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Posts posted by ZeVonderBearz

  1. No way that anyone can be 100% certain this is a farang. Terrible quality CCTV footage that looks as though it's been filmed from a TV screen with a mobile phone and then uploaded onto the internet. Sure it would've been easier just to upload the footage straight from source be it a hard drive or what not. Might then provide a better quality image  Unless the temple is still using tape. 

  2. 10 hours ago, Machiavelli said:

    You have pretty broke to be robbing temples. This scum shouldn't be in Thailand. Lowest of the low. Too many broke and dirty farangs hanging around in Thailand. Packed to the rafters! Cheap Charlies who are prepared to walk in the Thailand heat all to save 20 baht. Police must find this Losers Representative and let him do hard time. 

    C'mon, naught wrong with walking in the heat. Only thing better than a Thai bash? Farang bash. 

  3. 3 hours ago, meechan5 said:

    I don't know if there are over-stayers in Thai, but If they have stayed here in Thai without visa for more than a year or so how do they pay for fine of overstay? and if it's impossible for them to pay the fine, what kind of penalties does Thai immigration give to them? 

    First post, you must be asking for a friend. I really hope you're using a VPN. Google Thailand overstay, if you don't have the cash to get home and pay the fine I'm not really sure what is in store for you. Prison? Embassy having to pay your deportation fees and you have to spend your entire life paying them back? Good luck and don't forget to wai on your way out. 

    • Haha 2
  4. How on earth are these bells going to confiscate all of anyone's wealth. What the hell kind of threat is that. They'll be overstayers in every country in the world for as long as borders exist. Just tell the truth, they'll be deported with a fine of 20,000 THB maximum and possibly blacklisted for a few years. It's actually cheaper to stay in Thailand, and less hassle, to pay the fine than it is to purchase some of the visas. 

  5. As a mostly full-time cyclist and pedestrian I reckon all motorists involved in accidents with cyclist and pedestrians should be assumed guilty until proven otherwise through dash cams, independent witnesses, CCTV. Far too often in this city motorists assume that if you don't have an engine powering your mode of transport that you're fair game and it's ok to put your life at risk. 

  6. I can't imagine that becoming a monk needs much promotion. Just learn to say a few words that no one understands, have a shave, don some robes and it's the good life from there on in. No work, nice fancy phones, money and what ever else the people decide to give. And you don't actually have to give up all the things that you say you will, drugs, alcohol, sex etc. 

  7. 37 minutes ago, yogavnture said:

    when are thier gonna be decent flights from bkk to india.  crappy times of departure. rotten pricing. and terrible service (thai has good service but crap timing

    Flew to and from India a fair few times. My experience: great pricing (2500thb for a 3 hour flight), service more than acceptable and departure times vary. It gets a two thumbs fresh from me. 

  8. Once they've cleared out all the fakes they then need to stop ripping off their people by selling them goods at inflated price and with almost zero consumer rights. I find it amazing how big a rip off the shopping is here. The brother in law often woo's his clients with trips to the UK and I ask what his clients normally get up to when they're there, do they visit world class museums, attend world class concerts, see world class football, get ratted in a real pub drinking real beer? You know, all of the things that you can't do in Thailand. None of the above. They all go shopping as it's cheaper than in Thailand. 

  9. 4 hours ago, Jools said:

    I realize that I am in the minority, but as long as the amount is fair, I don't mind paying a bit more for some goods and services. I do make more money than the average Thai. As long as the amount is reasonable, I never gripe. My girlfriend is much more militant, though. She simply will nail a vendor to the wall for overcharging me. :shock1:

    Isn't the fair and reasonable price the same they charge their fellow Thais?

  10. I wonder if the lady buying the food ever questioned street vendors charging silly prices to farang before she was mistaken for one. I also had no idea of secret Thai prices that are different from those quoted on the menu. 


    Dual pricing by vendors is easy to avoid, ask the price then don't purchase if the price is clearly too high. The tourism sites are frustrating when you're charged a lot more, even with a WP and paying tax in my case, but they're also very often poorly maintained and presented. 

  11. I try to do my small part by reducing waste the best I can but it isn't always easy to go completely waste free. I refuse plastic bags, even for a pack of gumming gum, I  use my own containers and cutlery when taking food away and when I go for a coffee I always try to have my own cup. If I do use plastic or glass bottles I am sure to set these aside to give to the local recycling lady who I'm sure puts the waste to good use. I'm trying to find out whether or not, with exception of the recycle ladies, recycling actually exists in CM or does it all just get dumped by the side of the roads or burnt. I am curious to know what others are doing with their waste in CM and if there is anything more I could be doing to reduce my waste.

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