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Posts posted by ZeVonderBearz

  1. 25 minutes ago, simoh1490 said:

    Part of the appeal of mass transit systems such as a bus service is that buses carry more people hence they pollute less, something that's much needed in Chiang Mai.

    Of course, I am all for public transport, spent most of my life using it. But when mass transit costs more per individual than taking an Uber then most won't bother. Something that would get more people on the busses is to offer a free service, like they do in KL. Number of routes are free and take anyone who wants to use them to the main attractions. These busses can sell advertising space in order to make money.

  2. Hope this works out but unless you're on the route, which is very much a tourist route, then it's of no use. How about some English on the route map too. Also if it's 20 BAHT flat fee, more than the local busses in BKK, then it's probably always going to be cheaper and more convenient to user Uber. If theres 4 people travelling in a group then you can pretty much get between any of the destinations on the map for 80baht or less. 

  3. 55 minutes ago, nchuckle said:

    The best thing about bein connect is the catch up facility. I can’t stay up until the early hours to watch a match so for example watching man city Chelsea at 7 a.m over my cup of tea not knowing the result is perfect. If this facility is available for the World Cup??.

    Yes the catch up is great. I watch most of the games using it as it's not possible for me stay awake. 

    48 minutes ago, Timbob said:

    I would say that the overall reliability of the streaming is the best thing about Bein Connect. I've been using it all season and it's been pretty much perfect with no buffering. But yes, the catch up service is terrific. Although I've been annoyed a couple of times when I've gone to bed and awoken to find my team (Liverpool) are not on the catch up. So that part of it is not as reliable as the overall service.


    I was back in the UK for 2 weeks recently and I really missed Bein Connect. I had to listen to the 3pm game on the radio. 

    I actually messaged Bein about some games not being available on catch up. They explained that it's due to licensing as they can only show upto 30 out of 38 games per team. So for Liverpool they'll probably drop a game against one of the mid table or the sure to be relegated teams. 

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  4. 5 hours ago, Golden Triangle said:

    I recall that as a child it was considered unlucky to walk under a ladder, step on the cracks between paving stones and any Friday the 13th was best to be used as a duvet day :smile: Now a few years later a little bit older and a little wiser I see it for what it is Bullshit, it's about time the PM grew up and grew a pair, or better still resign and go and live in a cave. :smile: 

    All that hocus pocus about ladders, mirrors, etc is BS for sure but I can't still be the only one who, many many years later, still looks to avoid them all. 

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  5. 3 hours ago, terminatorchiangmai said:

    Had this problem already for 10 years ?

    Then it is about time you start using our useless empty brain !



    If the Thais get wind of these they'll be installed outside every shop and home in all of the country. When you buy or rent a property in Thailand, be it for personal or commercial use, the PUBLIC road outside automatically becomes apart of the property also. 

  6. Despite what happened to her in the past, due to cars being parked outside her royal palace, she should get done for this. I'm sure if I'd been guilty of such an action it'd be a fine, maybe the slammer and shamed as a bad farang, bringing shame upon us all. I can't tell you the amount cars I encounter on the daily here that I'd love to take an axe to but, even as a non Buddhist and a farang who hasn't been taught from day dot to keep his mouth shut, I'm capable of this small thing called self control. 

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  7. There was a peaceful protest not long ago in CM against the building over of natural waterways with the expansion of the super highway. The protesters got their way and the construction company agreed to not build over X amount of the canal. Couple of months went by. Then I read that the construction company had just gone ahead and built over the canal anyway, despite the agreement. Probably won't happened in this story, but you never know...

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