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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Millions of pensioners are in receipt of pensions from final pensions schemes, millions of workers are relying on their final salary pension schemes to support them in old age. Many will be Tory voters many will be swing voters. And you want us to believe there is nothing to see here. Is there any level of incompetence from this Government that gets through to you?
  2. Which won’t save you from the idiot who’s now in Number 10.
  3. I’m sure he thinks he’s on his way.
  4. Perhaps it doesn’t bother you, but I’m sure it bothers very many recipients of Private Pensions in the UK. I wonder how many of whom are Tory voters, or swing voters?
  5. Workers wanting pay rises so they can feed their families while the Government removes restrictions on Banker’s bonuses.
  6. So I was right, he’s a Prince and one day he may be King (nothing is certain in life). And he inherited private estates that are not ‘crown estates property’.
  7. Oh look Truss’ concerted efforts to destroy what’s left of the economy are all the fault of the Left. By means that are never explained, the Left has somehow forced a Conservative Government with an 80 seat majority to select an idiot replacement for Johnson and tgen some how forced the idiot incumbent PM to make decisions that send Sterling into crisis while destroying investor confidence, It’s all the fault of the Left. Who knew?!
  8. Irrelevant to the question I answered. And Prince William isn’t a King: there’s a clue in his title.
  9. Several of the estates he has inherit are private property, not crown estates.
  10. MAGA still haven’t got over it.
  11. Who said Biden is running in 2024?
  12. I’ve already given my opinion that whole reason for the rightwing attack on President Biden’s age and cognitive health is a projection started by Trump and his lackies to cover his own obvious mental decline. Trump gets dragged off to hospital in the middle of the night for a cognition test and the attacks on Biden kick in. Anyway, if you excuse me a moment while I get back to enjoying my morning Covfefe.
  13. Saluting N Korean Generals or praising Putin. Executing presidential powers by simply thinking about it.
  14. I’m not the subject of the discussion in this thread.
  15. It’s a pleasant change from the madness that was the last Presidency.
  16. It it is true. 2billion is the estimated cost of cutting the 45% rate, it ignores the other billions of tax cuts that disproportionately favour the wealthy. And all of it borrowed. Now add the £65Billion of foreign reserves the BoE is having to spend to defend the value of Sterling. What a mess, and all of Truss’ making. A she’s a gift to the opposition, at terrible cost to the nation. Please don’t say you weren’t warned.
  17. That was back in May, before the idiocy of borrowing money to give tax cuts to the already wealthy.
  18. A bit of a problem, all the flights are full.
  19. During the conclusion of campaign to replace Johnson, Truss released this statement on her official Twitter account: “Thank you for putting your trust in me. I’m ready to hit the ground from day one.” It’s so refreshing to see a return to honesty in the office of Prime Minister, though for the sake of the nation, perhaps this isn’t a promise she should have kept.
  20. I wouldn’t be so sure. There are already rumblings on the Tory back benches calling for Kwarteng to be sacked. No 10 has issued a statement that Kwarteng has Truss’ full support. Fans of English football will recognize this statement for what it is. The BOE is tasked with controlling inflation, it’s the Government acting against the BOE.
  21. I’ve never known anyone who had their life destroyed or wasted by inheritance tax. I’ve known dozens who had their lives, and families destroyed by or wasted their lives waiting for inheritance. The adage ‘rags to riches to rags in three generations’ comes about exactly because one generation works hard and builds a fortune and the next generation waste it. Families ripping themselves apart over inheritance, long married couples divorcing when an inheritance is in the offing, kids wasting their lives because why study and work, an inheritance is coming. I’ve seen it happen dozens of times. I can think of no better way to cripple your kids than promise them an inheritance, no better way to rip your own family apart than leave them an estate to argue over. I agree with you on capital gains tax for property gains.
  22. There is no ‘Constitutional right to bear arms in the execution of a crime’. The driver of the get away car still gets convicted of bank robbery even though he didn’t enter the bank.
  23. It’s not been a month and she’s already got the Bank of England using foreign currency reserves to buy UK Government Bonds in order to protect Sterling against the consequences of her idiocy. I look forward to the Conservative Party Conference almost as much as I look forward to the next PM Questions time. Remind me, it was you rooting for her to win the PM slot and crowing when she did?! She’s a gift to the opposition, at terrible cost to the nation. What a mess.
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