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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Opinions differ: https://abcnews.go.com/US/despite-new-criticism-trump-told-walz-2020-happy/story?id=112616502
  2. There’s one small detail worth a mention. Nikki Haley withdrew from the GOP race, but nevertheless continued to poll almost a third of the vote in successive primaries as a ‘write-in’. Trump is toast.
  3. I would advise Republicans to steer clear of discussing sports coaches. Ask Gym Jordon, he’ll explain.
  4. Waltz has his fans, and he has his detractors. Confusingly, they are sometimes one and the same person. Or perhaps one and the same confused person: https://abcnews.go.com/US/despite-new-criticism-trump-told-walz-2020-happy/story?id=112616502
  5. Violent criminals being found guilty and locked up. Even that good news can’t cheer some folk up.
  6. I’ll update you when they are arraigned, you can light your next gaslight.
  7. There seems to be something off with your messaging Jonny. You’re not gaslighting are you? “The names of those also due in court for alleged violent disorder from Middlesbrough are: …… Akheel Khan, 24, of Wheatley Close;Saleem Khan, 23, of Newlands Road; and Rosh Mahmood, 19, of Victoria Road.“ Also: “Ibrahim Omar, 24, of Glapton Road, The Meadows, Nottingham. Charged with possession of a Class B drug.” https://inews.co.uk/news/who-alledged-rioters-list-charged-court-appearances-3212851
  8. I don’t follow the rabid rightwing talking heads, so yes I missed almost all of it.
  9. Oh I am absolutely biased. I despise Trump. I apologize if I haven’t made that clear.
  10. Americans will get to vote in November. Her detractors, both foreign and domestic, will need to await the outcome.
  11. Harris correctly called Trump and his ‘mini-Trump’ pick for running mate weird. And they are.
  12. ‘My chums’ Transam. Am I in for another long day of your troubled troll posts following me around?
  13. Another of those ‘non sequiturs’ that the angst ridden rightwing are so fond of.
  14. Says guy trying to reinforce the lie of a two tier justice system.
  15. Your usual slur Jonny. The arrest and prosecution of the thug who broke the police offer’s nose and too of the other police officer who stamped on the guy’s head would be another good news day. For now, can’t you just enjoy the good news we have today? Take a look at those fine specimens, now guests of HMG. More to come in the weeks and days ahead.
  16. Really?! https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/x-formerly-twitter-loses-lawsuit-against-CCDH/711304/
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