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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Be careful. The claim is Universities are radicalizing students. A university is a very specific entity. ’University people’ what does that mean? We already know a significant number of people arrested at these protests were not students or affiliated with the university.
  2. Let’s stick to what we know. A great deal of money is being fed to Members of Congress from pro-Israeli sources.
  3. Here’s a challenge for you. Provide evidence that any of that was organized by the university.
  4. Visegrad24. I’ll give you this Brian, you do have an uncanny knack for seeking out rightwing misinformation peddlers.
  5. I’m guessing she wasn’t. Because ‘universities radicalizing students to hate America’ isn’t a thing.
  6. So why did you half. Where did you get these other numbers 40, 50 or 60%? And surely it is not beside the point when you are excusing and justifying the ‘carnage’ of innocent civilians.
  7. I think the way it actually works, and I know you do have problems with the process, is; individuals who commit crimes are held accountable for the crimes they commit and individuals who do not commit crimes are not held accountable for crimes they did not commit.
  8. It turns out the Tories had good cause to be anxious. With more anxiety to come.
  9. I’ve already corrected 40,000 to ’over 30,000’ and provided a link, refer above. When you are discussing ‘carnage’ and asserting ‘half those killed are members of a terrorist organization’ it’s incumbent on you to back up your claim. The logic of your argument is no such ‘back-up’ to your claim, it would be laughable if you were not referring to the victims of carnage.
  10. Did NBC cite the same source as the DM. Read the Time Article I linked? it’s not about blindly believing numbers issued by anyone.
  11. Any update on a link to back up your claim that half those killed have been members of a terror group?
  12. I apologize for my mistake, over 30,000 people have been slaughtered. Although, “Actually, the numbers are likely conservative. The science is extremely clear.” https://time.com/6909636/gaza-death-toll/ The Daily Mail have cited allegations from a pro-Israel think tank, not proof. I think the worlds news journalists should be allowed into Gaza to report on what is actually going on there, independent of Hamas or Israel, don’t you agree?
  13. Perhaps if members of Congress are investigating the funding of universities and of those engaging in protests against the war in Gaza, their own sources of funding ought to be examined: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/jan/10/congress-member-pro-israel-donations-military-support
  14. So it’s the Daily Mail quoting ISGAP. It looks innuendo to me. Lots of ‘linked to’ ‘accused of’ but nothing more substantive from an organization ‘linked to’ the other side of the conflict. And still no news on who the large percentage of arrested people who are non-college associates.
  15. Where did this quote come from Brian, it’s not in the OP and is not in the link you just posted?
  16. Link to credible evidence that half of those killed have been members of terrorist groups?
  17. Your link makes no mention of the people arrested who are not affiliated with the colleges/universities.
  18. A large percentage of those arrested by NYPD had no affiliation with the colleges/universities. Maybe that needs investigating before going off on rants about colleges and students.
  19. Because over 40,000 people have been slaughtered, and because the US, UK and western democracies are funding the continuing war. Just like there were mass demonstrations when these same nations were making war in Iraq. A core demand of the protestors and those who protest the ongoing ‘carnage’ is for their own Government to stop funding the war, stop sending arms.
  20. It might be a good idea to look at who these people are and who’s funding their activities: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/live-blog/campus-protests-live-updates-police-ucla-encampment-rcna150340
  21. Are those the topics of discussion? Are they even plastered all over the news no matter which channel you switch on? The war in Gaza is the dominant international news story, of course people are discussing that war.
  22. I’m quite certain it has the same meaning wherever English is spoken. You might of course believe you have evidence to the contrary, but you do not.
  23. And then went on to directly implicate Defendant Trump in the alleged crimes.
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