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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. They were not protestors. Have you come across the term ‘enemies, foreign and domestic’?
  2. You said: ”the USA law regards them as being USA citizens protesting ” No US law does not.
  3. Wrong again. Violent assault on the Capitol is not in any sense a ‘lawful protest’.
  4. I already stated I do not believe Trump will face any charges of Treason. You need to re-read what the Constitution has to say about Treason, ‘an act of war’ is not a necessary pre-requisite to bring charges of Treason. Trump is very clearly under investigation by the DoJ, I suggest waiting for the outcome of those investigations.
  5. But you have misrepresented the legal definition of Treason.
  6. That’s not correct. https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/2381 That said, I don’t believe Trump will be charged with ‘Treason’. Sedition, conspiracy to defraud the US, conspiracy to disrupt the lawful business of government, witness tampering, unlawful removal of state secrets, tax evasion, wire fraud, yes, treason, no. Not even the Rosenbergs were charged with treason, though in his pre (death) sentencing summary Judge Kaufman did explicitly refer to the Rosenberg’s treason. And there’s the rub. Regardless of what the legally and constitutional definition of treason is there is an equally valid lay understanding of treasonous acts that absolutely do have a place in discussion of Trump’s behavior.
  7. These are not ‘sham hearings’.
  8. That’s not the topic of the thread.
  9. It was harsh if you were a native Canadian child removed from your family and subjected to forced assimilation, stripped of your family and cultural roots and then wound up dead in the process.
  10. Of course it’s not a thread about the benefits of Brexit. There aren’t any benefits of Brexit.
  11. I think he’s referring to ‘his betters’.
  12. The jobs were taken off British workers, they’re not going to be given back to British workers.
  13. So let’s imagine without any evidence that that was the case?!
  14. Ratings. FOX panders to the rightwing, within which members here tell us Trump remains hugely popular. If Trump remains popular with their audience then FOX has every reason bring Trump in on a regular basis. There is though another possibility, Trump’s handlers keeping him away from making public appearances.
  15. I think they might be able to name ‘Roe v Wade’. Well, we are about to find out if they do.
  16. Graham’s epiphany happened during a game of golf with Trump. Michael Cohen has given testimony which included the allegation that Trump collects dirt on individuals that he then uses as black mail. Do the math.
  17. Yet more evidence of 2022 being a vintage year for Justice. And there’s more to come.
  18. ‘The rest of Britain voting for Brexit’ is a gross exaggeration.
  19. I could read another paper that demonstrates ‘Cultural Genocide’ does actually exist, yes I could. Your reference to an alleged ‘Grievance Industry’ further confirms my earlier observation that you really don’t like the idea of oppressed minorities receiving Justice.
  20. Just another opportunity for Brexit vindictiveness.
  21. It is after all, always somebody else’s fault.
  22. Oh, more unsubstantiated grossly negative remarks made by you against foreigners.
  23. Have you got a link to back up your claims regarding ‘east Europeans’?

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