had been found guilty by the jury in an open court of law. As for “Always seems to be years later, when they realize they can squeeze more money out of the system, by claiming 'abuse'.” Wrong again. Maxwell was charged and found guilty of heinous criminality, her prosecution was in a criminal court and has nothing to do with anyone seeking to ‘squeeze more money out of the system’. In short your comments are factually incorrect, blaming minors for the heinous crimes committed against them and offering cover for a vile sexual abuser. Let me repeat this because you clearly not get it: Adults committing sex acts with minors is always a crime, adults trafficking minors for sexual is always a crime. Have a word with yourself.
  19. The jury has found her guilty on four counts, she’s going to spend the rest of what was her gilded life behind bars: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/dec/29/ghislaine-maxwell-sex-trafficking-trial-verdict
  20. You mentioned ‘speculation’, and did so without an ounce of introspection.
  21. Probability is calculated on the basis of factual data: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10344695/Unjabbed-people-catch-Covid-60-TIMES-likely-end-intensive-care.html
  22. What is possible and what is probable are not the same thing. That said, anti-vaxxers not understanding or otherwise misrepresenting relative levels of probability is nothing new.
  23. You are playing semantics. Vaccinations greatly reduce the probability of infection*, serious illness, hospitalization and death from COVID. The gap in infections, serious illnesses, hospitalizations and deaths between for vaccinated v unvaccinated individuals is what the vaccines have prevented. *For the record: No vaccine prevents infection, pick any vaccine for any virus; the virus has to enter the body (infect the body) before the immune system starts to fight it. Infection is not the measure of a vaccine’s success, vaccines are measured on their ability to prevent the diseases that arise when the infection gets past the immune system. Infection is not the same thing as disease. https://www.who.int/news-room/feature-stories/detail/vaccine-efficacy-effectiveness-and-protection https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/infectious-diseases/in-depth/germs/art-20045289
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