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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. And yet the economic news is heading in the right direction. Those job losses haven’t appeared and consumer confidence is up.
  2. I don’t agree with everything but overall a very good post. I detest the Tories, but I’m the first to acknowledge their ability to win elections, they will be back and of course Badenoch will be gone first. Reform UK are reliant on one man, Farage. He won’t last. The Tories will be back, though I doubt in the next election.
  3. Last week you were saying wait until July. Now it’s ’wait 12 months’. Are you losing confidence in the guy now referring to himself as a King?
  4. A bit of a Strawman argument from you there. How about this. Trump won the presidency on the basis of election promises. It’s no longer about Harris v Trump, it’s about what Trump promises and what Trump delivers.
  5. The perspective of someone who doesn’t have a vote in the U.S. Three gaps are appearing, Trump’s pre-election promises and his post election actions. Trump’s policies and their outcome. And these are creating the third, MAGA expectations and the reality that is dawning on them. It turns out cuts to jobs included MAGA jobs, cuts to welfare include MAGA welfare, slashing regulations included regulations protecting MAGA. And all from a President now referring to himself as a King. Its going to get ugly.
  6. Congratulations you get the thread’s Godwin Gong and you managed it with a proud display of ignorance.
  7. CPAC is full of rightwing activists, of course they cheered. Out in the country the response is very different, here’s just one example: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna193095
  8. Are you repairing to the Federal Funds ‘welfare’ junkie and dead beat dad as ‘successful’? He can’t even take care of his own sick kid.
  9. I wonder if the ‘genius’, not a rocket scientist, dead beat dad has figured it out yet that he’s the fall guy?!
  10. Accept the reality is different from your constant doom mongering: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2025-02-16/uk-s-much-feared-wave-of-job-cuts-is-failing-to-materialize https://www.theguardian.com/business/2025/feb/21/uk-hiring-on-the-rise-as-confidence-lifts-research-suggests
  11. Refer to the top of the thread for the topic of discussion.
  12. Musk the dead beat dad. Oh and those sunglasses on an indoor stage, AKA big tell.
  13. Let me get this right. The same ‘clown’ was running the BoE, nothing happened. Until Truss turned up with her lunatic ideas and all hell broke loose. But it was the fault of the ‘clown’ running the BoE.
  14. Let’s see you shill this one: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/salisbury-timeline-novichok-attack-suspects-b1923902.html
  15. It might tell you what’s being done, it won’t tell you what’s happening.
  16. Except he’s not. He is however raking in $Billions from the Federal Government. Don’t expect DOGE to go anywhere near those welfare checks.
  17. We are told the rightwing have won the culture war and are in an unstoppable ascendance. You don’t seem convinced.
  18. Oh there will be a dividend for sure. It’ll come during the ‘Find Out Phase’. What needs explaining is, what happened to cutting government spending in order to reduce the national debt?
  19. Liz Truss. I guess she’s hoping voters have forgotten the mess she made during her short tenure at No10. Now she’s telling us she has the cure for the mess she herself is largely responsible for. Right? She doesn’t seem right at all.
  20. How many assumptions on your part do you think you inserted into that one sentence?
  21. In part due to the inability to get over their WW2 myths.
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