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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. A problem inherited from the Tories, but that is at last being dealt with.
  2. Firstly the waiting lists were created by over 14 years of Tory mismanagement. Secondly, the waiting list in Thailand is how long if you don’t have the money to pay?
  3. Do you mind if we wait to see what taxes Labour change and who pays those taxes.
  4. Because it’s an earned entitlement. But I have zero doubt that the proposed cancellation of NI was intended to break the link between payment of NI and entitlement to pensions. It’s a common refrain, ‘we earned our pensions’. No other ‘benefit’ is do firmly linked in people’s minds as something they have earned.
  5. And de-link contributions from pension rights, immediately making pensions a ‘benefit’ not an earned and paid for entitlement.
  6. There’s a lot of work to be done fixing 14 years of Tory mismanagement, much of which will be done by those working in the public sector, they deserve a living wage. Meanwhile, there’s huge savings by cancelling the Rwanda scam and hundreds of millions to be revived from COVID related corruption. The budget is going to be fun.
  7. You probably missed the fact the pay awards were outstanding after years of suppression and the recalculation of department spending was due to budget deficits that had been ‘hidden’.
  8. What costs of means testing? If a pensioner is in receipt of Pension Credits or Means Tested Benefits (ie already means tested), they get the wi tee fuels allowance. If not, they don’t get it. No additional means testing required.
  9. Sorry Susan, I’m simply taking Trump at his word. Now if you wish to claim he was lying through is teeth do so, but do not claim he did not say what he said. Facts matter. It is a fact that Trump said those things. Quit with your gaslighting already.
  10. Trump did not say he would be a dictator on day 1? Trump did not say ‘you won’t have to vote again’?
  11. Except it’s fact. Facts you don’t want to accept, but nevertheless facts.
  12. Which ‘left loonies’ are promising to be a dictator and ‘you won’t have to vote again’? Put up, or quit with the false equivalence.
  13. In the way Trump said it. He’ll be a dictator on day one. Now he’s said ‘you won’t need to vote again’. You know, the ‘Trump tells it as it is’ thing.
  14. I imagine millions of public service workers will be glad of the pay rise they’ve been denied for so long, while £hundreds of millions were waisted on corrupt schemes run by Tory Government chums and pished away in Rwanda. Pensioners who are not in receipt of Pension Credit or other Means Tested Benefits are far from ‘the most vulnerable in society’.
  15. Government inherits £22Billion hole in public finances is the real news.
  16. As I observed a couple of days back, Harris going back at Trump is a refreshing and positive change. On top of the obviously well earned ‘weird’ tag for Trump and his shaky running ‘mate’, she’s also challenged Trump with ‘If you have something to say to me, say it to my face’. Masterful. Let’s have more please.
  17. I’m sure you are. Now all you have to do is put up some evidence of me supporting Putin’s war of aggression against Ukraine.
  18. let’s look at the data, though I don’t see a ‘loony left’ category: https://www.dataforprogress.org/blog/2024/6/3/majority-of-voters-approve-of-trumps-guilty-verdict
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