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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. I already stated in your earlier posting in this that he deserves to be held accountable under the law. If you are not happy with my view he should be investigated and charged if he broke the law then please do let me know.
  2. You obviously don’t know about the history of gays amongst the far right/neo-Nazis. It’s not new: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-25142557.amp
  3. A cost directly related to the previous Government failing to clear asylum claims, pass valid claimants into the community were they can work and earn their own upkeep and deport bogus claimants. The Tories accumulated over 100,000 immigrants at tax payers expense. A cynic might think the Tories regarded immigrants piling up useful political ammo for their election campaign, or salting the earth for after the election they knew they were going to lose. Eitherway, this is a problem the Labour Government had inherited from the ‘Stop the Boats’ Tories.
  4. The evidence of the last few days of real concerned citizens peacefully taking to the streets to block the extreme right wing thus from rioting in their communities undermines your whole narrative. People who riot, destroy property, loot businesses, torch cars and libraries, attack a completely innocent community and violently assault police offices are thugs. My wise constructive input is, go read some history.
  5. And now the Police are very rightly arresting online provocateurs: https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/article/2024/aug/08/chester-woman-55-arrested-over-false-posts-about-southport-murders More please.
  6. Did he call for ‘White people to have their throats slit’? Calling for anyone to have their throat slit is abhorrent, but did you insert anything into that claim?
  7. So now you accept the police are investigating the incident. It took me 30 seconds to find the report of them doing do. Probably less time than it took you to fire off your self strike grievance ‘ not facing the full force of the law’ whinge.
  8. Calm down, wind your self promoted grievance in: The Metropolitan police in London have issued a statement to say they “are aware of the significant public concern around” a video being shared that appears to show Labour councillor Ricky Jones calling for the throats of rioters to be cut. The party has suspended him, with a spokesperson describing his comments as “completely unacceptable”. The police said “Officers are investigating as a matter of urgency.” There is no ‘two tier policing’. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/live/2024/aug/08/anti-racism-protests-far-right-riots-uk-politics-live-updates
  9. He’s just been suspended, and rightly so. I’m pleased to hear you agree inciting violence should be punished under the law.
  10. He, like others spreading misinformation should be held accountable. Let me know if that’s not the response you wanted.
  11. Oh it’s the left’s fault that a bunch far right thugs set about rioting, destroying property, looting business, attacking a completely innocent community and violently assaulting police officers. Of course it is. It’s always somebody else’s fault.
  12. Time now for consequences for the provocateurs, Yaxley Lennon is as good a place to start as any.
  13. The reason the riots started is because a bunch of racist, Islamophobic Proto-thugs morphed into their full thuggery in response to online lies, examples of which were posted on this forum. Your constant attempts to promote the lie of ‘two tier justice’ is an example of the lies spread and swallowed by people who were always looking for any excuse to riot, destroy property, loot business, engage in arson and attack a completely innocent community. The rioters, the hate mongers and the lie broadcasters are all in it together. Now you can go back to pretending you aren’t what you have shown yourself to be.
  14. Ask yourself that, it’s you that took a swerve into your fantasy safe place.
  15. I said a few days ago that the extreme rightwing thugs were handing Starmer a chance to clinch the ‘tough on crime crown’. The public were always going to turn on the extremist rightwing thugs, now that the rightwing press have seen which way the wind is blowing, they too have turned against the rioters. I have a bit of advice for those who over the past days have been posting in support of the racist and Islamophobic extremists that have been rioting. It’s over. All that’s left is the clean up and the sound of sobbing for mummy as the prison cell doors are slammed shut. You’ve had your moment, now get back to pretending you aren’t what you have revealed yourself to be.
  16. You can’t deal with the real pick so you imagine an alternative.
  17. The people to be blamed for the riots are those who spread the lies blaming a totally innocent community, those telling others where to riot and those who did riot. The Government, the police and the courts can be thanked for their swift action to arrest, prosecute and imprison the rioters, more to come. But you aren’t happy about that, you’ve been moaning and griping about it. I’ve not seen a single post from you on which you express support for the Government, police and courts swiftly delivering justice to the rioters as they attack an entirely innocent community. So forgive me if I have this to say about your concerns… meh!
  18. The current UK Government is just over 4 weeks old, they can’t be reasonably blamed for the mess the last 14 year old Tory Government left them.
  19. So the few hundred thugs, many who are now behind bars or soon will be are not representative of the British a Public?!
  20. What on earth are you banging on about? Do you ever even try to stay on topic?
  21. More good news: https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/live/2024/aug/08/anti-racism-protests-far-right-riots-uk-politics-live-updates
  22. The accolades keep rolling in, and from the most surprising sources.
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