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Everything posted by Olmate

  1. Me OAP too, sons wedding so breaks 8 yr drought flying precovid and now post.thai bankruptcy, much fanfare over thai resuming, so thought I would ask for.review.perhaps Google a.u tuber maybe the.go! Cheers dears
  2. Sorry, lads, thought I indicated I.had booked already, which I have, apologies🥺
  3. Is direct possible with one stop these days, please explain!
  4. Thanks but direct is key for few reason, Jetstar is.a.big leap of.faith anyway altho friends tell me much improved now, regards.
  5. Anyone have recent experience to relate, I am travelling soon and keen to hear post Thai resuming these flights, cabin and onboard meals etc checkin, lounges, Immigration , any issues at all really... thank you very much!
  6. Crikey, your replies are getting feebler and feebler by the day, (are they english words)? Who cares, they fit you like a two fisted glove, you would be familiar with those no doubt.! I cant watch your decline any longer. So long, continue bringing sunshine into the lives of others tho, a bit of it may dribble onto you!!
  7. Comprehension not your strongest attribute then, (mention maybe ___" refers to"___" subject matter does matter". facts are facts, despite your lame attempt, once more, to deflect. Yawn,,, its Saturday here in los!!
  8. Been around for ages Seahorse Pattaya huahin Sattahip,, same logo Ozzie operator sealink.
  9. More alarmist bs from financial advisory company. Why did you post this here, flaming at worst, ignorance at best.!
  10. Originality tops english, everytime smiley,tops( thats fitting), get it slow coach!! nuff said, painful to watch you struggle, Bye my boy, there there! 🙏
  11. I can spot a BS lame excuse a mile off as well. Guess you can bash! the missus, shes no doubt thai as well! Run home now, its getting dark outside?
  12. English not your strong point young fella, not suprising given your up bringing tho! I posted Brit, not Russian, maybe its geography thats confused you, neverstress, primary school will soon be over!
  13. How about its fuuurking up their country like tobacco and alcohol!
  14. Brit doing what they do on trips to other countries!
  15. Another one bites the dust, clear thinking not your major asset, dont apply for Sherlocks job Reddy.
  16. Yes, ridiculous it is, her own home had the pool. Never mind, your just defending your thoughtless comment!
  17. Ideal for those who like"Living on the edge"!
  18. Pretty clear to me you just love 'rocking the boat'! 🥺
  19. Seems the mud is sticking, your starting to dribble like a school kid with that retort. Come back to us next year, the election is your next "pie in the sky"!
  20. Im not the one who wont stop digging the hole , thats your claim to fame!!!
  21. Are you still kicking that can into never never land, youve been on about next, maybe next budget, now its not likely to be in any Budget.! Seems your fudging your Budget!! no surprise there!! lol
  22. Love.to.hear KH on the latest Budget tax reforms, 'please explain'!
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